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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

October 2009

From Schneier on Security

The Doghouse: Privacy Inside

The Doghouse: Privacy Inside

I'm just going to quote without comment:

About the file: the text message file encrypted with a symmetric key combine 3 modes 1st changing the original text with random (white noise) and PHR (Pure Human Randomness) shuffle…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Squared is Improved

Google Squared is Improved

I mentioned my look at Google's look at structured data some time ago. They have recently announced some improvements. Not much like WolframAlpha, but sort of a table extract search. A few quick looks shows far less in theWolframAlpha…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

A View from the 2009 European Computer Science Summit

A View from the 2009 European Computer Science Summit

Your faithful correspondent recently participated in the European Computer Science Summit 2009, the annual meeting of Informatics Europe (Paris, 8-9 October; Informatics Europe was created…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Less is More: Private Label Implications?

Less is More: Private Label Implications?

Simplification strategies in retail.. " ... The Nielsen Co.

From Wild WebMink

? Harmonising Principle and Pragmatism

? Harmonising Principle and Pragmatism

While Matt's point has a certain populist charm, I don't agree with him that software freedom has no place on the business agenda. The key values…

From Schneier on Security

David Dittrich on Criminal Malware

David Dittrich on Criminal Malware

Good essay: "Malware to crimeware: How far have they gone, and how do we catch up?" ;login:, August 2009:

I have survived over a decade of advances in delivery of malware. Over this period, attackers have shifted to using complex…

From Computational Complexity

Dagstuhl Day One

The talks Monday were after my own heart. The day started with relativization: The always entertaining Scott Aaronson talked on his approach to get an oracle where BQP is not in the polynomial-time hierarchy. He gets some partial…

From My Biased Coin

SOSP congratulations

SOSP congratulations

One conference I've never had a paper in -- though I'd like to someday -- is SOSP, the Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, one of the flagship conferences in systems. A friend pinged me from there today, so I went toQuincy…

From Putting People First

10/GUI, a new multitouch interface concept

10/GUI, a new multitouch interface concept

MG Siegler writes on ReadWriteWeb about the fact that desktop touch screens don

From Putting People First

On the difference between personalisation and customisation

On the difference between personalisation and customisation

What’s the difference between personalization and customization? Are consumers really in control? Do brands (and designers) want them to be? Nick de la Mare of Creativity considers curation and the myth and reality of control…


Introductory Computer Science Lessons--Take Heart!

Introductory Computer Science Lessons--Take Heart!

A discussion of Mark Guzdial's post about why our approach to teaching novice CS students is wrong.

From Putting People First

Philips Design and ABN AMRO create emotion mirroring system for online traders

Philips Design and ABN AMRO create emotion mirroring system for online traders

Philips Design and ABN AMRO

From Putting People First

TalkTalk launches Digital Anthropology Report

TalkTalk launches Digital Anthropology Report

Yesterday TalkTalk, the UK broadband division of Carphone Warehouse, launched the Digital Anthropology Report

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Working With Industry Helps Researchers?

Working With Industry Helps Researchers?

Is it a good idea for an academic researcher to work with industry R&D projects? Yes, in small doses: We find that university-industry relations exercise a positive effect on university scientific productivity only when (…) these…

From The Noisy Channel

Structured Search Is On The Table

Structured Search Is On The Table

Freebase. Wolfram Alpha. Google Squared. I hesitate to declare a trend, but there does seem to be a growing interest in more structured approaches to information seeking.

From Return 42;

Testing for Superclass With Shoulda

Testing for Superclass With Shoulda

While I was refactoring a hand full of commonly used methods from a few controllers into a superclass, I was looking for a way to test that these controllers are actually inheriting from the new superclass and I won't mess up…

From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

Hill Tech Happenings, Week of October 12

Hill Tech Happenings, Week of October 12

October 13

Meeting: The Election Assistance Commission is holding a roundtable discussion on research on assistive voting technologies. 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Kellogg Conference Center, Gallaudet University, 800 Florida Avenue N.E.,…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Public Domain E-Reads

Public Domain E-Reads

There are now over 18,000 public domain (free) reads for the Kindle online. In addition Sony eBook readers can access Google's massive collection of scanned public domain works. Nice direction for mobile accessible texts. I…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Drawing Fewer Clicks

Drawing Fewer Clicks

Short NYT piece on the Comscore study/ May mean we have to start looking at online very differently:'... A recent study, by the research firm comScore, has found that the proportion of American Internet users clicking on display…

From Schneier on Security

Wi-fi Blocking Paint

Wi-fi Blocking Paint

I wrote about this in 2004. This is an improved product:

While paints blocking lower frequencies have been available for some time, Mr Ohkoshi's technology is the first to absorb frequencies transmitting at 100GHz (gigahertz)…

From Computer Science Teachers Association

The Benefits of Using Paired Programming

The Benefits of Using Paired Programming

Have you tried pair programming yet in your classroom? I started using it in my classroom five years ago and will never go back to the one computer per student model. In my classroom, students are randomly paired for a lab…

From Computational Complexity

The Molly Solution

This week Bill and I are both at the Dagstuhl Workshop on Algebraic Methods in Computation Complexity. I'll try to cover some of the talks and discussions on the blog and on Twitter.

Called home last night and had the following…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Chart Understanding Versus Complexity

Chart Understanding Versus Complexity

Continuing the topic of chart simplicity and understanding, Junk Charts looks at four charts of economic data and how they can be compared for impact and understanding. Has some useful links to other resources that I am exploring…

From Wild WebMink

links for 2009-10-12

links for 2009-10-12

"Microsoft was upgrading their SAN (Storage Area Network aka the thing that stores all your data) and had hired Hitachi to come in and do it for them. Typically …

From Schneier on Security

Using Wi-fi to "See" Through Walls

Using Wi-fi to "See" Through Walls


From Putting People First

Bringing internet video services to the living room TV set

Bringing internet video services to the living room TV set

More details are emerging about Project Canvas, the ambitious joint venture by the BBC, ITV, Five and BT to bring internet video services such as the iPlayer from the bedroom PC to the living-room TV set, reports Tim Bradshaw…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Examples of Visualization

Examples of Visualization

A number of interesting visualizations of data. The original piece is 50 great examples of data visualization. There is no doubt that these are colorful, finely crafted and complex. They are worth looking at as examples of how…

From Putting People First

Our ever evolving online communication patterns

Our ever evolving online communication patterns

Both the Wall Street Journal and Techcrunch devote extensive space today to our ever evolving online communication patterns. The Wall Street Journal looks at how a shift towards a new generation of services like Twitter and Facebook…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Neuromarketing Ethics

Neuromarketing Ethics

In Forbes an interesting piece on bioethics and neuroscience topics: Is My Mind Mine?. The author Paul Root Wolpe, .... is editor of the American Journal of Bioethics--Neuroscience, and is past president of the American Society…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Make it About the Customer

Make it About the Customer

In the NYT Magazine: Faster Slow Food, by Mark Bittman. I read his blog. As a foodie and cook myself and a rampant technologist, this brings my two great obsessions together. Its also about online shopping and foodie robotics…

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