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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

October 2014

From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Games to Get Girls Interested in Programming, and Animation for Music and Dance Games / GHC14

Games to Get Girls Interested in Programming, and Animation for Music and Dance Games / GHC14

I started my last morning of GHC with two presentations in the GFX track, which covers games and graphics.  I enjoyed both talks, though the first is particularly relevant to our Gram's House project.Image from the virtual world…

From Schneier on Security

Online Activism and the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act

Online Activism and the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act

Good essay by Molly Sauter: basically, there is no legal avenue for activism and protest on the Internet. Also note Sauter's new book, The Coming Swarm....

From The Eponymous Pickle

Vinimaya and Procurement Success

Vinimaya and Procurement Success

Have worked with Vinimaya a number of times.  Impressive capabilities in context sensitive procurement improvement.   By creating marketplaces to focus procurement decisions. They have started a webinar series.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Honda Robotic Chair

Honda Robotic Chair

Saw this demonstrated in a retail setting.  The Honda Uni Cub.  But apparently still not available for purchase.  In Engadget.    An example of a one wheeled personal transportation device, but with a seat rather than requiring…

From The Eponymous Pickle

GUI Package for R Analytics

GUI Package for R Analytics

A GUI package for R analytics.   From what is called the PLS institute.  Now taking a closer look at R for packaging solutions for analytics.  Ideas?

From The Eponymous Pickle

Hub for Data Analysts and Scientists Launched

Hub for Data Analysts and Scientists Launched

A Hub for Data Scientists.It will serve two main purposes:1) It will promote sharing of models and code publicly or privately across a company to save Data Scientists and Analysts from “reinventing the wheel” every time and increase…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Location is Still Everything

Location is Still Everything

Book brought to my attention:  Location is Still Everything, By David R. Bell.In Retailwire: " .. Wharton School professor David Bell, whose specialist subject is digital marketing and e-commerce, has made headlines with a new…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Computing from Virtual to Physical (and Back Again)

Computing from Virtual to Physical (and Back Again)

The following is a special contribution to this blog from CCC Chair Gregory Hager (Johns Hopkins University). These days, there are daily prognostications about the world-changing implications of devices, computing, data, and…

From Putting People First

The future of UX leadership: radical transformation

The future of UX leadership: radical transformation

Jim Nieters and Pabini Gabriel-Petit have started a series of columns that offers insights on how to help companies progress from delivering mediocre user experiences, as is all too common, to producing truly great experiences…

From Putting People First

Peter Morville on creating a cultural fit

Peter Morville on creating a cultural fit

Interesting reflection by acclaimed information architect Peter Morville: “As a consultant for two decades, I’ve been a tourist in all sorts of cultures. I’ve worked with startups, Fortune 500 companies, nonprofits, Ivy League…

From Putting People First

The false promise of actionable insight

The false promise of actionable insight

Abby Margolis, Director of Research at Claro Partners, has become worried that consultants risk becoming a ring of human insight traffickers, rather than the researchers, designers and business problem solvers they strive to…

From Schneier on Security

Dynamic Encryption for Voice

Dynamic Encryption for Voice

This article reads like snake oil. But the company was founded by Lars Knudsen, so it can't possibly be. I'm curious....

From The Eponymous Pickle

So What is Watson Anyway?

So What is Watson Anyway?

A good compact video on how IBM Watson works, and also how it is different from the 'rule based' expert systems methods we developed in the 90s. In particular the natural language ingesting of resources like documents, images…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Data Mining Blog

Data Mining Blog

A blog by Richard A Denman on analytics.  Some interesting points about data mining and its use in systems.  Short pieces on important concepts.  Also a rare mention of how analytics should pay attention to relevant process.…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Cloning your Best Decision Makers

Cloning your Best Decision Makers

This was an approach we attempted during the early 90s, in the era of expert systems.  Even in the C-Suite. I am in the process of reviewing those attempts now, to see how they might be revived.  Now,  in an era of cognitive…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Site of Google Brand Lab

Site of Google Brand Lab

Compelling data. Big ideas. Creative juice. Put Google research and insight behind your thinking.Digital innovation continues to propel the marketing industry forward, and the pace is mind-blowing. As marketers, we rely on data…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Shinkansen Anniversary

Shinkansen Anniversary

Recent 50th anniversary of the Shinkansen - Japanese bullet train, have ridden it a number of times, which incorporates a number of transportation innovations.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Most Data Rich Companies

Most Data Rich Companies

Have recently been looking at the value of data.  And also the volume of valued data held by companies.  This article looks at which companies hold the most.  Not unexpected result.  Some interesting details included.

From Computational Complexity

2014 Fall Jobs Post

Tis the season for the fall jobs post. Please list any jobs, academic or industrial, in theoretical computer science broadly construed in the comments to this post. If you are a job seeker check this page often as new jobs get…

From Schneier on Security

USB Cufflinks

USB Cufflinks

Just the thing for smuggling data out of secure locations....

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

How to Run a Computing Summer Camp - Logistics Workshop

How to Run a Computing Summer Camp - Logistics Workshop

I saw this announcement on the SIGCSE mailing list. If you’ve thought about running a computer science summer camp this may be the training you need to get it going. If you are from some states (Alabama, California, Georgia, …

From Putting People First

Psych-savvy product management for truly human technology

Psych-savvy product management for truly human technology

What is the role of psychology, neuroscience or social behavioral study in real product management? How can it be harnessed to build better products? In this article Janna Bastow of ProdPad and Mind the Product takes a look at…

From Putting People First

New ebook details Seoul’s Sharing City project

New ebook details Seoul’s Sharing City project

With its official, city-wide commitment to the sharing economy, Seoul’s metropolitan government has emerged as a leader in the global sharing movement. Recently, Creative Commons Korea released an ebook detailing many of the…

From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

The basics of contributing to open source with GitHub / GHC14

The basics of contributing to open source with GitHub / GHC14

My first session after the plenary opener was about how to use GitHub, presented by John Britton.  I was interested in getting some better insight into effective use of Git, a distributed version control system, so I could eventually…

From Schneier on Security

BadUSB Code Has Been Published

BadUSB Code Has Been Published

In July, I wrote about an unpatchable USB vulnerability called BadUSB. Code for the vulnerability has been published....

From Apophenia

Frameworks for Understanding the Future of Work

Frameworks for Understanding the Future of Work

Technology is changing work. It’s changing labor. Some imagine radical transformations, both positive and negatives. Words like robots and drones conjure up all sorts of science fiction imagination. But many of the transformations…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

National Coordination Office for NITRD Seeks Director

National Coordination Office for NITRD Seeks Director

The National Coordination Office (NCO) for the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD) Program seeks a Director. The NCO Director oversees all aspects of the NCO, providing executive and technical…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

2014 We Are the Faces of Computing Contest Information

2014 We Are the Faces of Computing Contest Information

The Equity Committee of the Computer Science Teachers Association is sponsoring a contest to celebrate the many different kinds of faces that we see in the computing world.  For the past two years, students have created posters…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Watson Expanded to Multiple Industries

Watson Expanded to Multiple Industries

In CWorld:  Good view of where they are doing tests. Mostly about Watson Analytics being applied. Nothing in grocery retail as yet, an opportunity.  " ... IBM on Tuesday revealed details of how several customers are putting Watson…

From The Eponymous Pickle

On the Digital Economy

On the Digital Economy

I see that Don Tapscott has a new book out.   We toured him through our newly minted innovation center in 2000.  The Digital Economy: Promise and Peril in the Age of Networked Intelligence  by Don Tapscott.  Plan to read.