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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

October 2014

From The Eponymous Pickle

Open Sourcing the Internet of Things

Open Sourcing the Internet of Things

In ReadWriteWeb:  An overview piece about setting standards for the IoT, and how those standards should be open sourced.  Agree, have been through this with the same (and related)  RFID work.  The article makes a good case of…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Future Software Will be Cognitive

Future Software Will be Cognitive

Will the next generation of software be cognitive?  Good piece in Forrester.  I am a keen student of the reasons for the partial success and failures of AI as advisory systems in it's previous wave.  Plan to continue to watch…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NSF CISE Funding Opportunities

NSF CISE Funding Opportunities

The National Science Foundation (NSF) Directorate for Computing & Information Science & Engineering (CISE) has a number of new funding opportunities. National Robotics Initiative (NSF  15-505)  Full Proposal Due: January 14,      …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Stream Data Processing

Stream Data Processing

In Infoq:The demand for stream processing is increasing a lot these days. The reason is that often processing big volumes of data is not enough. Data has to be processed fast, so that a firm can react to changing business conditions…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

DCL From NSF Director Dr. France Córdova

DCL From NSF Director Dr. France Córdova

The following is a National Science Foundation (NSF) Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) by Director Dr. France A. Córdova.  October 16, 2014 Dear Colleague, In light of the recent emergence of the lethal Ebola virus in the US, the National…

From Schneier on Security

Hacking a Video Poker Machine

Hacking a Video Poker Machine

Kevin Poulsen has written an interesting story about two people who successfully exploited a bug in a popular video poker machine....

From The Eponymous Pickle

Supply and Demand of Data Scientists

Supply and Demand of Data Scientists

Bruce Langos, COO of Teradata gave a spirited talk today in the atrium of Wright State University today on the nature of the data scientist.   The talk was also transmitted to some area high schools.  The emphasis of the talk…

From The Eponymous Pickle

3D Printing Your Big Data for Understanding

3D Printing Your Big Data for Understanding

In Technology Review: Fascinating idea. As 3D printing becomes cheaper, you can quickly create a 3D physical data representation. (You can add more 'Ds' with indicators like color or shape). We did this for displaying real spaces…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Help Me Win Surface Pro 3s for My School

Help Me Win Surface Pro 3s for My School

OK so the good news is that I am one of 15 finalists to win 15 Surface Pro's for my favorite school. The winners are chosen by community voting, so please vote for my mix at Mine is…

From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

Heading Into Midterms, USACM Re-emphasizes Role Of Technology In Elections

Heading Into Midterms, USACM Re-emphasizes Role Of Technology In Elections

With mid-term Congressional elections fast approaching, USACM released a statement to emphasize the importance of voting technology in elections.  It echoes past statements from USACM on voting, including its 2013 remarks to…

From Putting People First

What human-centered design means for financial inclusion

What human-centered design means for financial inclusion

What Human-Centered Design Means for Financial Inclusion Yanina Seltzer, Claudia McKay 16 October 2014, 126 pages Interactive publication Download pdf CGAP has released today a 126 report entitled “Insights into Action – What…

From Putting People First

Push, pull or nudge

Push, pull or nudge

“Push, pull or nudge” was the title of a 2.5 hour workshop (video here) at the 5th European Conference on Public Communication held today in Brussels. The workshop explored the potential of concepts such as design thinking, choice…

From Computational Complexity

The Curious Case of NP and NEXP

NP (nondeterministic polynomial time) and NEXP (nondeterministic exponential time) are provably different classes by the nondeterministic time hierarchy. No surprise, given exponentially more time we expect to solve more problems…

From Putting People First

Position Open – Experientia Communications Officer: writer, proofreader & editor

Position Open – Experientia Communications Officer: writer, proofreader & editor

Experientia, the Turin-based User Experience Consultancy, is looking for a native English speaking Communications Officer to work in their Turin, Italy office. The company is specialised in interaction design, ethnographic research…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Mobility Foundation of Digital Enterprise

Mobility Foundation of Digital Enterprise

In Baseline:  Becoming more true.  It is now an expectation that we have access anytime and anywhere. With the right data to support our decisions.   " ... Some industry experts view mobility as the foundation of the digitalIt's…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Mashing up Docs and Spreadsheets

Mashing up Docs and Spreadsheets

In CWorld: I thought this was being done generally, but this is a better way it seems." ... Instead of building a suite of separate productivity apps, a la Microsoft Office, Quip plans to have a single "canvas" where it willThus…


Satya Nadella and Grace Hopper

Satya Nadella and Grace Hopper

Thoughts about Satya Nadella's comments at the Grace Hopper Conference.

