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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

October 2017

From The Eponymous Pickle

Another Invoke Review

Another Invoke Review

Microsoft Expert looks at the Microsoft Cortana Invoke:

My week with Harman Kardon's Cortana-powered Invoke speaker
My "non-reviewer's review" of the Haman Kardon Invoke speaker that works with Cortana: A solid device, but still…

From insideHPC

Video: Silicon Photonics for Extreme Computing

Video: Silicon Photonics for Extreme Computing

Keren Bergman from Columbia University gave this talk at the 2017 Argonne Training Program on Extreme-Scale Computing. "Exaflop machines would represent a thousand-fold improvement over the current standard, the petaflop machines…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Big Tech Controlling our Minds

Big Tech Controlling our Minds

Podcast of interest.

A ‘World Without Mind’: Big Tech’s Dangerous Influence

Author Franklin Foer reflects on the dangers of losing ourselves in a society dependent on a handful of tech firms.

  French philosopher Rene Descartes


From Schneier on Security

Denuvo DRM Cracked within a Day of Release

Denuvo DRM Cracked within a Day of Release

Denuvo is probably the best digital-rights management system, used to protect computer games. It's regularly cracked within a day. If Denuvo can no longer provide even a single full day of protection from cracks, though, that…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Kroger Invests in New Tech

Kroger Invests in New Tech

Followed Kroger for year, always had an impressive depth of tech use,  not as much breadth.  This and other efforts many be an example of new take.

Kroger unveils plan to invest in technology, store resets
“Restock” initiativeMark…

From The Eponymous Pickle

First Review of MS Invoke Assistant

First Review of MS Invoke Assistant

Well hardly a full service Butler, but we know that they mean.  Play music, order things and turn on the lights with your voice.  Breaking the existing infrastructures will tough without a real killer functionality, and I don't…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Facebook Scours Posts and Comments

Facebook Scours Posts and Comments

Facebook Tests Letting Marketers Scour Posts and Comments   in Adage.

By Garett Sloane. 

Facebook is experimenting with letting brands study people's posts and comments on the network in an effort to better inform their marketing…

From insideHPC

Call for Papers: Supercomputing Frontiers Europe 2018

Call for Papers: Supercomputing Frontiers Europe 2018

The Supercomputing Frontiers Europe 2018 conference has issued its Call for Papers. The conference takes place March 12 – 15, 2018 in Warsaw, Poland. "Supercomputing Frontiers is an annual international conference that provides…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Computer Science Educator Interview Series Index (2017)

Computer Science Educator Interview Series Index (2017)

From time to time I like to highlight computer science teachers with virtual interviews posted on my blog. The first series was in 2013 (CS Educator Interviews: The Index ) and I decided it was time to start a new series in 2017…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Cortana Virtual Machine for Batch Machine Learning

Cortana Virtual Machine for Batch Machine Learning

This is not an open solution as I see it.

Cortana Intelligence and Machine Learning Blog
Announcing the Data Science Virtual Machine in Batch AI Service

Cortana Intelligence and ML Blog Team 
by Paul Shealy, Senior Software Engineer…


On earthquakes, lakes and sensors

On earthquakes, lakes and sensors

I live in Mexico City, one of the largest cities in the world. As all large cities, it has its ghastly demons. I am willing to argue that the one lying below it makes it unique in the world — … Continue reading

The post OnXRDS…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Intel and Amazon Partner on Voice Tech

Intel and Amazon Partner on Voice Tech

Intel and Amazon partner on voice recognition tech
The Intel Speech Enabling Developer Kit is now up for pre-order.
 By Timothy J. Seppala, @timseppala

Intel and Amazon are partnering to combine the former's silicon and smarts with…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Computing Research: Addressing National Priorities and Societal Needs Symposium Livestream

Computing Research: Addressing National Priorities and Societal Needs Symposium Livestream

This post features contributions from the upcoming Computing Research Symposium Intelligent Infrastructure for our Cities and Communities and Data, Algorithms, and Fairness panel members. On October 23-24, 2017, the Computing…

From insideHPC

Video: How R-Systems Helps Customers Move HPC to the Cloud

Video: How R-Systems Helps Customers Move HPC to the Cloud

In this video from the HPC User Forum in Milwaukee, Brian Kucic from R-Systems describes how the company enables companies of all sizes to move their technical computing workloads to the Cloud. "R Systems provides High Performance…

