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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

October 2019

From insideHPC

Mellanox Accelerates NVMe/TCP and RoCE Fabrics to 200Gb/s

Mellanox Accelerates NVMe/TCP and RoCE Fabrics to 200Gb/s

Today Mellanox announced acceleration of NVMe/TCP at speeds up to 200Gb/s. The entire portfolio of shipping ConnectX adapters supports NVMe-oF over both TCP and RoCE, and the newly-introduced ConnectX-6 Dx and BlueField-2 products…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Call for Papers for the 7th Annual Hot Topics in the Science of Security (HoTSoS) Symposium

Call for Papers for the 7th Annual Hot Topics in the Science of Security (HoTSoS) Symposium

The 7th Annual Hot Topics in the Science of Security (HoTSoS) Symposium recently released a call for papers. This year’s HoTSoS Symposium will be held April 7-8, 2020 at the Burge Union on the University of Kansas campus in Lawrence…

From insideHPC

Registration Opens for CHPC National Conference in South Africa

Registration Opens for CHPC National Conference in South Africa

Registration is now open for the CHPC National Conference. The event takes place Dec. 1-5 in Johannesburg, South Africa. "The National Integrated Cyber Infrastructure System (NICIS) promotes scientific and industrial development…

From Schneier on Security

Cracking the Passwords of Early Internet Pioneers

Cracking the Passwords of Early Internet Pioneers

Lots of them weren't very good: BSD co-inventor Dennis Ritchie, for instance, used "dmac" (his middle name was MacAlistair); Stephen R. Bourne, creator of the Bourne shell command line interpreter, chose "bourne"; Eric Schmidt…

From insideHPC

Sandia Research Project turns Big Data into real-time, actionable intelligence

Sandia Research Project turns Big Data into real-time, actionable intelligence

Researchers at Sandia National Labs are leading a project to deliver actionable information from streaming data to decision makers. While social media, cameras, sensors and more generate huge amounts of data that can overwhelm…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Facebook AI Releases Searchable Code Snippets

Facebook AI Releases Searchable Code Snippets

Seems a useful thing, what Facebook has put on the web to support AI efforts is impressive.  See more at the site.  Also note the claimed validation against malware. 

Facebook Releases AI Code Search Datasets   By …

From insideHPC

Podcast: The Turing Machine is Sequential, so how about a Parallel Machine?

Podcast: The Turing Machine is Sequential, so how about a Parallel Machine?

The @RadioFreeHPC team is joined by the folks at MemComputing, a San Diego startup that’s built a new parallel foundation for computing. It calls it the universal memcomputing machine, and a realization of self-organizing circuits…

From insideHPC

Accelerating Research and Enterprise Solutions by Bridging HPC and AI

Accelerating Research and Enterprise Solutions by Bridging HPC and AI

Venkatesh Kannan from ICHEC gave this talk at the UK HPC Conference. "The presentation will highlight the need to address the symbiotic relationship between HPC and AI at different levels – technology development, education &…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Ticketing with a Blockchain

Ticketing with a Blockchain

Interesting example of a kind of smart contract embedded in the blockchain to enforce agreements regards how tickets can be used.    So this means when a ticket is sold, if you can examine the context of the sale.    The ticket…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Your Smart TV is (and has been) Watching You

Your Smart TV is (and has been) Watching You

Almost obvious, its one reason that smart TVs are relatively cheap.  My TV seems to do an update every time I switch services.   A massive download?  After 1 AM every night it does a scheduled, major update.  Meanwhile some fairly…

From The Eponymous Pickle

IoT and Fintech

IoT and Fintech

FinTech probably not an area you would first think of IOT,   but this non technical piece outlines some useful thoughts in the space.

How IoT Changes Banks and FinTech Companies  By Vova Shevchyk in ReadWrite

Can financial services…

From insideHPC

GMS Launches Ruggedized TITAN AI-Equipped Rackmount Servers

GMS Launches Ruggedized TITAN AI-Equipped Rackmount Servers

Today General Micro Systems (GMS) launched TITAN, the industry’s first sealed, fanless, conduction-cooled rackmount servers with artificial intelligence (AI) and mil-circular (38999) connectors for superior ruggedness in the …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Proposed Model for Machine Learning

Proposed Model for Machine Learning

Intriguing.   Thinking this, its kind of like derived information transfer to some structured system.  Like a brain or a machine?  And then transferring that knowledge to a decision.

