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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

November 2010

From The Eponymous Pickle

Design Page for Ponoko

Design Page for Ponoko

My son pointed me to the clever design page of Kyle A. Koch: " ...  an industrial design student at the University of Cincinnati's College of Design, Architecture, Art and Planning, known as DAAP. This is where I share things…

From Schneier on Security

New ATM Skimming Attack

New ATM Skimming Attack

In Europe, although the article doesn't say where:

Many banks have fitted ATMs with devices that are designed to thwart criminals from attaching skimmers to the machines. But it now appears in some areas that those devices are…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Barcode Hero 2.0 Launches

Barcode Hero 2.0 Launches

Luis Levy of the innovative Barcode Hero writes:Barcode Hero 2.0 is launching .... A next generation shopping app, Barcode Hero is far more valuable than just a price comparison tool. It lets shoppers research products they are…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Time for Reflection in Business

Time for Reflection in Business

In HBR: Need for time for reflection in business.  I agree, it is just not done enough, especially as the need to get things done continues to expand.  " ... The most disruptive, unforeseen, and just plain awesome breakthroughs…

From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

Start December with an Update on Social Innovation

Start December with an Update on Social Innovation

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.

December starts with an opportunity to learn more about new developments in social innovation - digital tools that help connect people with each other and with organizations. On the first the New…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Digital Coupons Continue to Prosper

Digital Coupons Continue to Prosper

Patrick Crisp of Coupons Inc writes:  Udated data on digital coupons that we will release on Tuesday, November 23.- 57 percent year over year growth (thru Q3)- 5 times the growth of newspaper couponsIn addition, savings printed…

From Wild WebMink

Open Source Monetisation Essay

Open Source Monetisation Essay

My essay asserting that open source projects aren’t about giving stuff away for free is now available from the Essays section.

From Schneier on Security

David Kahn Donates his Cryptography Collection to the National Cryptologic Museum

David Kahn Donates his Cryptography Collection to the National Cryptologic Museum

Good for him.

I think that's where my collection will be going, too.

From Wild WebMink

links for 2010-11-24

links for 2010-11-24

Before the Junk Jokes: Airport Security Cartoons in The New Yorker Great selection that just goes to show there's nothing new under the sun. (tags: Humour Travel security) Diaspora private alpha just released I concur with all…

From Computational Complexity

Game Theory, Terrorism, Hardness and SAT Solving

Last week I attended the Army Research Office sponsored Workshop on Reasoning in Adversarial and Noncooperative Environments related to Topic #22 of the 2011 MURI. Most of the attendees were AI types many of whom look at games…

From Putting People First

Governments benefit from embracing new technologies to engage with citizens

Governments benefit from embracing new technologies to engage with citizens

Governments around the world must continue to embrace social media and other new technologies because besides empowering citizens new technologies bring in a “myriad of benefits” for the public sector as well, argues Kelly Dempski…

From Putting People First

Evaluating Nordic Living Labs

Evaluating Nordic Living Labs

Over the past decade, Living Labs have become an established part of local and regional innovation systems, using a variety of methods and tools, and focusing on a wide array of domains and themes. However, the experimental,…

From Putting People First

Mobile user experience trends on the horizon

Mobile user experience trends on the horizon

Marek Pawlowski, the founder of MEX, explores in UX Magazine several future trends he expects to be of significance for UX practitioners as the balance of user expectations tilts ever further towards mobile scenarios. Read article…

From Putting People First

David Wigder, Vice President of Business Development at RecycleBank, explores on Marketing Green the rise of the peer-to-peer green economy, and in particular the three emerging peer-to-peer models that can facilitate greener…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Social Media Strengthens Social Ties

Social Media Strengthens Social Ties

In CACM: A writeup of a study  that indicate that social media have positive effects:  " ... Contrary to popular opinion, Facebook is making people more social, albeit in ways unique to the digital age, according to new research…

From The Eponymous Pickle

How Does a Deluge of Data Effect Your Brain?

How Does a Deluge of Data Effect Your Brain?

An analysis of recent writing on how a deluge of data can effect your brain.  In Language Log.  Covers a number of computer game use studies.  The author concludes: " ... I'm open to the hypothesis that cell phones, video games…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Imagine Cup Insider

Imagine Cup Insider

Turn Your Ideas Into Action!

Imagine a world where global Inter-Governmental Organizations (IGO

From Schneier on Security

Spoofing Geolocation

Spoofing Geolocation

How to spoof your location on Facebook with your BlackBerry.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Bringing Play to Business

Bringing Play to Business

GigaOm posts on an upcoming gamification summit.  Using game style interactions to improve value.

From The Eponymous Pickle

HP and IBM on Social Media

HP and IBM on Social Media

Very good recent piece on how HP and IBM use social media, with references to recent Forrester awards for social media by both.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Visual Programing Going Mainstream?

Visual Programing Going Mainstream?

Have long been an explorer of visual programming.  Writing logical processes without actual computer code.  Writing computer code is often half mathematics and half paying attention to extreme details.  My own explorations with…

From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

From Blogging to ABI Board of Advisors

From Blogging to ABI Board of Advisors

I just joined the Anita Borg Institute for Women in Technology (ABI)'s Board of Advisors, and while I'm obviously pretty excited about this on a personal level, I wanted to share a bit about how I got here.  It really goes to…

From Putting People First

The Morrow Project and futurism at Intel

The Morrow Project and futurism at Intel

Intel’s Chief Futurist, Brian David Johnson, is a big advocate of using science fiction narratives as a jumping off point for a discussion between management and engineering about the future of Intel’s business, reports BoingBoing…

From Wild WebMink

links for 2010-11-23

links for 2010-11-23

Long Live the Web: A Call for Continued Open Standards and Neutrality Important article from Tim Berners-Lee that needs to be brought to the attention of legislators globally. Key quote: Given the many ways the Web is crucial…

From Schneier on Security

Me on Airport Security

Me on Airport Security

Yesterday I participated in a New York Times "Room for Debate" discussion on airline security. My contribution is nothing I haven't said before, so I won't reprint it here. The other participants are worth reading too.

I also…

From Wild WebMink

O Artigo

O Artigo

O artigo “Tipos de Comunidades” est

From The Eponymous Pickle

Enterprise IPad Apps

Enterprise IPad Apps

I have been intrigued by how the IPad is being used in the enterprise.  I have seen a few examples.  Here are some others that emphasize the mobility and capabilities of the IPad.  How is the IPad better than a laptop for these…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Reinventing Your Personal Brand

Reinventing Your Personal Brand

In the HBR,  a good short article on reinventing your personal brand.   I think this notion can be overdone, but I like their suggestions. 

From The Eponymous Pickle

Junaio IPhone App Updated

Junaio IPhone App Updated

I just installed the newly updated Junaio IPhone App.   The new user interface is far simpler and easier to use. Support for higher resolution screen.  Good direction, though there is not much content locally.  I will continue…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Student Access to the AppHub for Windows Phone 7

Student Access to the AppHub for Windows Phone 7

One of the many benefits of the DreamSpark program, besides all of the free software, is access to the AppHub for submitting Windows Phone 7 applications for sale for free. Businesses and other individuals have to pay to join…