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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

November 2014

From The Eponymous Pickle

Ahold Virtual Markets

Ahold Virtual Markets

We experimented with virtual markets for years ...Ahold uses virtual supermarket to test conceptsAhold USA is testing marketing and merchandising concepts with a virtual supermarket using Web-based 3D interactive software from…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

November 13 WATCH Talk- The burden of authentication: What friction points reveal

November 13 WATCH Talk- The burden of authentication: What friction points reveal

On November 13, the National Science Foundation (NSF) will host it’s next Washington Area Trustworthy Computing Hour (WATCH) talk. The talk will be “The burden of authentication: What friction points reveal.” The speaker will…

From Schneier on Security

Verizon Tracking Mobile Internet Use

Verizon Tracking Mobile Internet Use

Verizon is tracking the Internet use of their phones by surreptitiously modifying URLs. This is a good description of how it works....

From The Eponymous Pickle

Watson Analytics Trial Use Received

Watson Analytics Trial Use Received

Just received a note indicating that I can now finally start my trial use of Watson Analytics. It is positioned as a 'trial use',  you cannot retain any data after the trial is over. I assume others will be getting this requested…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Optimization Direct for Operations Research

Optimization Direct for Operations Research

In the early days of my career, most of my work was done with optimization analytics,  primarily in R&D, Supply Chain and Manufacturing.  We utilized methods that had been developed during the second world War to improve complex…

From Geeking with Greg

Quick links

Quick links

What has caught my attention recently:

  • Netflix says the value of its recommendations algorithms is $500M/year ([1])
  • Details on the internals of LinkedIn's recommender system ([1])
  • Fantastic list of some hard and interesting[1]…

    From The Eponymous Pickle

    Signals Group Product Intelligence

    Signals Group Product Intelligence

    Just brought to my attention:  Signals Group" ... Powerful product intelligence driven by data, geared towards action. We saw a need to reduce the risk and increase probability for success in building and launching new products…

    From The Eponymous Pickle

    Writing in the 21st Century

    Writing in the 21st Century

    Nathan Heller writes in the New Yorker: " ... In a prologue to “The Sense of Style,” subtitled “A Thinking Person’s Guide to Writing in the 21st Century,” the brain scientist Steven Pinker explains that he’s been reading style…

    From The Eponymous Pickle

    Analyzing Work Styles

    Analyzing Work Styles

    We all know that there are very widely varied work styles.  But can we accurately use a classification of these to plan and deliver better results? To work better together?   In Insideanalysis.

    From The Eponymous Pickle

    Does P&G Need Retailers Anymore?

    Does P&G Need Retailers Anymore?

    In Retailwire:    Yes, despite all the changes, it very much does .... The experience endures." ... Procter & Gamble's $89 million distribution center near Dayton brings jobs to the region, but as part of a supply-chain overhaul…

    From BLOG@CACM

    Computing Is The Safe STEM Career Choice Today

    Computing Is The Safe STEM Career Choice Today

    The US-BLS 2012-2022 employment projections predict that nearly 3 out of 4 new STEM jobs and 3 out of 5 total STEM jobs will be in computing.


    From Daniel Lemire's Blog

    Forcefully boring young people is necessary…

    Forcefully boring young people is necessary…

    In many schools, a fifth of all boys are prescribed Amphetamine-related drugs because they have been diagnosed with an attention deficit. But these pills are not intelligence-in-a-bottle. To put it differently, taking Adderall…

    From The Eponymous Pickle

    Keyless Entry and Checkin

    Keyless Entry and Checkin

    In GigaOm:  Smartphone as keyless entry.  Nice idea, but with the usual privacy issues.  It was not too long ago I saw an article about hacking hotel doors.   " ... Later this week 10 Starwood hotels will let customers use their…

    From The Eponymous Pickle

    Medical Data

    Medical Data

    Attended an online conference call about the sharing and use of medical data for analytics.   Quite interesting.  My own last couple of years of medical experiences have awakened me to how data is gathered, shared and can ultimately…

    From Computational Complexity

    A few more notes about Sipser and Sipser-60th

    While Lance was AT Mikefest (Sipser's 60th Bday conference), helping to organize it, emceeing the personal statements, I was... also there. A few notes

  • Aside from his graying hair, Mike still looks like a teenager.
  • In 1985…

    From Schneier on Security

    Adam Shostack's Threat Modeling

    Adam Shostack's Threat Modeling

    Probably the best IT security book of the year is Adam Shostack's Threat Modeling. The book is an honorable mention finalist for "The Best Books" of the past 12 months. This is the first time a security book has been on the list…

    From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

    Interesting Links 3 November 2014

    Interesting Links 3 November 2014

    Interesting week last week. We finished the first quarter in school. For me a bit of catch up on grading. Not my favorite thing that. I didn’t blog a lot but one of my posts asked the question Is a CS degree harmful for professional…

    From The Eponymous Pickle

    Data Science is Real!

