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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

November 2017

From insideHPC

Agenda Posted for ARM HPC User Group at SC17

Agenda Posted for ARM HPC User Group at SC17

The ARM HPC User Group has posted their Agenda for their SC17 Meetup. The event takes place Monday, Nov. 13 from 1:30 - 6:30pm at the Grand Hyatt in Denver. "Join us for Arm’s third annual HPC User Group session held during SC17…

From insideHPC

Univa Grid Engine adds UberCloud Parallel MPI to Docker Containers

Univa Grid Engine adds UberCloud Parallel MPI to Docker Containers

Today Univa announced the integration of UberCloud parallel application containers with Univa Grid Engine. In May of last year, Univa, a leading innovator of workload management products, announced the availability of Docker …

From insideHPC

Volunteers Ready High Speed SCinet for SC17

Volunteers Ready High Speed SCinet for SC17

At SC17 in Denver, volunteers have already started the installation of SCinet, the high-capacity network that supports the revolutionary applications and experiments that are a hallmark of the SC conference. SCinet takes one …

From insideHPC

Asetek Partners with E4 Computer Engineering, Announces Installation at CINECA

Asetek Partners with E4 Computer Engineering, Announces Installation at CINECA

Today Asetek announced E4 Computer Engineering as a new datacenter OEM partner. E4 Computer Engineering has utilized Asetek RackCDU D2C (Direct-to-Chip) liquid cooling for the D.A.V.I.D.E. SUPERCOMPUTER in Italy. Commissioned…

From insideHPC

Agenda Posted for D-Wave Quantum Seminar & Livestream at SC17

Agenda Posted for D-Wave Quantum Seminar & Livestream at SC17

D-Wave Systems will hold a Quantum Computing Seminar & Livestream from 2:00pm - 5:00pm on Monday, Nov. 13 in Denver. "We will discuss quantum computing, the D-Wave 2000Q system and software, the growing software ecosystem, an…

From Schneier on Security

Fraud Detection in Pokémon Go

Fraud Detection in Pokémon Go

I play Pokémon Go. (There, I've admitted it.) One of the interesting aspects of the game I've been watching is how the game's publisher, Niantec, deals with cheaters. There are three basic types of cheating in Pokémon Go. The…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

2017 Computing Research Symposium on Addressing National Priorities and Societal Needs

2017 Computing Research Symposium on Addressing National Priorities and Societal Needs

CCC Chair Beth Mynatt has contributed to this blog. As computing has grown even more essential to day to day life, the capacity of computing research to effect societal change and address the needs of society has subsequently…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Detective by Charlie to Enhance, Speed Research

Detective by Charlie to Enhance, Speed Research

We took a look at early ideas like these,  look forward to trying.  Recall rhis used to be don by just running multiple searches nd combining results. We may finally be at the point where this is possible, when powered by better…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Cautions for Voice Replenishment Shopping

Cautions for Voice Replenishment Shopping

A reasonable warning of course, in our discussions several of us have mentioned that they are concerned about consumers paying less attention to price.

Voice Shopping with Amazon and Google Could Cost You  In CIO Today.

In the


From The Eponymous Pickle

How Close are Self-Driving Cars

How Close are Self-Driving Cars

Was recently asked this question.   10 years, 5 years, one year, Years end?  Interesting that Wamp, which I was an early tester of, is a major component.   Fleets will be a major component.

Waymo’s Maintenance Deal Hints thatTechnology…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Creating an Intelligent Company

Creating an Intelligent Company

Excellent, non technical piece, just the intro below.

How to Create an Intelligent Company
Posted by Ronald van Loon 

" .... Key elements in making a company “intelligent”
For a company to shift towards becoming an intelligent company…

From insideHPC

Video: System Interconnects for HPC

Video: System Interconnects for HPC

In this video from the 2017 Argonne Training Program on Extreme-Scale Computing, Pavan Balaji from Argonne presents an overview of system interconnects for HPC.

The post Video: System Interconnects for HPC appeared first on insideHPC…

From insideHPC

RCE-Podcast Looks at Project Jupyter for Interactive Data Science

RCE-Podcast Looks at Project Jupyter for Interactive Data Science

In this RCE Podcast, Brock Palen and Jeff Squyres discuss Jupyter with Dr. Brian Granger from Cal Poly State University. "Jupyter is a non-profit, open-source project, born out of the IPython Project in 2014 as it evolved to …

From Computer Science Teachers Association

Designing Computer Science Classrooms

Designing Computer Science Classrooms

Computer science is being taught in all kinds of classrooms across the country, not just in computer labs. As more schools increase their computer science offerings and look to dedicate space to those classes, teachers are faced…

