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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

October 2016

From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

GHC16 / Building a Better Classroom: Lessons from Ed-Tech

GHC16 / Building a Better Classroom: Lessons from Ed-Tech

One of the panels I attended at this week's Grace Hopper Celebration featured women from various companies engaging in ed tech, whether as their sole purpose or as a smaller part of their mission. Panellists included Prachie

From The Eponymous Pickle

Storytelling for Brands in CPG

Storytelling for Brands in CPG

In Adage:
How Storytelling Training Helped Georgia-Pacific Build Sales Without Boosting Budgets ... Georgia-Pacific's creative overhaul of eight brands is rooted in storytelling training for its marketers. ... " 

From The Eponymous Pickle

IOT as an Integration of Things

IOT as an Integration of Things

Nicely done article.  Clear it is an integration of things.  But the how and details need to be closely considered.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Turing Data into Leverage, Decisions.

Turing Data into Leverage, Decisions.

Always my ultimate argument, its about the decisions being made.

Turning data into leverage
Ozan Turgut discusses how to use visualization and analytics to apply data to decision making.

Video by Ozan Turgut ... " 

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Absolute Firsts

An initiative for women in computing AIA source Louise Bethune was the first female professional architect in the United States, and possibly the world. She worked in Buffalo in the late 1800s through the early part of the 20th…

From insideHPC

GCS Supports Two German Student Teams for the SC16 Student Cluster Competition

GCS Supports Two German Student Teams for the SC16 Student Cluster Competition

Team segFAUlt of Friedrich- Alexander University Erlangen- Nürnberg (FAU), From left: Markus Fritscher, Jan Laukemann, Benedikt Oehlrich, George Heath, Marcel Gedat and Kai Streitferdt.Today the Gauss Centre for Supercomputing (GCS) in Germany announced it is co-sponsoring undergraduate students participating in the SC16 Student Cluster Competition (SCC). This year, GCS provides financial support for two German…

From insideHPC

RAID Inc. to Distribute BeeGFS in the U.S.

RAID Inc. to Distribute BeeGFS in the U.S.

Today ThinkParQ in Germany announced that RAID Inc has been selected as a North American Gold Partner for distributing the BeeGFS parallel file system. This strategic partnership will help bring BeeGFS infrastructure solutions…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Conversational Analytics Using AI

Conversational Analytics Using AI

An obvious thought, place bot style AI into a conversational interaction about doing analytics for given problems and data.    The caution is still that we still don't know how to manage complex conversations,  just simplistic…

From Putting People First

Upcoming conference on design & sustainable innovation for smart cities

Upcoming conference on design & sustainable innovation for smart cities

cityoptInvitation to the International Conference on Design & Sustainable Innovation for SmartCities Nice (France) 8 December 2016 On the 8th December 2016, the CITYOPT project will host an international conference on Design and sustainable…

From Putting People First

[Book] From Notes to Narrative

[Book] From Notes to Narrative

fromnotestonarrativeFrom Notes to Narrative: Writing Ethnographies that Everyone Can Read by Kristen Ghodsee The University of Chicago Press 2016, 160 pages Ethnography centers on the culture of everyday life. So it is ironic that most scholars …

From Putting People First

Mozilla’s Open Innovation Toolkit

Mozilla’s Open Innovation Toolkit

Mozilla’s Open Innovation Toolkit is a community sourced set of practices and principles for incorporating human-centered design into your product development process. It is a collection of easy-to-use, self-serve techniques …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Open Source Dashboards to Organize Data

Open Source Dashboards to Organize Data

Check out Astronomer (not related to the physical science)

Astronomer believes that every organization can benefit from having their data properly centralized, organized and cleaned…

From My Biased Coin

Postdocs (Rabin and other) for this year

Postdocs (Rabin and other) for this year

The Theory Group at Harvard has put out its ad for postdocs again this year.  It will be our second year for the Rabin Postdoc in theoretical computer science. "Rabin Fellows will be provided with the opportunity to pursue their…

From The Noisy Channel



Search engines are so core to our digital experience that we take them for granted. Most of us cannot remember the web without Google to…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Nebula

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Nebula

Beautiful. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered....

From The Eponymous Pickle

Bots and AI Predictions

Bots and AI Predictions

Nicely done piece in Venture Beat.  Lots more links there.  I am sure that most of the systems that implement 'AI' we interact with will be in a Bot form.  Watch for them.  Examples with links below.

