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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

October 2010

From The Eponymous Pickle

More on Corporate Fun

More on Corporate Fun

Techdirt writes on enforced corporate fun.   Yes, happy workers are a good idea, but bizarre forced programs of humor and fun do not create happiness.  Better to create trust,  transparency, teamwork and useful interaction. about…

From Computer Science Teachers Association

Real (ish) Life Computational Thinking

Real (ish) Life Computational Thinking

I went to see the most delightful talk this week, given by a graduate student. Like many academic talks, the speaker outlined a problem, described similar research and attempts at solutions, which have all failed, then argued…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Neuromarketing: Exploring the Brain of the Consumer

Neuromarketing: Exploring the Brain of the Consumer

Leon Zurawicki at UMass has a new book:
Neuromarketing: Exploring the Brain of the Consumer.  Professor Zurawicki joined us at a panel I led on neuromarketing last year in Krakow.
The book link above lets you download some portions…

From Computational Complexity

The Annual Fall Jobs Post

The CRA is working on setting guidelines for job deadlines to help out with some of the gridlock in the job market. Many of the top departments have already moved their deadlines for full consideration to early December or November…

From Schneier on Security

Monitoring Employees' Online Behavior

Monitoring Employees' Online Behavior

Not their online behavior at work, but their online behavior in life.

Using automation software that slogs through Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, YouTube, LinkedIn, blogs, and "thousands of other sources," the company develops a…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 4 October 2010

Interesting Links 4 October 2010

What a week. On Friday I gave a keynote talk at the 16th Annual Technology and Learning Conference at Montgomery County Community College in Pennsylvania. What a great time I had. The conference organizers were absolutely wonderful…

From Wild WebMink

New ventures: OpenDJ,

New ventures: OpenDJ,

Friday was a busy day full of news for me. After an exhausting day full of conference interventions on Thursday at Open World Forum (a total of five), Friday was the day that I was free to announce both OpenDJ and FossAlliance…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Blog in the Communications of the ACM

Blog in the Communications of the ACM

This blog, among a number of others, is featured and cross posted in the blog section of the Communications of the ACM. The ACM is the Association of Computing Machinery and the " ... ACM is widely recognized as the premier…

From The Eponymous Pickle

A Review of Peer to Peer

A Review of Peer to Peer

In the CACM: A good review article:Peer-to-Peer SystemsWithin a decade, P2P has proven to be a technology that enables innovative new services and is used by millions of people every day. by Rodrigo Rodrigues, Peter DruschelPeer…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Mobile Marketing Infographics

Mobile Marketing Infographics

Some interesting infographics on mobile marketing. Colorful data, but another example where there are much better ways to display this more clearly. Via Stan Dyck.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Exploratory Search for Twitter

Exploratory Search for Twitter

An interesting thought, I use Twitter professionally and would like ways to make that use easier, rather than trying to fit it into the twitter structure. Good piece, see the article itself for useful links, LinkedIn Signalfrom…

From The Noisy Channel

LinkedIn Signal = Exploratory Search for Twitter

LinkedIn Signal = Exploratory Search for Twitter

I like Twitter. Yes, I know that a lot of its content is


Barbara Liskov Keynote Grace Hopper Conference

Barbara Liskov Keynote Grace Hopper Conference

In her Grace Hopper keynote talk, Barbar Liskov reflected on her research journey and the work for which she was given the Turing Award.


K-12 CS Education Town Hall @ Grace Hopper

K-12 CS Education Town Hall @ Grace Hopper

The K-12 CS Education Town Hall at Grace Hopper brought together K-12 educators with people from industry, academia, and research.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Eye Tracking and Neuromarketing Slide Show

Eye Tracking and Neuromarketing Slide Show

An introductory slide show on both Eye Tracking and Neuromarketing. The call it a primer. Not very detailed, but has some useful visuals. Includes a list of neuromarketing vendors.

From The Eponymous Pickle



Somewhat away from the normal topic here, but I recently read:  Brilliant: The Evolution of Artificial Light, by Jane Brox. Good book on the topic. Has some useful thoughts about the evolution of technologies in general.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Beware the Flaw of Averages

Beware the Flaw of Averages

I see that Sam L Savage's: The Flaw of Averages: Why We Underestimate Risk in the Face of Uncertainty is now out. He is a very well known teacher in the space of quant based decision making. I look forward to reading it in its…

From Putting People First

Talk by anthropologist Mimi Ito in Milan

Talk by anthropologist Mimi Ito in Milan

Yesterday cultural anthropologist Mimi Ito spoke on the impact of technology on teen and youth culture at the Meet The Media Guru event in Milan, Italy. The video is available online. Cultural anthropologist, with degrees from…


Managing Scientific Data: Coping with a Multidisciplinary World Grace Hopper Talk

Managing Scientific Data: Coping with a Multidisciplinary World Grace Hopper Talk

This is a report on a talk by Claudia Bauzer Medeiros on Managing Scientific Data.


Duy-Loan Le Keynote at Grace Hopper Conference

Duy-Loan Le Keynote at Grace Hopper Conference

Duy-Loan Le gave an inspiring keynote talk to open the Grace Hopper Conference


Dancing with Hundreds of Technical Women at Grace Hopper

Dancing with Hundreds of Technical Women at Grace Hopper

When I tell someone about the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing, I start by explaining the dance parties. I tell them, "You wouldn't think that an all-female dance would be fun… but you'd be wrong. There's nothing…


Opening Session of Grace Hopper Conference 2010

Opening Session of Grace Hopper Conference 2010

Some comments about the official opening of the Grace Hopper conference, including the new TechWomen Initiative and CS Ed Week.

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Beautiful Squid Sketches

Friday Squid Blogging: Beautiful Squid Sketches

The Cephalopoda.

From Apophenia

Thank you Nashville!

Thank you Nashville!

I’m just finishing up the first 10 days of my fall sprint at intensive fieldwork. I’m a long way from being about to synthesize what I’m seeing but I wanted to share a few things since many of you are curious about my observations…

From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Dancing with Hundreds of Technical Women at Grace Hopper

Dancing with Hundreds of Technical Women at Grace Hopper

From the Communications of ACM blog:

When I tell someone about the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing , I start by explaining the dance parties. I tell them,

From The Eponymous Pickle

Virtual Worlds Users Exceed 1 Billion

Virtual Worlds Users Exceed 1 Billion

In Readwriteweb: A remarkable milestone. Some interesting breakdowns of the data as well. I watched the early development of places like Second Life. What continues to disappointment me is that nearly all of this participation…

From Schneier on Security

My Recording Debut

My Recording Debut

Okay, so this isn't a normal blog post.

It's not about security.

I've been playing doumbek with a band at the Minneapolis Renaissance Festival called Brother Seamus. They've released a CD, "Hale and Sound," where I play …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Ad Strategies for CPG

Ad Strategies for CPG

Clickz article on strategies for reaching CPG shoppers. What works, and what may not in a changing world.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Center Store Task Force

Center Store Task Force

In an interesting development the formation of a task force to understand the 'center store' in grocery retail and to get to the core of it's performance: " ... FMI, food makers and others are working together on an initiative…

From Putting People First

Danah Boyd taking a pulse in roiling online world

Danah Boyd taking a pulse in roiling online world

The Boston Globe profiles Microsoft researcher Danah Boyd. “At the center of the broader societal debate is Boyd, whose views on key issues like online privacy are followed closely by tech companies and policy makers. An opponent…