From Schneier on Security

NSA Classification ECI = Exceptionally Controlled Information

NSA Classification ECI = Exceptionally Controlled Information

ECI is a classification above Top Secret. It's for things that are so sensitive they're basically not written down, like the names of companies whose cryptography has been deliberately weakened by the NSA, or the names of agents…

From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

USACM Focuses On Roadmap In Cybersecurity Framework Comments

USACM Focuses On Roadmap In Cybersecurity Framework Comments

As part of its work on the Cybersecurity Framework (Framework), the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) sought comments from stakeholders on their experiences with it.  USACM has followed the development of…


I Have Seen the Future…

I Have Seen the Future…

…At the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing, and the future of computing is women.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Thinking about SuperIntelligence

Thinking about SuperIntelligence

Brought to my attention, a new book: Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies  by Nick BostromWill be reading.  They write:" ... Superintelligence asks the questions: What happens when machines surpass humans in generalThe…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Demonstration of AI Using Quantum Computing

Demonstration of AI Using Quantum Computing

When we first visited quantum computing we suggested that some AI applications, like image analysis, would be good candidates for the technique.  Now this has come to pass.    In Slashdot:   " ... Machine learning algorithmsOriginal…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Towards Big Data Computing at Extreme-Scales

Towards Big Data Computing at Extreme-Scales

Periodically the Computing Community Consortium (CCC) will highlight former CI Fellows to showcase their current research. The following was submitted by Dr. Ioan Raicu.  Former Computing Community Consortium (CCC) Computing      …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Automatic Storytelling

Automatic Storytelling

Storytelling is a recent topic.  Normally a thing that people do.  To what degree can it be automated with a cognitive system?   The idea has been around for a long time, we thought of using it to outline advertisements.  ItSome…

From Putting People First

With Electronic Medical Records, doctors read when they should talk

With Electronic Medical Records, doctors read when they should talk

And this can have tragic consequences. Like Ebola death tragic. Abigail Zuger, M.D., shares her own experience: “We do not really know whether dysfunctional software contributed to last month’s debacle in a Dallas emergency room…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Idea vs Implementation–Using What We Learn

Idea vs Implementation–Using What We Learn

You’re at a great conference and you are hearing all sorts of great ideas. It’s exciting! You hear about tools and techniques that are working wonders in the presenter’s school or in the schools the researcher or vendor repeats…

From Schneier on Security

DEA Sets Up Fake Facebook Page in Woman's Name

DEA Sets Up Fake Facebook Page in Woman's Name

This is a creepy story. A woman has her phone seized by the Drug Enforcement Agency and gives them permission to look at her phone. Without her knowledge or consent, they steal photos off of the phone (the article says they were…

From Schneier on Security

FOXACID Operations Manual

FOXACID Operations Manual

A few days ago, I saw this tweet: "Just a reminder that it is now *a full year* since Schneier cited it, and the FOXACID ops manual remains unpublished." It's true. The citation is this: According to a top-secret operational…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Slideshare Apps Update

Slideshare Apps Update

New Slideshare apps are available for Android and IOS.   Impressed by the new interface.  Better display.  Slideshare provides a good way to access and utilize consistently and simply packaged knowledge.  Now has the ability…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Cardboard VR

Cardboard VR

Google develops a cardboard VR viewer (Technical)." ... The Cardboard project aims at developing inexpensive virtual reality (VR) tools to allow everyone to enjoy VR in a simple, fun, and natural way. The VR Toolkit enables developers…

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