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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

November 2016

From insideHPC

RSC Tornado Breaks Record with 1.41 Petaflops per Rack

RSC Tornado Breaks Record with 1.41 Petaflops per Rack

rscToday Russia's RSC Group announced that the company has achieved a record compute density of 1.41 Pflops per rack using direct liquid cooling and Intel Xeon Phi processors. "RSC supported the TUM student team from Munich with…

From insideHPC

Video: PASC17 Conference Seeks Papers, Minisymposia, and Posters

Video: PASC17 Conference Seeks Papers, Minisymposia, and Posters

pascIn this video, Jeff Hollingsworth from SIGHPC and Michele De Lorenzi from CSCS invite you to submit papers, minisymposia proposals and posters to the PASC17 Conference, an interdisciplinary conference in HPC that brings together…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Thinking about Business Process as Recipes

Thinking about Business Process as Recipes

Finally got a chance to look in detail at the Allrecipe skill in Amazon's Echo Alexa.  This lets you voice search 60K+ recipes and then have them recited step by step or sent to your device. Works well, but has limitations in…

From Geeking with Greg

Quick links

Quick links

Some of the tech news I found interesting lately, and you might too. Heavy on the comics this time to lighten the mood: Jeff Bezos: "Good leaders ... seek to disconfirm their most profoundly-held convictions, which is very unnatural…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Technological Change: Harvey Nash Tech Report

Technological Change:  Harvey Nash Tech Report

To register for the entire report.    Fascinating piece by a participant.  Links to my recent Columbia course on managing change, this is part of that change.  

Almost half of tech professionals expect their job to be automated…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Striped Pyjama Squid

Friday Squid Blogging: Striped Pyjama Squid

Here's a nice picture of one of the few known poisonous squids. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered....

From The Eponymous Pickle

Thoughts on Simplifying Innovation

Thoughts on Simplifying Innovation

In Innovation Excellence, some interesting and simple thoughts about getting to real innovation.   The Tesla of Bikes Got a Brilliant Idea   by Gijs van Wulfen    

From The Eponymous Pickle

Questions to Ask Your Data Scientists

Questions to Ask Your Data Scientists

(And questions they should ask you)  Crucially this is not about recruiting, but to make sure you are managing them to get value from proposed solutions.   Management and data scientists should know the process, data, and value…

From insideHPC

Japan to Build 130 Petaflop ABCI Supercomputer

Japan to Build 130 Petaflop ABCI Supercomputer

abci-2Today Japan announced plans to build a 130 Petaflop supercomputer for deployment in 2017. Such a machine would surpass the 93 Petaflop Sunway TaihuLight supercomputer in China, which is currently #1 on the TOP500. "ABCI is an…

From insideHPC

Podcast: John McCalpin Surveys HPC System Memory Bandwidth

Podcast: John McCalpin Surveys HPC System Memory Bandwidth

john"In the long run, if you need orders of magnitude more bandwidth than is currently available there’s a set of technologies that are sometimes referred to as processor in memory – I call it processor at memory – technologies that…

From Schneier on Security

Hacking and the 2016 Presidential Election

Hacking and the 2016 Presidential Election

Was the 2016 presidential election hacked? It's hard to tell. There were no obvious hacks on Election Day, but new reports have raised the question of whether voting machines were tampered with in three states that Donald Trump…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Red 212 Content Strategy Agency

Red 212 Content Strategy Agency

Brought to my attention:  Red212:  A Content Strategy Agency

" ... Red212 was founded on the idea that business can be a powerful force for change. We are a full service, integrated marketing agency offering digital, traditional…

From Mostafa Dehghani

Internship at Google Research

Internship at Google Research

I've started a four-months internship at Google Research \o/. I am working on Natural Language Generation using Neural Computational Models, with Aliaksei Severyn and Enrique Alfonseca.  

From The Eponymous Pickle

Making Wikipedia Visible

Making Wikipedia Visible

Intriguing challenge is how to make any data usefully visual.  Quant data has well established ways. Database structures have semantic networks.   Here is linking defined by hyperlinks within the Wikipedia.  How can we get value…

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP


Theorems and Proofs—which are more important? src Ken and I wish to thank all who read and follow us. May you have a wonderful day today all day. But we would like to pose a basic question about teaching complexity theory: Theorems…

From insideHPC

BSC Paper: Scale-in on Large-memory Nodes to Save Energy

BSC Paper: Scale-in on Large-memory Nodes to Save Energy

Picture above: Darko holding his group's award for Best Paper during the MEMSYS 2016 conference, from left to right: Darko Zivanovic (PhD student at BSC), Bruce Jacob (MEMSYS 2016 Chair, U. Maryland) and Kazi Asifuzzaman (PhD student at BSC).Researchers from the Barcelona Supercomputing Center have received the award for Best Paper of the MEMSYS 2016 conference. "This study confirms that improvements in the memory system can have significant impact on the real world…