From insideHPC

Ellexus Container Checker looks to Revolutionize Cloud Container Use

Ellexus Container Checker looks to Revolutionize Cloud Container Use

Ellexus has launched Container Checker on Amazon Web Services’ Marketplace, a pioneering cloud-based tool that provides visibility into the inner workings of Docker containers. "Container Checker will help people using cloud …

From Computational Complexity

Matching and Complexity

Given a group of people, can you pair them up so that each pair are Facebook friends with each other? This is the famous perfect matching problem. The complexity of matching has a rich history which got a little richer in the…

From insideHPC

Pagoda Project Rolls Out First Software Libraries for Exascale

Pagoda Project Rolls Out First Software Libraries for Exascale

The Pagoda Project—a three-year Exascale Computing Project software development program based at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory—has successfully reached a major milestone: making its open source software libraries publicly…

From insideHPC

Visualizing with Software Rendering with Intel Xeon Phi

Visualizing with Software Rendering with Intel Xeon Phi

There are two main categories or uses where rendering on the Intel Xeon Phi processors should be investigated. The first is what could be called "Professional rendering" and the second, "Scientific visualization." "Software based…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

CS Educator Interview: Steven Floyd

CS Educator Interview: Steven Floyd

Computer Science education is important all over the world. Recently Steven Floyd who teaches at Mother Teresa Catholic Secondary School in London, Ontario, Canada agreed to answer my questions. Steven received the 2017 Award…

From Schneier on Security

Heart Size: Yet Another Biometric

Heart Size: Yet Another Biometric

Turns out that heart size doesn't change throughout your adult life, and you can use low-level Doppler radar to scan the size -- even at a distance -- as a biometric. Research paper (to be available soon)....

From Mostafa Dehghani

Avoiding Your Teacher's Mistakes: Training Neural Networks with Controlled Weak Supervision

Avoiding Your Teacher's Mistakes: Training Neural Networks with Controlled Weak Supervision

This post is about the project I've done in colaboration with Aliaksei Severyn, Sascha Rothe, and Jaap Kamps, during my internship at Google Research. Deep neural networks have shown impressive results in a lot of tasks in computer…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Alexa at Berlin IFA 2017

Alexa at Berlin IFA 2017

A list of Alexa driven capabilities being shown at IFA, from Slashgear.   Not enough detail, but of interest to show the pickup of the digital assistant.     Amazon Alexa is clearly the star of IFA 2017   By JC Torres

From The Eponymous Pickle

Links vs Privacy vs Asset Value?

Links vs Privacy vs Asset Value?

The researchers want to implement this as a browser extension.  Could a variation on this be used to estimate asset value of data over time?   ....

Algorithm shows the data you give away when clicking suggested links

From The Eponymous Pickle

Predictive Maintenance

Predictive Maintenance

Some of the earliest examples of useful AI were in the area of maintenance, and predictive diagnosis.  We examined a number. of engineering applications.  The market value of use is enormous.  From cars to jet engines.   Natural…

From insideHPC

“The Ultimate Trading Machine” from Penguin Computing sets Record for Low Latency

“The Ultimate Trading Machine” from Penguin Computing sets Record for Low Latency

The world of High Frequency Trading is all about reducing latency to make money. At the recent STAC Summit in Chicago, a Penguin Computing device called The Ultimate Trading Machine achieved a record-low 98 nanosecond tick-to…

From insideHPC

Supermicro Showcases Volta GPU Systems at GTC Washington DC

Supermicro Showcases Volta GPU Systems at GTC Washington DC

This week at GTC DC, Supermicro is showcasing GPU server platforms that support NVIDIA Tesla V100 PCI-E and V100 SXM2 GPUs. “Our high performance computing solutions enable deep learning, engineering and scientific fields to …

From insideHPC

NVIDIA Expands Deep Learning Institute

NVIDIA Expands Deep Learning Institute

Today NVIDIA announced a broad expansion of its Deep Learning Institute (DLI), which is training tens of thousands of students, developers and data scientists with critical skills needed to apply artificial intelligence. "The…

From insideHPC

Video: The State of Linux Containers

Video: The State of Linux Containers

"Linux Containers gain more and more momentum in all IT ecosystems. This talk provides an overview about what happened in the container landscape (in particular Docker) during the course of the last year and how it impacts datacenter…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Guide to Amazon SEO

Guide to Amazon SEO

Received this invitation to get and forward this offer for a PDF guide,  you do have to provide some registration information.   Via Retailwire.

Ultimate Guide to Amazon SEO  by CPC Strategy

Optimize & Update Your Product Listings…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Vicki Davis Interviews Alfred Thompson about CS Education

Vicki Davis Interviews Alfred Thompson about CS Education

Vicki Davis has a wonderful podcast with interesting educators. Over the summer she interviewed me about teaching Computer Science. Topics include:

  • How to get kids moving as you teach programming
  • What happens when a school has…