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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

October 2011

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 17 October 2011

Interesting Links 17 October 2011

I spent two days are a Windows Phone event last week. One of several I posted date for at Your Chance to Learn Windows Phone Development for Free There are a lot more of them up and down the east coast. We had a few faculty members…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Pie Charts?

Pie Charts?

In Junkcharts: I good comparison example between pie and bar chart showing the same information.  Agree, the effort and complexity it requires to analyze an equivalent pie chart is not worth it.

From The Eponymous Pickle

GE Grid IQ Center Visit

GE Grid IQ Center Visit

I will be at the GE Grid IQ Center tomorrow as part of an innovation summit.   Looks to be an interesting venue similar to our innovation centers. " ... Request a tour GE's Grid IQ

From The Eponymous Pickle

Adaptable Eyeglasses

Adaptable Eyeglasses

Eyeglasses that can change their prescription.   This has been done with adaptable optics on telescopes for some time, so why not?

From The Eponymous Pickle

Web Semantics in the Cloud

Web Semantics in the Cloud

Search and meaning in the Cloud, from Computing Now:" ... In the last two years, the amount of structured data made available on the Web in semantic formats has grown by several orders of magnitude. On one side, the Linked Data…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

First Person:

First Person:


From Putting People First

Consumer futures 2020 scenarios

Consumer futures 2020 scenarios


From Putting People First

Brian David Johnson: Intel

Brian David Johnson: Intel

Alex Knapp, Forbes Magazine contributor, talks with Intel futurist Brian David Johnson on what he take into account when planning the future: “The answer is both intriguing and quite unlike most futurists I know. Johnson

From The Eponymous Pickle

Stanford Mobisocial

Stanford Mobisocial

Discovered via examining the Muse system:Stanford Mobisocial  Mission:To create disruptive mobile and social computing technology that serves consumers' interests and benefits the economy in the long term.   Our focus is to let…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Muse: Tracking Email Stats and Connections

Muse: Tracking Email Stats and Connections

Something we developed internally, but were always looking to find.  A method to track social connections in Email.  Article in New Scientist on Muse, a method to do just that.   Very useful.   From Sunheendra Hangal and colleagues…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Brain Informatics: aka Neuroinformatics

Brain Informatics: aka Neuroinformatics

In the latest issue of IEEE Intelligent Systems,  a number of articles on Brain Informatics.  "  .. an emerging interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research field that focuses on studying the mechanisms underlying the human…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Army App Store

Army App Store

The DOD Army App store is scheduled to be launched in November.  An interesting development.  I worked with the DOD for several years in the system simulation area and this would have been very useful to have.

From Geeking with Greg

More quick links

More quick links

More of what has caught my attention recently:

  • The first Kindle was so ugly because Jeff Bezos so loved his BlackBerry ([1])
  • "Sometimes it takes Bad Steve to bring products to market. Real artists ship." ([1])
  • "The Mac sleep indicator…

    From Schneier on Security

    Friday Squid Blogging: Prehistoric Sentient Squid

    Friday Squid Blogging:  Prehistoric Sentient Squid

    There's big news in the world of giant squid:

    Researchers initially thought that this strange grouping of 45-foot-long marine reptiles had either died en masse from a poisonous plankton bloom or had become stranded in shallow…

    From The Eponymous Pickle

    Meaningful Brands

    Meaningful Brands

    Just pointed out to me:  Consumer Brand Attachment Proven to Create Value.    From Kompas Strategy.

    From The Eponymous Pickle

    Google to Shutter Buzz, Shift Emphasis to Google+

    Google to Shutter Buzz, Shift Emphasis to Google+

    I had started to back off from Google Buzz and saw others doing that as well.   It stayed alive only because of its tie-in to GMail.  You could see all the messages on your mail screen.    Now will + survive?   Can it compete…

    From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

    Announcing the 2011 Computing Innovation Fellows

    Announcing the 2011 Computing Innovation Fellows

    With support from the National Science Foundation, the Computing Community Consortium (CCC) today named 20 talented recent Ph.D.s in computer science and allied fields 2011

    From The Eponymous Pickle

    Metaio Augmented Reality Thing

    Metaio Augmented Reality Thing

    From Metaio, which I have been following with regard to augmented reality solutions.  Here again in the entertainment business.    A similar thing we see in the Gamification business, looking at short-engagement interactions.…

    From The Eponymous Pickle

    Your Salespeople are not Pushy Enough

    Your Salespeople are not Pushy Enough

    In the HBR blog, some interesting techniques and thoughts on this.  I have dealt with many salespeople and this makes sense.  Not that I would like it from the receiving end.  Positive confrontation with confidence.

    From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

    'Publish or Perish' Should Perish

    'Publish or Perish' Should Perish

    I hate the 'publish or perish' mantra of academia.  I really do.  To me, it takes the focus away from doing great work and waiting until it's truly ready for public consumption and instead stresses us out as we try to ensureP…

    From Schneier on Security

    Burglars Tip Off Police About Bigger Crime

    Burglars Tip Off Police About Bigger Crime

    I find this fascinating:

    A central California man has been arrested for possession of child pornography, thanks to a tip from burglars who robbed the man's property, authorities said.
    I am reminded of the UK story of a burglar…

    From The Eponymous Pickle

    Grocer Integrated Digital Platform

    Grocer Integrated Digital Platform

    A useful example of a platform that provides a hybrid solution to grocery:"... MyWebGrocer, leading provider of digital solutions to the grocery and consumer packaged goods industries, recently added the Midwest division of Piggly…

    From Computer Science Teachers Association

    My Goal: Inspiring Students

    My Goal: Inspiring Students

    Unlike the solar calendar which marks January as the beginning of the new year, my new year, like that of all teachers, begins in September. A new school year means new beginnings and new opportunities. I couldn't wait for …

    From BLOG@CACM

    Connecting Science to Society

    Connecting Science to Society

    As America debates how to get through these tough economic times, research funding for science and engineering may get lost in the clamor. Here are some suggestions about what you can do.

    From Schneier on Security

    Weird World War II Security Puzzle

    Weird World War II Security Puzzle

    Read this.

    Anyone have any ideas?

    From Wild WebMink

    Mandatory Car Share?

    Mandatory Car Share?

    Mandatory Car Share, premi

    From The Eponymous Pickle

    Mindjet for IPhone and IPad are now Free

    Mindjet for IPhone and IPad are now Free

    I used Mindjet extensively in the enterprise.  Promoted it and taught it.   It inspired us to think about the process of 'knowledge mapping' more generally.   Admittedly I moved to a free mind mapping package for my phone and…

    From The Eponymous Pickle

    More About the Second Screen

    More About the Second Screen

    More in Mashable about a Nielsen study about how people use smartphones and tablets when watching TV.  The phenomenon of the second screen. You wonder what it does to the way we gather and relate to information.  One background…

    From The Eponymous Pickle

    Wolfram Mathematica Conference Available Free

    Wolfram Mathematica Conference Available Free

    I see that all the presentations and keynotes from the  recent Wolfram Mathemetica virtual conference are available online.  I have just started to examine some of the presentations.  Great content.   Here is the home page…

    From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

    Preparation to Teach High School Computer Science

    Preparation to Teach High School Computer Science

    “What qualifies you to teach computer science?” The question took me off guard. The tone as much as the words seem to be more of a challenge than anything else. The man who asked it was visiting the school where I was teaching…

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