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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

October 2009

From Schneier on Security

The Commercial Speech Arms Race

The Commercial Speech Arms Race

A few years ago, a company began to sell a liquid with identification codes suspended in it. The idea was that you would paint it on your stuff as proof of ownership. I commented that I would paint it on someone else's stuff,…

From Wild WebMink

links for 2009-10-16

links for 2009-10-16

Another fine opportunity to get ODF interoperating as well as possible between different implementations. Great to see Microsoft participating too.

From Computational Complexity

Typecasting Again

Lance: Welcome to our second typecast on the last full day of Dagstuhl. I may not see Bill for a while so we'd thought we'd get in one more chat before we go our separate ways.

Bill: Let's wave to the audience. 

From The Noisy Channel

Third Annual Workshop on Search in Social Media (SSM 2010)

Third Annual Workshop on Search in Social Media (SSM 2010)

I’m proud to announce that Eugene Agichtein, Marti Hearst, and Ian Soboroff have invited me to help organize the upcoming Workshop on Search in Social Media (SSM 2010). The workshop will take place in conjunction with the ACM…

From My Biased Coin

Welcoming Myself to CACM

Welcoming Myself to CACM

I'd like to welcome myself to the Blogroll for the Communications of the ACM! My colleague Greg Morrisett suggested I get my blog into the CACM Blogroll, so a few e-mail messages later, and apparently I'm in. Just goes to show…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Responding to Social Media : Sidewiki

Responding to Social Media : Sidewiki

Google has recently added a toolbar capability called Sidewiki, which allows anyone to add comments, information or respond to any site. Previous attempts to do this kind of thing have not worked well. Pharma and other enterprises…

From The Eponymous Pickle

TDWI: Business Intelligence as a Service

TDWI: Business Intelligence as a Service

I see that TDWI has added a number of new white papers, case studies and other resources on Business Intelligence as a service, have not begun to tap their sources. You will recall I took a first look at BI SaaS recently with…

From Schneier on Security

Camouflaging a WWII Factory

Camouflaging a WWII Factory

Great pictures.

From Computational Complexity

Thanks for the Fuzzy Memories

In the 1990's Manindra Agrawal and V. Arvind published a paper claiming that if SAT is reducible to a (non-uniform) weighted threshold function then P = NP. Their proof relied on the following splitting lemma:


For all n,…

From The Noisy Channel

Are Duplicate Tweets Spam?

Are Duplicate Tweets Spam?

From The Eponymous Pickle

Average Consumer is Gone

Average Consumer is Gone

From Jeff Mills, VP of Client Marketing and Client Management at Thinkvine. If the average consumer does not exist, and is continually evolving, we need solutions that can model that consumer more precisely. See their site'…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Linkedin APIs

Linkedin APIs

I still recommend Linkedin first for people that are new to the use of social networking in business. Yet it is not open in the sense of being able to easily get information to other applications. In fact in the few conversations…

From Schneier on Security

The Bizarre Consequences of "Zero Tolerance" Weapons Policies at Schools

The Bizarre Consequences of "Zero Tolerance" Weapons Policies at Schools

Good article:

Zachary's offense? [He's six years old.] Taking a camping utensil that can serve as a knife, fork and spoon to school. He was so excited about recently joining the Cub Scouts that he wanted to use it at lunch.…

From Wild WebMink

links for 2009-10-15

links for 2009-10-15

From The Noisy Channel

Innovation at Huffington Post: Data-Driven Headlines

Innovation at Huffington Post: Data-Driven Headlines

The other day, I was suggesting to one of my colleagues that Endeca’s software could help authors write better (translate, more SEO-friendly) headlines. The details of that discussion are proprietary, but I’m sure you can imagine…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Data Mining Group

Data Mining Group

The Data Mining Group, based on recent experiences, this is a very good idea: ' ... The Data Mining Group (DMG) is an independent, vendor led consortium that develops data mining standards, such as the Predictive Model Markup…

From My Biased Coin

New Book on Concentration Bounds

New Book on Concentration Bounds

I spent an hour or more today perusing the book Concentration of Measure for the Analysis of Randomized Algorithms, by Devdatt Dubhashi and Alessandro Panconesi (that Alessandro was kind enough to send me). It's a very nice,…

From Schneier on Security

1777 Steganography

1777 Steganography


From Computational Complexity

Bill and Lance's Excellent German Adventure

Lance: Because we don't have a good microphone, Bill and I decided to have our first typecast. Hi Bill.

Bill: Hi Lance. We'll be typecast SUPERSTARS.
L: What's today's topic Bill?
B: DAGSTUHL!!! First question of …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Viewing Product Placement

Viewing Product Placement

The Times of London looks at Martin Lindstrom's view of how to do product placement right. American Idol used as an example for the application of neuroscience principles. Subscribe to his newsletter.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Wristband Location Tags

Wristband Location Tags

I see that Ekahau, whose specialty has been WiFi based location methods, has come out with a wristband format tag that has meter and less accuracy. We looked at these methods of tracking in innovation center and retail contexts…

From Wild WebMink

links for 2009-10-14

links for 2009-10-14

The work done by legal firm Carter-Ruck on behalf of their client Trafigura will (hopefully) go down in the annals of viral marketing history. Great analysis…

From The Noisy Channel

Go Shopping, Be Social

Go Shopping, Be Social

If you’re into search startups, then today’s a great day to check out what a couple of them are up to.

From Apophenia

Postdoctoral Researchers, Microsoft Research

Postdoctoral Researchers, Microsoft Research

If you're graduating with a PhD from a computer science program, applying to be a researcher or postdoc at Microsoft Research might seem obvious. But what I've learned is that few students in nearby departments are even aware…


Economic Crisis and Computer Science

Economic Crisis and Computer Science

A personal view of the role of computer science in economic crisis.

From Schneier on Security

The Current Status of P Versus NP

The Current Status of P Versus NP

Excellent survey.


From The Eponymous Pickle

Bar Code Scanning for the iPhone

Bar Code Scanning for the iPhone

I finally took a look at the Redlaser barcode scanner from Occipital for the IPhone, released earlier this year. It is a $1.99 application that downloads quickly. It uses the camera on my 3G Iphone and then interprets that picture…


Collaborating Across Boundaries

Collaborating Across Boundaries

In a global world, collaboration and communicating with colleagues in different geographical locations is becoming critically important.  What kinds of tools can we build to address some of these challenges?  

From The Eponymous Pickle

Bing Doing Well.

Bing Doing Well.

I used Bing a number of times in comparison to Google search, but then stopped. Word is it is doing better that expected. Will give it some more tries.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Flu Suit

Flu Suit

Idea Connection sends along a link to word of a Flu-Fighting business suit. Treated, it says, to kill the H1N1 virus. I have considerable doubt.

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