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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

October 2015

From The Eponymous Pickle

Smarter Planet vs Bob Dylan at IBM

Smarter Planet vs Bob Dylan at IBM

A double take when I saw the IBM Ad last night featuring Bob Dylan, talking about Watson.   Replacing 'Smarter Planet' emphasis.  I guess to attract the attention of baby boomers?  More personal focus.   Also in each ad humbling…

From insideHPC

RDMA Enabling Storage Technology Revolution

RDMA Enabling Storage Technology Revolution

With the explosion of data over the past few years, data storage has become a hot topic among corporate decision makers. It is no longer sufficient to have adequate space for the massive quantities of data that must be stored…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

I get letters

I get letters

Doug Peterson occasionally writes “replies” to spam comments that are left on his blog. He does it so well that although I love the idea I don’t want to duplicate it. On the other hand I thought I might write about some of the…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Value of Social Listening

Value of Social Listening

Good thoughts.  In Clickz: Can digital marketers collect valuable data by exclusively listening to social chatter? Here's why it's important to accumulate and analyze consumer insights from diverse sources.  ...  " 

From Schneier on Security

Autonomous Vehicles as Bombs

Autonomous Vehicles as Bombs

Good discussion of the issues. Now we need to think about solutions....

From The Eponymous Pickle

Storytelling Lessons

Storytelling Lessons

Good piece I happened on:In this 7-minute episode of Rough Draft with Demian Farnworth, you’ll discover:How to think staggeringly simpleHow to attract attentionHow to help people understand and rememberHow to help people believe…

From Wild WebMink

EU-US Safe Harbour For Personal Data Eliminated

EU-US Safe Harbour For Personal Data Eliminated

The European Court of Justice (CJEU) handed down an opinion declaring EU-US safe harbour for personal data invalid this morning. It has far-reaching implications for cloud services in particular and may presage increased opportunity…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Clara Schedules Meetings for You

Clara Schedules Meetings for You

Another example of AI assistance.  Via Jim Spohrer.  The improvement of Email and communications is a huge opportunity.If You CC This Robot, It Will Schedule Meetings For You  .... Clara may be the first AI built around you and…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Uber, Big Data and a Process Controlling Things

Uber, Big Data and a Process Controlling Things

How Uber uses Spark and Hadoop.  Good useful piece in Datanami. instructive as to what is possible, with a well understood business process plan.    Good example of the interaction of things and data that others with this problem…

From Computational Complexity

Is Kim Davis also against Nonconstrutive proofs?

Recall that Kim Davis is the Kentucky clerk who refused to issue marriage licenses for same-sex couples and was cheered on by Mike Huckabee and other Republican candidates for Prez. Had she refused to issue marriage licenseLoving…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

JavaScript and fast data structures: some initial experiments

JavaScript and fast data structures: some initial experiments

Two of my favorite data structures are the bitset and the heap. The latter is typically used to implement a priority queue. Both of these data structures come by default in Java. In JavaScript, there is a multitude of implementations…

From insideHPC

Video: Infinite Memory Engine (IME) Burst Buffer Experience at CSCS

Video: Infinite Memory Engine (IME) Burst Buffer Experience at CSCS

Hussein Harake from CSCS presented this talk at the HPC Advisory Council Spain Conference. “IME unleashes a new I/O provisioning paradigm. This breakthrough, software defined storage application introduces a whole new new tier…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Reshaping the Workspace With AI

Reshaping the Workspace With AI

Liked this  TechCrunch  piece because it addresses workspace and workflow in ways that AI claims usually do not. Not only 'What' will be done with cognitive, but 'How' it will be effectively used in day to day operations ....…

From insideHPC

Users to Test DataWarp Burst Buffer on Cori Supercomputer

Users to Test DataWarp Burst Buffer on Cori Supercomputer

NERSC has selected a number of HPC research projects to participate in the center’s new Burst Buffer Early User Program, where they will be able to test and run their codes using the new Burst Buffer feature on the center’s newest…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Samsung Opens Devices to Internet of Things

Samsung Opens Devices to Internet of Things

Samsung recently announced that it will allow more of its products to interact with its competitors’. Starting with this year’s Gear S2, a smart watch, all future devices will be able to connect with any smartphone running Google…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Foolish enough to leave important tasks to a mere human brain?

