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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

October 2017

From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Clips Gathering, Analyzing Images

Google Clips Gathering, Analyzing Images

Saw Clips introduced this week.  An interesting application of an always on,  AI driven camera.  With shades of Life-Logging, but with better ways to make sense of all the imagery gathered.  Creepy, I don't know since we have…

From Schneier on Security

Replacing Social Security Numbers

Replacing Social Security Numbers

In the wake of the Equifax break, I've heard calls to replace Social Security numbers. Steve Bellovin explains why this is hard....

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NSF Accepting Nominations for the 2018 Alan T. Waterman Award

NSF Accepting Nominations for the 2018 Alan T. Waterman Award

The National Science Foundation (NSF) is now accepting nominations for the 2018 Alan T. Waterman Award. This annual award recognizes an outstanding young researcher in any field of science or engineering supported by the National…

From Computational Complexity

Is the Textbook Market doomed?


I always tell my class that its OKAY if they don't have the latest edition of the textbook, and if they can find it a  cheap, an earlier edition (often on Amazon, sometimes on e-bay), that's fine.  A while back at

From The Eponymous Pickle

Modeling Economy with Technology

Modeling Economy with Technology

We spent some time working with W Brian Arthur's thoughts about modeling economies and their outcomes at the Santa Fe Institute.   Good to take another look.

Where is technology taking the economy?  By W. Brian Arthur in McKinsey…

From insideHPC

New Book: OpenACC for Programmers

New Book: OpenACC for Programmers

Sunita Chandrasekaran and Guido Juckeland have published a new book on Programming with OpenACC. "Scientists and technical professionals can use OpenACC to leverage the immense power of modern GPUs without the complexity traditionally…

From insideHPC

Dr. Marius Stan Presents: Uncertainty of Thermodynamic Data – Humans and Machines

Dr. Marius Stan Presents: Uncertainty of Thermodynamic Data – Humans and Machines

Marius Stan from Argonne gave this talk at the 2017 Argonne Training Program on Extreme-Scale Computing. Famous for his part-time acting role on the Breaking Bad TV show, Marius Stan is a physicist and a chemist interested in…

From ACM-W supporting, celebrating and advocating for Women in Computing

ACM-W Networking Award CFP – Extended!

ACM-W Networking Award CFP – Extended!

New deadline for our first Networking Award grants for the year! Apply now for funding ($300 max) to support existing ACM-W chapters networking with other chapters … We are extending the deadline for the first round of this academic…

From insideHPC

Internet2 Technology Exchange Meeting Comes to San Francisco Oct. 15-18

Internet2 Technology Exchange Meeting Comes to San Francisco Oct. 15-18

Internet2 will host its annual technical meeting, the Technology Exchange, for the research and education community from October 15-18 in San Francisco. The event will convene over 650 attendees from more than 250 institutions…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Translation in Your Ear

Translation in Your Ear

Saw this demonstrated yesterday.  Very impressive.   Still not completely automatic, transparent, though that may not be far away.   For the omni traveler certainly,  but perhaps not yet for technically or contextually difficult…

From insideHPC

Call For Research Papers: ISC 2018

Call For Research Papers: ISC 2018

ISC 2018 has issued their Call for Research Papers. "Submissions are now open for the ISC 2018 conference research paper sessions, which aim to provide first-class opportunities for engineers and scientists in academia, industry…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Let there be Better LED Light

Let there be Better LED Light

The Math That Promises to Make the World Brighter     Kevin Hartnett,  Senior Writer in Quanta.

The color of LED lights is controlled by a clumsy process. A new mathematical discovery may make it easier for us to get the hues


From insideHPC

Parallel Applications Speed Up Manufacturing Product Development

Parallel Applications Speed Up Manufacturing Product Development

The product design process has undergone a significant transformation with the availability of supercomputing power at traditional workstation prices. With over 100 threads available to an application in compact 2 socket servers…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

CS Educator Interview: Rebecca Dovi–the update

CS Educator Interview: Rebecca Dovi–the update

imageRebecca Dovi is a ball of energy. She is full of ideas and always doing cool things. When I last interviewed her ( was a classroom teacher. Today she…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Identifiying Plant Disease

Identifiying Plant Disease

Out of the fall garden and back to the possibilities of pattern recognition.  Back to my alternate botanic tech universe.  Penn State work using deep learning to identifying plant disease.  Great example:

 Phone Powered AI Spots…

From Apophenia

Your Data is Being Manipulated

Your Data is Being Manipulated

Excerpt from “The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine,” Sergey Brin and Larry Page (April 1998) What follows is the crib from my keynote at the 2017 Strata Data Conference in New York City. Full video can…

From The Eponymous Pickle

3D Printing Human Body Parts

3D Printing Human Body Parts

3D-Printing Human Body Parts    By Keith Kirkpatrick 

Communications of the ACM, Vol. 60 No. 10, Pages 15-17 

The advent of three-dimensional (3D) printing is already yielding benefits in many fields by improving the speed and


From The Eponymous Pickle

Field Farmed by Drones

Field Farmed by Drones

A Field Farmed only by Drones

The experience of the Hands Free Hectare team suggests that drone agriculture offers some substantial benefits. ... 

