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October 2014


Detecting influencers in social media discussions

Detecting influencers in social media discussions

Sara RosenthalKnowing who's influential can help when planning political campaigns, advertising strategies, or even combating terrorism; and now research into influence detection promises to automate such detection.


Spoken dialogue systems: the new frontier in human-computer interaction

Spoken dialogue systems: the new frontier in human-computer interaction

Pierre Lison, Raveesh MeenaWouldn't it be great if we could simply talk to our technical devices instead of relying on cumbersome displays and keyboards to convey what we want?

From The Eponymous Pickle

Salesforce and Wave Analytics

Salesforce and Wave Analytics

Just announced:  " .... Wave is the product of two years' worth of engineering and runs on top of Salesforce's core platform, Buscemi said. That means it's integrated with Salesforce's applications for CRM (customer relationship…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Bricolage by smart people

Bricolage by smart people

Scientific research is fundamentally about learning, about trial and error. Luck and unplanned interactions are a central part of it. Thus research cannot be planned and managed like, say, teaching duties or a Walmart store.…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Parenting with a Story

Parenting with a Story

I see that my P&G colleague Paul Smith has a new book coming out Nov 12: Parenting with a Story. A domain sequel to his business oriented book:  Lead with a Story, which was covered here.  Great build on the popular storytelling…

From The Eponymous Pickle

The Reciprocity Advantage

The Reciprocity Advantage

Reading The Reciprocity Advantage: A New Way to Partner for Innovation and Growth.  by Bob Johansen and Karl Ronn.  Nicely done with real life enterprise examples, including IBM, TED, Microsoft, Google Apple Store and more.I"…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Examining Data Valuation Methods

Examining Data Valuation Methods

Brought this up here some time ago, but thought I would again ....  New analytical methods used with big data have led many companies to think about the value of their data. What is it worth, now and in the future? How abouthttp…

From Computational Complexity

Luddite or not?

My first ever guest post for Lance was on Are you a luddite. I certainly am to some extent a luddite, but there are some things where it not clear if they are luddite-ish or not. I prefer reading books to blogs. This came up…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon Opening Pickup Store

Amazon Opening Pickup Store

In Retailwire: Amazon is opening its first physical store in Manhattan.  Real effort or a look to establish a presence?  Isn't their presence already on every smart phone?" ... Rumors about opening stores have been…

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

TEDx Time In Buffalo

Our own Ken joins the team for TEDx Adrienne Bermingham is the manager of this year’s TEDx Buffalo event, which will be held this Tuesday at the Montante Center of Canisius College in downtown Buffalo. Today I wish to proudly…

From Schneier on Security

How James Bamford Came to Write The Puzzle Palace

How James Bamford Came to Write The Puzzle Palace

Interesting essay about James Bamford and his efforts to publish The Puzzle Palace over the NSA's objections. Required reading for those who think the NSA's excesses are somehow new....

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 13 October 2014

Interesting Links 13 October 2014

It was Spirit Week at my school last week. It’s always interesting what students wear when they have really wide latitude – they wear uniforms most days. I also tried out Code Hunt with my students. I blogged about that yesterday…

From The Eponymous Pickle

How Google Makes us Dumber

How Google Makes us Dumber

In Salon:  " .. .The neuroscience of search enginesAs search engines get better, we become lazier. We're hooked on easy answers and undervalue asking good questions ... " 

From The Eponymous Pickle

Finger in the Shopping Wind

Finger in the Shopping Wind

A look at the up-coming conference.  Mostly looking at the future of shopping by Peter Hoyt is the CEO of the Path to Purchase Institute. The Path to Purchase Institute is a global association serving the needs of retailers,"…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Experiments with Code Hunt

Experiments with Code Hunt

I tried something new last week with my Honors Programming students. I feel like they need more practice problem solving and writing short bits of code so I sent them to Code Hunt and had them go at it. Their interest perkedI…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Analytics in Executive Process

Analytics in Executive Process

In CW: Is there a place for the chief analytics officer?  I am more inclined to think that there can be too many chiefs, and not enough practitioners.  But I say yes to this: " .... As organizations seek to not simply corralTaking…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Triple Loop Reboots and Resolving to be Different

Triple Loop Reboots and Resolving to be Different

The triple loop reboot was new to me.  Via colleague Julie Anixter. " ...  Remember, human beings crave stability and permanence.  When change threatens the stability of what we know, we often seek refuge in “what we have always…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Which Chart or Graph?