Foolish enough to leave important tasks to a mere human brain?

To the ancient Greeks, the male reproductive organ was mysterious. They had this organ that can expand suddenly, then provide the seed of life itself. Today, much of biology remains uncatalogued and mysterious, but the male reproductive…

From insideHPC

Seagate to Lead Sage Storage Project for Exascale Horizon 2020

Seagate to Lead Sage Storage Project for Exascale Horizon 2020

"We are excited that the H2020 SAGE Project gives us the opportunity to research and move HPC storage into the Exascale age,” said Ken Claffey, vice president and general manager, Seagate HPC systems business. “Seagate will contribute…

From insideHPC

Video: Intel Commitment to Lustre

Video: Intel Commitment to Lustre

"For High Performance Computing users who leverage open-source Lustre software, a good file system for big data is now getting even better. Building on its substantial contributions to the Lustre community, Intel is rolling out…

From insideHPC

New Paper: Can 3D-Stacking Topple the Memory Wall?

New Paper: Can 3D-Stacking Topple the Memory Wall?

Can 3D-stacking technology topple the long-standing "memory wall" that's been holding back HPC application performance? A new paper from the Barcelona Supercomputing Center written in collaboration with experts from Chalmers …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Wal-Mart and Game Based Training

Wal-Mart and Game Based Training

Wal-Mart using game based training,  Note the embedding and short format.   Warehouses are a good place to start, often have a safety problem.  " ... Warehouses and distribution centers are busy facilities with lots of moving…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Photoship Fix

Photoship Fix

Reported in Verge.  Most of the commonly used capabilities in Photoshop are now free with Photoshop Fix.    I had a corporate account for years, but when leaving the enterprise I dropped it, other packages could do what I needed…

From The Eponymous Pickle

3D Printed Glass

3D Printed Glass

3D Printed glass, first I had head of ths group at MIT" .... Humans have been making glass in various forms for thousands of years, from glassblowing techniques developed by the Roman empire to the industrial methods of the 1950s…

From insideHPC

Radio Free HPC Looks at the Grand Challenges of NSCI

Radio Free HPC Looks at the Grand Challenges of NSCI

In this podcast, the Radio Free HPC team looks at the new round of Grand Challenges targeted by the National Strategic Computing Initiative (NSCI). The conversation was sparked by an Scientific Computing editorial by IBM’s Dave…

From Schneier on Security

Automatic Face Recognition and Surveillance

Automatic Face Recognition and Surveillance

ID checks were a common response to the terrorist attacks of 9/11, but they'll soon be obsolete. You won't have to show your ID, because you'll be identified automatically. A security camera will capture your face, and it'll…

From insideHPC

ESnet Releases Code for Building Online Interactive Network Portals

ESnet Releases Code for Building Online Interactive Network Portals

ESnet has released open source code for building online Interactive Network Portals. "Now that the libraries are made available, the team hopes that other organizations will take the code, use it, add to it and work with ESnet…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 5 October 2015

Interesting Links 5 October 2015

School is really rolling along for me. Last week we had our first progress reports due. This was followed up by a number of kids looking to make up missing work. Imagine that! On the outside of school there was a lot of newsThe…

From The Eponymous Pickle

An Iconic Brand Turns 50

An Iconic Brand Turns 50

Gatorade was my earliest exposure to the iconic brand.  Unexpectedly I ended up at an enterprise that held many such classic brands.  How do you create iconic magic? Was involved with projects that aimed to use future technology…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Clinical Machine Learning at NYU

Clinical Machine Learning at NYU

Examining more Closely.  Via Principal Investigator David Sontag at NYU: Clinical machine learningOur group is particularly interested in machine learning problems motivated by clinical medicine. We work on algorithms for electronic…

From insideHPC

Chinese HPC Venders Look to Expand Overseas

Chinese HPC Venders Look to Expand Overseas

Tom Wilkie from Scientific Computing World reports on how China’s HPC vendors are seeking export markets with the support of their Government. With exhibits and various talks at ISC 2015, Inspur and Sugon were busy showcasing…

From insideHPC

Video: DMF and Tiering Update

Video: DMF and Tiering Update

"DMF has been protecting data in some of the industries largest virtualized environments all over the world, enabling them to maintain uninterrupted online access to data for more than 20 years. Some customers have installations…