Machine Learning: A Formal Learning Model  

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Podcast Interview with “Father of the Internet” Vint Cerf

Podcast Interview with “Father of the Internet” Vint Cerf

Vint Cerf, known as one of the “fathers of the internet” and a recipient of the 2004 ACM A.M. Turing Award, was a participating laureate at this year’s Heidelberg Laureate Forum (HLF). Cerf currently acts as a vice president…

From insideHPC

AMD to Power Cray’s ARCHER2 Supercomputer in the UK

AMD to Power Cray’s ARCHER2 Supercomputer in the UK

Following a procurement exercise, UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) are pleased to announce that Cray, an HPE company, has been awarded the contract to supply the hardware for the next national supercomputer, ARCHER2. Powered…

From insideHPC

Video: An Update on HPC at CSCS

Video: An Update on HPC at CSCS

Thomas Schulthess from CSCS gave this talk at the HPC User Forum. "CSCS has a strong track record in supporting the processing, analysis and storage of scientific data, and is investing heavily in new tools and computing systems…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

CRA’s Career Mentoring Workshop Registration is Now Open!

CRA’s Career Mentoring Workshop Registration is Now Open!

The following is a message to the community from the Computing Research Association (CRA) Executive Director Andrew Bernat.  Dear Colleague, I am pleased to announce that CRA’s Career Mentoring Workshop will take place February…

From The Noisy Channel

Search: Intent, Not Inventory

Search: Intent, Not Inventory

When I enter a physical store, my intent is “I want to buy X” or “I’m looking for something in order to do X.” It’s not “Show me the products that satisfy characteristics X, Y, and Z.” My intent is to find what I need, not to…

From insideHPC

Heterogeneous Computing: Long Live the CPU

Heterogeneous Computing: Long Live the CPU

In this guest article, our friends at Intel discuss how the company is investing in heterogeneous computing. Intel recently spoke about supporting heterogeneous computing with the catch phrase “One Size Does Not Fit All” in talking…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Game Theory and Autonomous Cars

Game Theory and Autonomous Cars

How do we construct models about elements of autonomy and how they interact our own behavior?

Game Theory and AI Systems: Use Case For Autonomous Cars  By Dr. Lance Eliot, CEO, Techbrium Inc.   AI Trends Insider

When you get onto…

From Schneier on Security

Factoring 2048-bit Numbers Using 20 Million Qubits

Factoring 2048-bit Numbers Using 20 Million Qubits

This theoretical paper shows how to factor 2048-bit RSA moduli with a 20-million qubit quantum computer in eight hours. It's interesting work, but I don't want overstate the risk. We know from Shor's Algorithm that both factoring…

From The Eponymous Pickle

US Regulators Look at Data as an Asset

US Regulators Look at Data as an Asset

Several projects examined data as an asset, had been looking at how data's value would be treated in regulation.   And likelihood of the nature of future regulation.

US says digital assets are covered by money laundering and disclosure…

From Computational Complexity

The Sheldon Conjecture (too late for Problems with a Point)

Chapter 5 of Problems with a Point (by Gasarch and Kruskal) is about how mathematical objects get their names. If it was an e-book that I could edit and add to (is this a good idea or not? later on that) then I would have added…

From ACM-W supporting, celebrating and advocating for Women in Computing

ACM-W Connections–October 2019

ACM-W Connections–October 2019

Welcome from the ACM-W Chair The 2019 Grace Hopper Celebration (GHC) was held on October 2-4 in Orlando, FL.  ACM-W once again participated in several activities during the conference.  In collaboration with our partners at CRA…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Information Entropy and Data

Information Entropy and Data

With a background in physics this is a great topic.  It links the universe to information technologies in interesting ways.  Even includes a hint at the nature of 'surprise'.  At very minimum impress your friends.

 Gentle Introduction…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Designing Smart Home Products

Designing Smart Home Products

A long time thought of mine, when I saw Worlds Fair displays of the future, when running an innovation center, what smart home products will be used?

Designing Smart-Home Products That People Will Actually Use
Ryan Shanks, Francis…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Blogging Notes

Blogging Notes

Quotes in this blog are in italics or quote marks.  Non italics were written by me.   If you want to unquote something let me know.   Links will sometimes not work over time,  I will selectively repair or remove them if I find…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Public Interest Technology

Public Interest Technology

Of interest, this site and resource is new to me, now following, join in.  All tech is of public interest, but now it is evolving much faster, and getting involved in every daily interaction, so needs to considered closely. 


From The Eponymous Pickle

Wendys' Markets with a Role Playing Game

Wendys' Markets with a Role Playing Game

 Had seen several test examples of trying to use non-trivial games in the enterprise, but non that I thought actually worked.  Here an example?

 Wendy's New Role-Paying Game lets Players (and their dice) Defend 'Freshtovia; from…

From insideHPC

Video: HPC and the Living Heart Project

Video: HPC and the Living Heart Project

In this video, HPE’s Jean-Luc Assor talk about their involvement in the Living Heart Project – and how HPC is explains how high performance computing is saving lives. The Stanford Living Heart Project is uniting industry-leading…

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