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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

October 2017

From Schneier on Security

Remote Malware Attacks on ATMs

Remote Malware Attacks on ATMs

This report discusses the new trend of remote malware attacks against ATMs....

From The Noisy Channel

Evaluating Search: Using Human Judgement

Evaluating Search: Using Human Judgement

Originally posted on the Twiggle blog.

In the previous post, we looked at measuring searcher behavior in order to evaluate search engine performance. Measuring searcher behavior is valuable, but a robust evaluation process also…

From The Noisy Channel

Evaluating Search: Measuring Searcher Behavior

Evaluating Search: Measuring Searcher Behavior

Originally posted on the Twiggle blog.

Measuring the effectiveness of your search engine is hard. Fortunately, you have an army of volunteers helping you: your customers. The best way to measure how well your search engine’s effectiveness…

From The Noisy Channel

Evaluating Good Search (Part I): Measure It

Evaluating Good Search (Part I): Measure It

Originally posted on the Twiggle blog.

At Twiggle, we’re all about improving the search experience. But how do we define improvement? As Lord Kelvin, one of history’s greatest scientists and engineers, said: “If you cannot measure…

From Computational Complexity

Monty Hall (1921-2017) and His Problem

Monty Hall passed away yesterday, best known for co-creating and hosting the game show The Price is Right, a show I occasionally watched as a kid. To the best of my knowledge he's never proven a theorem so why does he deserve…

From The Eponymous Pickle

What is the Blockchain?

What is the Blockchain?

WTF is The Blockchain?   Mohit Mamoria Editor, Unmade

The ultimate 3500-word guide in plain English to understand Blockchain. .... "

From insideHPC

Scaling Up and Out with ARM Architectures

Scaling Up and Out with ARM Architectures

Vijay Nagarajan from the University of Edinburgh gave this talk at the ARM Research Summit. "The second annual Arm Research Summit is an academic summit to discuss future trends and disruptive technologies across all sectors …

From insideHPC

HPC4Mfg Program Seeks New Projects

HPC4Mfg Program Seeks New Projects

The High Performance Computing for Manufacturing (HPC4Mfg) program in the Energy Department’s Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO) announced today their intent to issue their fifth solicitation in January 2018 to fund projects…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Swarming Robotics

Swarming Robotics

More Swarms.  Now how do we get the cooperation right?  With centralized control.

Introducing a New Robotic Class With Abilities Out-Performing Existing Machines or Even Biological Organisms   CORDIS News

The European Union-funded…

From The Eponymous Pickle

AI is Riding a One Trick Pony

AI is Riding a One Trick Pony

In technology review.  See also the comments, which include quite a few people, like myself, who participated in both AI 'revolutions'.    What we know now is that this latest one works very well for certain very useful contests…

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