Which Chart or Graph?

From Tableau Software.  Which chart or graph is best?  Have used their software for years, very nicely done.  Looks a thirteen chart types.

From Schneier on Security

NSA Has Undercover Operatives in Foreign Companies

NSA Has Undercover Operatives in Foreign Companies

The latest Intercept article on the Snowden NSA documents talks about their undercover operatives working in foreign companies. There are no specifics, although the countries China, Germany, and South Korea are mentioned. It's…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Computational Cooking Creativity Machine

Computational Cooking Creativity Machine

So what is creativity?  An area we explored.  Discussed here previously: Is it the combination of a list of available resources (your pantry), your cooking skills, and the requirements of your diners?   Perhaps optimized by some…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Computing in the Statistics Curricula

Computing in the Statistics Curricula

The diagram below has been kicking around in twitter lately.  Some think its like the 3Vs of big data description, but it is more about how computing is being used in statistics curricula. From a lengthy detailed article: Computing…

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

More on Testing Dyson’s Conjecture

Applying deep number theory to algorithms FullWiki source Alan Baker won the Fields Medal in 1970 for his work on algebraic and transcendental numbers. He greatly extended a theorem of Aleksandr Gelfond and Theodor Schneider…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Nanotech Assembly Lines

Nanotech Assembly Lines

Used to follow nanotechnology for potential product manufacturing applications.  Less so now, but there are some areas where breakthroughs are key.  Now a new one:  " ... To develop a productive nanosystem for molecular manufacturing…

From Putting People First

Reflections on Capital One’s acquisition of Adaptive Path

Reflections on Capital One’s acquisition of Adaptive Path

This week Toronto-based UX strategist Rami Tabbah and I discussed Capital One’s acquisition of Adaptive Path. We were both a bit surprised by the lack of real reflection on the pros and cons of this development (with a few exceptions)…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Women of the Eniac

Women of the Eniac

Fascinating piece and images.   I worked with a person at the University of Pennsylvania who had been an electrician working with the Eniac.  We have come a long way from a room full of tubes and wires.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Tom Peters on 21st Century Organization

Tom Peters on 21st Century Organization

In McKinsey:   An interview that takes some interesting directions: ' ...  " ... Well, one answer to that, as far as I’m concerned, is “I don’t know.” My real bottom-line hypothesis is that nobody has a sweet clue what they’re…

From Wild WebMink

Behind The Bullying Epidemic

Behind The Bullying Epidemic

I was very sad to hear that Kathy Sierra has decided to withdraw from online interactions again. Her insights into how technical communication and collaboration happen are among the finest I have read, and losing her voice again…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Flash-Fried Squid Recipe

Friday Squid Blogging: Flash-Fried Squid Recipe

Recipe from Tom Douglas. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered....

From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Technology and How It Is Evolving Storytelling in Our Entertainment Experiences / GHC14

Technology and How It Is Evolving Storytelling in Our Entertainment Experiences / GHC14

What luck! An invited technical speaker at GHC wants to talk about storytelling and games! As Bonnie Ross' abstract states, "stories spill into every aspect and facet of our lives; narrative leaps between nations, and stories…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Coca-Cola Gathers Streams of Big Data

Coca-Cola Gathers Streams of Big Data

Another example of the broadening use of Splunk for analyzing data streams.Coca-Cola gets inspiration for IT automation from its bottling plantsAble to tell what people are buying from vending machines and whenCoca-Cola, theMichael…

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