8 predictions for A.I. and…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon Prime in China

Amazon Prime in China

Will be interesting how this plays out.  I will be particularly interested in how it creates new channels to China.

Amazon Prime arrives in China to further challenge Alibaba
What will Jack Ma do? ... With over 63 million people…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Thinking Google's AI Engine

Thinking Google's AI Engine

A look at what Google has in AI engines.   Have talked to some people lately about the difference between machine learning and AI.   To me machine learning means finding useful patterns with analytical methods.  AI means applying…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Quest for a Topological Quantum Computer

Quest for a Topological Quantum Computer

In the CACM.  Pointing to a Nature article.  Was part of a group that looked at potential practical applications in complex supply chain applications.

' ... The race is on build a "universal" quantum computer. Such a device could…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Digital Ads Overtaking Traditional

Digital Ads Overtaking Traditional

Digital Ads to Overtake Traditional Ads in U.S. Local Markets by 2018
By Suman Bhattacharyya

If there was any doubt that the future of local advertising is digital, the latest local ad revenue forecast from BIA/Kelsey confirms…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Email Introductions

Email Introductions

Good advice for email introductions.  I remember someone offering this advice to me.

The Wrong Way to Introduce People Over Email  by David Burkus

From insideHPC

Engility to Build Up HPC at FDA

Engility to Build Up HPC at FDA

engility"With this award, Engility expands on our long-standing partnership with the FDA to further develop their high performance computing and complex data analysis capabilities,” said Engility CEO Lynn Dugle. “We look forward to supporting…

From insideHPC

Ace Computers Adds NVIDIA Tesla P100 to HPC Clusters

Ace Computers Adds NVIDIA Tesla P100 to HPC Clusters

tesla-p100Today Ace Computers from Illinois announced that the company is integrating the new Nvidia Tesla P100 accelerators into select HPC clusters. "Nvidia has been a trusted partner for many years," said Ace Computers CEO John Samborski…

From insideHPC

Women in HPC Celebration comes to Salt Lake City on Nov. 15

Women in HPC Celebration comes to Salt Lake City on Nov. 15

whpc-dvpartyThe Women in HPC network is hosting a meetup celebration at SC16. The event will take place at Nov. 15 at 7:30pm - 9:00pm at Caffé Molise in Salt Lake City. "Join us to celebrate the growing community of women in the supercomputing…

From insideHPC

MarFS – A Scalable Near-POSIX File System over Cloud Objects

MarFS – A Scalable Near-POSIX File System over Cloud Objects

Gary Grider, LANLGary Grider from LANL presented this talk at the Storage Developer Conference. "MarFS is a Near-POSIX File System using cloud storage for data and many POSIX file systems for metadata. Extreme HPC environments require that MarFS…

From Technology News

'Invisible': A rousing all-round thriller in virtual reality

'Invisible': A rousing all-round thriller in virtual reality

Here's a series that aims to break rules in every direction.

From insideHPC

Cray and Intel Double Down on Next-gen HPC Systems

Cray and Intel Double Down on Next-gen HPC Systems

Technicians prepare the first row of cabinets for the pre-exascale Trinity supercomputer at Los Alamos National Laboratory, where a team from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory deployed its new Spack software packaging tool. Photo courtesy of Los Alamos National Laboratory.Since 2008, the Intel and Cray have rapidly increased their collaboration to the benefit of the supercomputing market and customers. "Most recently, Cray has announced win after win for its Cray XC series systems that feature…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Health Data Machine Learning

Health Data Machine Learning

" ... Identifying Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder with Machine Learning Framework

Dr. Ming Li from Sun Yat-sen University CMU Joint Institute of Engineering presented “Multimodal behavior signal analysis and interpretation…

From Putting People First

Experientia’s President, Michele Visciòla, as panel judge for MacArthur Foundation competition “100&Change”

Experientia’s President, Michele Visciòla, as panel judge for MacArthur Foundation competition “100&Change”

The 100&Change is an international competition and a landmark opportunity for thinkers and designers to tackle critical challenges affecting the world. Michele Visciòla will be one of the panel of expert judges who will select…

From Schneier on Security

Eavesdropping on Typing Over Voice-Over-IP

Eavesdropping on Typing Over Voice-Over-IP

Interesting research: "Don't Skype & Type! Acoustic Eavesdropping in Voice-Over-IP": Abstract: Acoustic emanations of computer keyboards represent a serious privacy issue. As demonstrated in prior work, spectral and temporal…