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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

November 2013

From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Wonderlabs

Google Wonderlabs

Happened to be in an Apple Store today that was packed with people and it seems as many consultants.  This is a growing development. In CWorld:Google wants you walkin' in its Winter WonderlabsComputerworld - Google opened gadget…

From Putting People First

[Book] Public and Collaborative

[Book] Public and Collaborative

Public and Collaborative Exploring the intersection of design, social innovation and public policy Ezio Manzini and Eduardo Staszowski (Editors) New York, September 2013, 181 pages Download [Alternative links 1 - 2] This book…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Examining SAP's Lumira

Examining SAP's Lumira

During the early phases of Data Visualization we took a look at a number of solutions.    SAP was the ERP solution for the enterprise, so we looked at their Business Objects solution for what we called business intelligence then…

From Putting People First

Bruce Sterling on the value of design fiction (and some example videos)

Bruce Sterling on the value of design fiction (and some example videos)

Bruce Sterling’s Wired UK article on the value of design fiction is very much worth a read, as it defines the field so well: “A formal definition exists: “Design fiction is the deliberate use of diegetic prototypes to suspend…

From Putting People First

An ethnographic study of UK policy making

An ethnographic study of UK policy making

Professor Alex Stevens of the University of Kent, did quite an unusual ethnographic study – focused on understanding how UK civil servants use evidence in policy making, and in the process comes to some quite political conclusions…

From The Eponymous Pickle

McDs 3D Printing in Store

McDs 3D  Printing in Store

McDonalds Doing 3D Printing in its stores?     " ... Fast food chain is also mulling tablets and touchscreen ordering kiosks FAST FOOD CHAIN McDonalds has said that it will consider bringing 3D printing into its 'restaurants'…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Future of the Workplace

Future of the Workplace

An ethnographers look:  We did a similar investigation.   Video. " ... What will the workplace of the future look like? Will it even exist as a physical space? Ever since networked computers first became widespread the idea of…

From Putting People First

The future of the workplace: through an ethnographer’s eyes

The future of the workplace: through an ethnographer’s eyes

What will the workplace of the future look like? Will it even exist as a physical space? Ever since networked computers first became widespread the idea of the virtual organisation has been touted, yet most of us still work in…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Data Gathering and Sharing

Data Gathering and Sharing

A very basic but useful idea.   " ...Information technology security, big data analysis and interoperability are three of the hottest topics today, particularly in light of questions about how much personal information government…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Postmaster Shipping API

Postmaster Shipping API

Nice to see this development for a government service that is often seen as behind the times. In TechCrunch.  Supply chain activities continue to be aided by analytics.

From Computer Science Teachers Association

Getting the Most from Conferences

Getting the Most from Conferences

As you may already know, the 2014 CSTA conference on K-12 computer science education will take place July 14 and 15 at the beautiful Pheasant Run resort in St. Charles , IL (just outside of Chicago) and CSTA wants to make sure…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: <i>Magnapinna</i> Squid Photo

Friday Squid Blogging: <i>Magnapinna</i> Squid Photo

Neat photo. Video, too.

As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered.

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Opportunity Matters

Opportunity Matters

I was having a conversation with my friend Ken Royal today. I was sharing with him some of the experiences I was able to have over the last couple of years meeting and visiting with computer science teachers around the country…

From Schneier on Security

Reddit "Ask Me Anything"

Reddit "Ask Me Anything"

I just did an AMA on Reddit.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Consumer Thinking from One Observation

Consumer Thinking from One Observation

In The HBR: Think like anthropologist to understand consumer data.    " ... It was hardly what you’d call an “adequate sample size” for market research, but the results were nevertheless eye-opening for the maker of a pain-relief…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Reminder: Proposals for Visioning Activities due December 1

Reminder: Proposals for Visioning Activities due December 1

In September, the Computing Community Consortium (CCC) put out a call for visioning proposals for workshops that will create exciting visions and agendas for research at the frontiers of computing.  Proposals are due December…


Spanning the Chasm of the K–12 and Post-Secondary Relationship

Spanning the Chasm of the K–12 and Post-Secondary Relationship

 This article describes the sometimes fraught relationship between K–12 computer science teachers and university computer science faculty. It decribes how CSTA has navigated this divide and attempted to bring hamony to this often…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Design Pioneer Auction at Sothebys

Design Pioneer Auction at Sothebys

Of interest, Includes Apple's SVP of Design, today at 7 PM EST:" ... Two of the world’s foremost design pioneers, Sir Jonathan Ive, KBE, and Marc Newson, CBE, have collaborated with musician and philanthropist Bono to organize…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Software as Reorganizing the World

Software as Reorganizing the World

Some provocative views on software and internet influence on  the organization of the world.  Over reaching I think, but interesting.    Will countries eventually be less physical and more like Clouds in a technical sense.  He…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Updates Search

Google Updates Search

This change happened a month plus  ago, but it is worth thinking about.  Have you seen substantial changes in your space?

From The Eponymous Pickle

Search, Past and Future and Semantic

Search,  Past and Future and Semantic

In GigaOM:  the future of search:  " ... As consumers look for the answers to complicated questions via search query, with the help of semantic technology, marketers can try to sell that same consumer what they searched for soon…


26 Years of Supercomputing

26 Years of Supercomputing

From humble beginnings 26 years ago to today, the annual SC conference has shaped our community and our technologies.

From The Eponymous Pickle

New Tableau with Boxplots and R

New Tableau with Boxplots and R

Have used the Tableau Systems data visualization, we looked at it before it came out of Stanford University around 2002.   I continue to use it, among other visualization systems.  The latest version, 8.1, has some useful features…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Big Data and Big Science

Big Data and Big Science

In CACM:  About the integration of high performance computing (HPC) and Big Data.  As the article suggests,   the result of this is to create more data.   And I add,  more opportunity for analytics.Related Technical Paper. Synergistic…

From Schneier on Security

Rerouting Internet Traffic by Attacking BGP

Rerouting Internet Traffic by Attacking BGP

Renesys is reporting that Internet traffic is being manipulatively rerouted, presumably for eavesdropping purposes. The attacks exploit flaws in the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). Ars Technica has a good article explaining …


Big Data Analyzed By Big Compute, Big Compute Creates Big Data

Big Data Analyzed By Big Compute, Big Compute Creates Big Data

The science and engineering communities have worked together through several 1,000x leaps in computing capability, each time managing to push the boundaries of the application of these technologies to the problems faced by our…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Consortium Forming an Industrial Internet

Consortium Forming an Industrial Internet

Via colleague Shoumen Datta:US Consortium Forming an Industrial InternetSAN JOSE, Calif. – As many as ten companies including AT&T, Cisco Systems, GE, IBM, and Intel are working with US government representatives to form a consortium…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Analytics e-News Newsletter

Analytics e-News Newsletter

Another good resource, and links to papers from Informs, the authoritative resource for modeling and business systems improvement.   Always worth reading.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Big Data and HR

Big Data and HR

In the Atlantic:  Good general, non technical piece.  True as the article says, they are watching you at work.  They are also watching you as you work in your social contexts before they hire you.  Data mining and Big Data techniques…

From Wild WebMink

Chocolate Martini Redux

Chocolate Martini Redux

Almost ten years ago I posted a recipe for a very different style of chocolate martini. Most of the variants of this drink I have tried have had a chocolate taste but a texture that seems incongruously light and watery. Not this…