    Data Science is Real!

    See Carla Gentry's Data Science is Real site.  Met and interacted at a recent conference. " ... I’m not an Entrepreneur, I’m not a CEO, I’m a Data Nerd ... ".   Impressive work and credentials.  See more about her extensive data…

    From The Eponymous Pickle

    More Swash Cleaning Shirts

    More Swash Cleaning Shirts

    In Bloomberg: A look at big company collaborative innovation at P&G " ... a venture with Whirlpool Cleans Dirty Clothes fast ... ".  Mildly involved during its early days.   See link below for earlier mentions.  See alsoabout…

    From The Eponymous Pickle

    Informs Marketing Science Article Press Releases

    Informs Marketing Science Article Press Releases

    I was reminded that the Informs Analytics organization has a marketing science section that periodically publishes press releases.  They are listed here.  Starting to follow more consistently now.

    From The Eponymous Pickle

    Business Model Innovation

    Business Model Innovation

    In Integrative Innovation:" ... Business model innovation (BMI) is becoming ever more important as it turns out increasingly difficult for companies to differentiate based on products and services alone. New business models are…

    From The Eponymous Pickle

    Conversation with Marc Andreeson

    Conversation with Marc Andreeson

    A provocative conversation with a person we used to follow closely.  Inventor of the early Netscape browser we all used back then.  Optimism is best, he says.

    From The Eponymous Pickle

    Google Developing Pill to Detect Disease

    Google Developing Pill to Detect Disease

    In Wired.  An idea that was first posed back in the earlier AI days.  Is it now close to happening?" ... Google is attempting to develop a pill that would send microscopic particles into the bloodstream in an effort to identify…

    From BLOG@CACM

    What Is Your Research Culture? Part 2: Background

    What Is Your Research Culture? Part 2: Background

    Why the research culture questionnaire is not just for fun.

    From Putting People First

    A constructionist approach to behaviour change and the Internet of Things

    A constructionist approach to behaviour change and the Internet of Things

    Dan Lockton just posted an essay on how to enable social and environmental behaviour change by using IoT-type technologies for practical co-creation and constructionist public engagement. It got him immediately some Sunday morning…

    From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

    Reconstructing Gödel

    What exactly was his “Philosophical Viewpoint”? Austria Forum source Kurt Gödel left a large amount of unpublished writings and notebooks and preserved correspondence. Called his Nachlass, German for “after-leavings” or bequest…

    From My Biased Coin

    Weekend Links (November 1 Edition)

    Weekend Links (November 1 Edition)

    A variety of links on related news.Ebola #1 (local):  The HackEbola with Data website gives detail for the upcoming Harvard Hacking event in conjunction with Statistics without Borders.  If doing some data mining for a cause"The…

    From The Eponymous Pickle

    Watson Developer Cloud

    Watson Developer Cloud

    Andy Boyd, developer contact at IBM, pointed me to the Watson Developer Cloud,  just launched.  Nicely done.  Especially interested in the community aspect of the offerings as they mature. See their getting started section. 

    From The Eponymous Pickle

    Image Recognition: Human v Monkey

    Image Recognition:  Human v Monkey

    In Wired: Looking into the networks necessary for key kinds of sensory intelligence." ... For about a decade now, brain scientists like Charles Cadieu have run image recognition tests pitting computers against monkeys. The test…

    From The Eponymous Pickle

    HP Embraces 3D Printing, Immersion

    HP Embraces 3D Printing, Immersion

    In CWorld:  Will this change manufacturing?  The move is good to watch.  It is blended reality, they say. New term to me, I  prefer 'remote manufacturing' as more descriptive" .... HP today announced a new 3D printing technology…