From insideHPC

Comet Supercomputer Assists in Latest LIGO Discovery

Comet Supercomputer Assists in Latest LIGO Discovery

This week’s landmark discovery of gravitational and light waves generated by the collision of two neutron stars eons ago was made possible by a signal verification and analysis performed by Comet, an advanced supercomputer based…

From insideHPC

HPC Connects: Mapping Global Ocean Currents

HPC Connects: Mapping Global Ocean Currents

In this video from the SC17 HPC Connects series, Dimitris Menemenlis from NASA JPL/Caltech describes how supercomputing enables scientists to accurately map global ocean circulation. "ECCO-IcES produces increasingly accurate …

From Schneier on Security

Security Flaws in Children's Smart Watches

Security Flaws in Children's Smart Watches

The Norwegian Security Council has published a report detailing a series of security and privacy flaws in smart watches marketed to children. Press release. News article. This is the same group that found all those security and…

From insideHPC

Visualization in Software using Intel Xeon Phi processors

Visualization in Software using Intel Xeon Phi processors

"Intel has been at the forefront of working with software partners to develop solutions for visualization of data that will scale in the future as many core systems such as the Intel Xeon Phi processor scale. The Intel Xeon Phi…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Intel Delivers Neural Network Chips

Intel Delivers Neural Network Chips

Intel delivers Nervana Neural Network Processor chips for AI workloads  By Mike Wheatley

After pushing the concept of using Field Programmable Gate Arrays as accelerators for artificial intelligence and deep learning neural networks…

From The Eponymous Pickle

More on Bixby, AI on Appliances Everywhere

More on Bixby,  AI on Appliances Everywhere

I was at the local Lowe's recently and saw some of their Smart  Frig's.  A sign mentioned  assistant Bixby, but not that it was available there yet.  But first time I had seen Bixby mentioned at all in a retail setting.   They…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Forecasting Challenge

Forecasting Challenge

I had mentioned superforcasting  again, was brought to my attention that they have had a hybrid competition under way for a while.  Are looking for volunteers.  Worth a look.

From Computational Complexity

The Amazon Gold Rush

Unless you have hidden under a rock, Amazon wants to build a second headquarters in or near a large North American city. Amazon put out a nice old fashioned RFP.
Please provide an electronic copy and five (5) hard copies…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Samsung Does 8 Nanometer

Samsung Does 8 Nanometer

Samsung has the hardware.  Will neural chips follow?  Implications for Bixby?

Samsung leapfrogs Intel again with 8-nanometer chips
Working with Qualcomm, Samsung can "rapidly ramp up" to production.

By Steve Dent@stevetdent in…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

CS Educator Interview: Michelle Lagos

CS Educator Interview: Michelle Lagos

Michelle Lagos serves on the CSTA Board which is how I first met her. She is currently an At-Large member. Several years ago she was the International Representative.  She brings some interesting perspectives to board meetings…

From Computer Science Teachers Association

Learning computing with metaphors

Learning computing with metaphors

Don’t think of an elephant! Now what are you thinking about? Of course, it’s an elephant. This sentence is the title of a book by George Lakoff, a contemporary linguist who makes that case that we frame our thinking with … Continue…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Samsung Announces Bixby 2.0 for IOT

Samsung Announces Bixby 2.0 for IOT

Today announced Bixby 2.0 and SmartThings Cloud. Been following for a long to see what they might do with smart home appliances.  They have the appliances in many homes that could be the platform. Even hear some hints of that…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Online and Amazon Continue Move Forward

Online and Amazon Continue Move Forward

With interesting data and comments on the topic by retail experts.  And even with some classic retail help:  Kohl’s opens Amazon shops in Chicago  ....

Online and Amazon to grow more dominant over the next decade
By George Anderson…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

US Ignite Releases Video Showcase from the 2017 US Ignite Application Summit

US Ignite Releases Video Showcase from the 2017 US Ignite Application Summit

US Ignite, a nonprofit whose mission is to push the creation of next-generation applications and services that utilize networking technologies to build smart communities, recently released a video showcase of select US Ignite…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon Suggests Apartment Hubs

Amazon Suggests Apartment Hubs

An you might take this beyond to other sectorizations, like retirement centers.   And imagine using assistant leverage to extend this into every apartment.  Other sectors?

Amazon Has a New Way to Get Stuff Into Your Apartment

From The Eponymous Pickle

China IQ Test for Assistants?

China IQ Test for Assistants?

Am somewhat skeptical about such tests, its not raw 'IQ" , but rather how well a system provides value in context.  Still it will be interesting to see how such a system could be a starting point for assistance systems.  Aiming…

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