Across the United Kingdom, the last of the spring barley has been brought in from…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Millennial Attitudes

Millennial Attitudes

 Millennials' Attitudes Toward IT Consumerization in the Workplace
By Heiko Gewald, Xuequn Wang, Andy Weeger, Mahesh S. Raisinghani, Gerald Grant, Otavio Sanchez, Siddhi Pittayachawan 

Communications of the ACM, Vol. 60 No. 10,…

From insideHPC

SC17 Highlights Nobel Prize Winning LIGO Collaboration

SC17 Highlights Nobel Prize Winning LIGO Collaboration

In this video from SC17, researchers discuss the role of HPC in the Nobel Prize-winning discovery of gravitational waves, originally theorized 100 years ago by Albert Einstein in his general theory of relativity. "We are only…

From The Eponymous Pickle

D-Wave and Quantum Computers

D-Wave and Quantum Computers

Have followed D-Wave systems for years.   Quite a good and detailed piece about what they are doing, their clients and direction.

Is Quantum Computing for Real?
An Intervew with Catherine McGeoch of D-Wave Systems ... 

From insideHPC

Clemson to complete $1 million upgrade of Palmetto HPC Cluster

Clemson to complete $1 million upgrade of Palmetto HPC Cluster

A $1-million upgrade to Clemson University’s Palmetto Cluster is expected to help researchers quicken the pace of scientific discovery and technological innovation in a broad range of fields, from developing new medicines to …

From The Noisy Channel

Why Voice isn’t Selling…Yet

Why Voice isn’t Selling…Yet

Originally published in VentureBeat.

Personal digital assistants have taken the world by storm. We have Siri and Google Assistant on our phones, and many of us have Amazon Echo and Google Home, as well. Voice user interfaces,But…

From insideHPC

HPC Powers High Pressure Casting Simulation at Shiloh Industries

HPC Powers High Pressure Casting Simulation at Shiloh Industries

Hal Gerber from Shiloh Industries gave this talk at the HPC User Forum in Milwaukee. "Shiloh is the global leader in high-integrity, high-vacuum, high-pressure die castings, providing high ductility in aluminum and magnesium.…

From insideHPC

Argonne’s Data Science Program Doubles Down with New Projects

Argonne’s Data Science Program Doubles Down with New Projects

Today Argonne announced that the ALCF Data Science Program (ADSP) has awarded computing time to four new projects, bringing the total number of ADSP projects for 2017-2018 to eight. All four of the program’s inaugural projects…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Ubiquity Blog from the ACM

Ubiquity Blog from the ACM

New blog by the ACM.

The digitally connected world has become a large, swirling sea of information stripped of context. We help our readers make sense of it, find meaning in it, learn what to trust, and speculate on our future…

From insideHPC

Fighting the West Nile Virus with HPC & Analytical Ultracentrifugation

Fighting the West Nile Virus with HPC & Analytical Ultracentrifugation

Researchers are using new techniques with HPC to learn more about how the West Nile virus replicates inside the brain. "Over several years, Demeler has developed analysis software for experiments performed with analytical ultracentrifuges…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Microsoft Seeking to Dominate VR

Microsoft Seeking to Dominate VR

Technology Review reports on Microsoft's view.  Again, lets see examples beyond gaming.  There is real value here.

Microsoft Is Going All-in on Virtual and Augmented Reality
Hardware partnerships, content, and even plans for social…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Explaining Smart Contracts

Explaining Smart Contracts

Have worked with companies that set simple alarms to warn them of renewal dates and expiration of contracts.  This takes it much further.  Good simplified view.

What Are Smart Contracts? They Could Help Optimize Your Business …

From Schneier on Security

HP Shared ArcSight Source Code with Russians

HP Shared ArcSight Source Code with Russians

Reuters is reporting that HP Enterprise gave the Russians a copy of the ArcSight source code. The article highlights that ArcSight is used by the Pentagon to protect classified networks, but the security risks are much broader…