From insideHPC

Full Rundown of SC16 Stats, World Records, and Awards

Full Rundown of SC16 Stats, World Records, and Awards

sc16The numbers are in for SC16, the international supercomputing conference that wrapped up last week in Salt Lake City. The conference drew more than 11,100 registered attendees and featured a technical program spanning six days…

From The Eponymous Pickle

China Has an Echo-like Device

China Has an Echo-like Device

The basic idea continues to spread in the Smart Home.  I am continuing to test the Google Home in a formerly Echo environment.   See my curated list of assistants.  Will there be a race to more useful home intelligence?

China by…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Bletchley Park to Become Cyber College

Bletchley Park to Become Cyber College

Been following the restoration of British code breaking and early computing site Bletchley Park for years.   Now it is slated to become a Cyber Education College.  In Mashable.  Good idea.

From Technology News

How much should air traffic controllers trust new flight management systems?

How much should air traffic controllers trust new flight management systems?

With airfares at their lowest point in seven years and airlines adding capacity, this year's Thanksgiving air travel is slated to be 2.5 percent busier than last year. Between Nov. 18 and 29, 27.3 million Americans are expected…

From Technology News

Researchers discover most winter boots are too slippery to walk safely on icy surfaces

Researchers discover most winter boots are too slippery to walk safely on icy surfaces

A team of researchers from the iDAPT labs at Toronto Rehabilitation Institute-University Health Network are dedicated to keeping Canadians safer this winter by offering evidence-based ratings on footwear that may reduce the risk…

From The Eponymous Pickle

SAP HANA and Amazon Echo

SAP HANA and Amazon Echo

Have always been interested in how there might be practical business uses of voice driven assistant systems.  I am sure there are examinations occuring in industry to test the idea.  I happened on this post in the SAP blog, regarding…

From Schneier on Security

Securing Communications in a Trump Administration

Securing Communications in a Trump Administration

Susan Landau has an excellent essay on why it's more important than ever to have backdoor-free encryption on our computer and communications systems. Protecting the privacy of speech is crucial for preserving our democracy. We…

From insideHPC

Video: Supermicro Showcases Machine Learning Solutions on Intel Architecture

Video: Supermicro Showcases Machine Learning Solutions on Intel Architecture

Akira Sano, SupermicroIn this video from the Intel HPC Developer Conference, Akira Sano from Supermicro describes the company’s Machine Learning Solutions on Intel Architecture. “Supermicro is a global leader in high performance, high efficiency server…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Disney Canvas for Storytelling

Disney Canvas for Storytelling

We long wanted to see something like this.  For the non artist to express themselves in stories.  Is it easy enough?   Something closer to storyboarding might be best.  Makes sense this would come out of Disney.

More Than Animation…

From insideHPC

CERN Selects T-Systems and Huawei for Helix Nebula Science Cloud

CERN Selects T-Systems and Huawei for Helix Nebula Science Cloud

helixToday CERN announced that it has selected T-Systems and Huawei to design, prototype the pilot phase of the Helix Nebula Science Cloud. T-Systems and Huawei will develop a solution based on its Open Telekom Cloud public cloud …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Slack Handling Your Mail

Slack Handling Your Mail

Still some time before we get to this but it would be nice. Fine tuning the details, and handling exceptions well will be key.  Current Slack is no where close.  In Inc: 

Slack Co-Founder on How Artificial Intelligence Could Eliminate…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Software evolves by natural selection

Software evolves by natural selection

Software evolves by natural selection, not by intelligent design. It is a massive trial-and-error process. There are many thousands of programmers working every day to build new things in the hope of replacing the old… From time…

From insideHPC

Asetek Liquid Cooling Delivers Savings and Flexibility for HPC

Asetek Liquid Cooling Delivers Savings and Flexibility for HPC

Steve Branton, AsetekIn this video from SC16, Steve Branton from Asetek describes the company's innovative liquid cooling systems for high performance computing. Unlike one-size-fits-all approaches, the flexibility of Asetek distributed liquid cooling…

From insideHPC

Chinese Research Team Wins Gordon Bell Prize using #1 Sunway TaihuLight Supercomputer

Chinese Research Team Wins Gordon Bell Prize using #1 Sunway TaihuLight Supercomputer

View More: weather science team from China has won 2016 ACM Gordon Bell Prize for their research project, “10M-Core Scalable Fully-Implicit Solver for Nonhydrostatic Atmospheric Dynamics.” The winning team presented a method for calculating…