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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

November 2017

From insideHPC

Cray Helps Propels ARM processors into HPC

Cray Helps Propels ARM processors into HPC

"With the integration of Arm processors into our flagship Cray XC50 systems, we will offer our customers the world’s most flexible supercomputers,” said Fred Kohout, Cray’s senior vice president of products and chief marketing…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Can’t We (Computer Science people) All Just Get Along?

Can’t We (Computer Science people) All Just Get Along?

There is some real momentum in growing computer science for all people in the US. Even the Trump administration seems to be behind it (more or less). The pot of money for funding CS for All initiatives is growing. It’s not growing…

From insideHPC

SCinet to “Blow the Doors off the Network” at SC17

SCinet to “Blow the Doors off the Network” at SC17

SC17 exhibitors are invited to participate in two “blow the doors off the network” events next week to demonstrate the power of SCinet, the high-capacity network built to support the revolutionary applications and experiments…

From Schneier on Security

Google's Data on Login Thefts

Google's Data on Login Thefts

This is interesting research and data: With Google accounts as a case-study, we teamed up with the University of California, Berkeley to better understand how hijackers attempt to take over accounts in the wild. From March 2016…

From insideHPC

Ethernet Alliance SC17 Demo Highlights Rich Solutions Portfolio For HPC

Ethernet Alliance SC17 Demo Highlights Rich Solutions Portfolio For HPC

“The Ethernet Alliance SC17 demo shows the next Ethernet era is here, bringing with it technologies supporting today’s supercomputing needs, and laying out a roadmap for not just tomorrow, but tomorrow’s tomorrow.”

The post Ethernet…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Supply Chain Digest Numbers

Supply Chain Digest Numbers

Supply Chain Digest publishes sort term news items, based on statistics.  here is an example.  More at the link, but still thin on actual details.   Worth following. 

Supply Chain by the Numbers for Week of Nov. 9, 2017

From The Eponymous Pickle

Process Mining

Process Mining

Process mining     From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ....

Process mining is a process management technique that allows for the analysis of business processes based on event logs. During process mining, specialized data-mining…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Hype of Virtual Medicine

Hype of Virtual Medicine

Good points are made here,  in particular are systems like smartphones, effective at addicting us otherwise, useful for health habits?   WSJ article:

The Hype of Virtual Medicine
High-tech health care hasn’t proved effective at…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Dolby Labs Sensing Biometrics

Dolby Labs Sensing Biometrics

Not a new thing, we worked with several startups in this domain, still being implemented as 'Neuromarketing' in consumer in context measurement.   With lots of variability in how it is being done, from simply measuring galvanic…

From insideHPC

Moonshot Research Teams with Providentia Worldwide for HPC and Big Data Services for Industry

Moonshot Research Teams with Providentia Worldwide for HPC and Big Data Services for Industry

Today Moonshot Research and Providentia Worldwide announced an agreement to jointly offer business and technical services and consulting in the areas of high-performance computing and big data services. The Moonshot/Providentia…

From insideHPC

SC17 Preview: Lessons on Utilizing 10 Million Cores of Sunway TaihuLight

SC17 Preview: Lessons on Utilizing 10 Million Cores of Sunway TaihuLight

SC17 will continue its HPC Matters Plenary session series this year with a talk on The Sunway TaihuLight supercomputer, which is currently #1 on the TOP500. Presented by Dr. Haohuan Fu, the talk is entitled “Lessons on Integrating…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Kirio, An Installed Learning Smarthome

Kirio, An Installed  Learning Smarthome

Builders installing sensors to make homes adaptive.

“Kirio creates smart homes from scratch, and they learn as you live
By Jenny McGrath in Digital Trends

With its stainless-steel appliances, open-plan style, and large windows,


From Putting People First

Six hacks for service designers working in an agile environment

Six hacks for service designers working in an agile environment

Ideally service designers deliver our best value when we stay outside the “Scrum” (literally and figuratively), fulfilling our strategic role and avoiding the hectic pace and too-narrow focus of two-week sprints. Our work, writes…

From Putting People First

Six hacks for service designers working in an agile environment

Six hacks for service designers working in an agile environment

Ideally service designers deliver our best value when we stay outside the “Scrum” (literally and figuratively), fulfilling our strategic role and avoiding the hectic pace and too-narrow focus of two-week sprints. Our work, writes…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Resume Assistant for Linkedin

Resume Assistant for Linkedin

Always thought there was good opportunity here.  More still exists by linking capabilities to needs, and in meetings to tasks to be done.   And how about linking to dialog in email streams?

"Resume Assistant” uses LinkedIn’s data…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Twitter Posts

Twitter Posts

My Twitter stream  contains links to many of the posts here.   I also add related posts from twitter and other social sources a similar range of topics.   Follow along there and add your own references…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Guide to Chatbots

Guide to Chatbots

A guide and survey of chatbots.  Looks good.  Will follow.

Beginners Guide to Chatbots  Posted by William Vorhies 

Summary:  This is the first in a series about Chatbots.  In this first installment we cover the basics including…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Six Analytics Books

Six Analytics Books

KD Nuggets books of interest to the data scientist.  Nice selection.  Mostly in the moderately technical domain.  Some of these are more background books that are good reads rather than 'how to'.

From insideHPC

Time-Lapse Video: Building SCinet at SC17 in 30 seconds

Time-Lapse Video: Building SCinet at SC17 in 30 seconds

In this time-lapse video from SC17, a team of volunteers build the high-speed SCinet network for the conference in 30 seconds flat. "Check out this behind-the-scenes look at the well-orchestrated frenzy that is SCinet staging…

From insideHPC

SC17 Preview: Molecular Simulation at the Mesoscale

SC17 Preview: Molecular Simulation at the Mesoscale

SC17 will continue its HPC Matters Plenary session series this year a talk on Molecular Simulation at the Mesoscale. "We are developing new capabilities for multi-scale dynamic simulations that cross spatial scales from the molecular…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Gartner on Digital Retail Strategies

Gartner on Digital Retail Strategies

Most Retail Digital Strategies Not Yet Harvesting Results   by Robert Hetu   

The retail CIO agenda for 2018 reflects the existential threat to many retailers, caused by digitally enabled consumers, new entrants and new business…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Life After Driving

Life After Driving

Imagining a self-driving world.  Life After Driving

A very broad look at self driving vehicles, the near term and unexpected social and technical consequences.

In  the NY Times Mag.   Nicely done.

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Season May Start Earlier Next Year

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Season May Start Earlier Next Year

Squid fisherman in Argentina have asked regulators to start the squid season earlier in 2018. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered. Read my blog posting…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Who Wants an Amazon Key?

Who Wants an Amazon Key?

Still intrigued by the Amazon Key as a means to open a unique channel to the consumer.   But who wants it, who fears it, and what do they expect to get out of it?  Can it deliver?  Recode looks at some numbers.

Most Amazon Prime…

From insideHPC

Quantum Computing Ecosystem moves forward with IBM Q Systems

Quantum Computing Ecosystem moves forward with IBM Q Systems

"Over the next year, IBM Q scientists will continue to work to improve its devices including the quality of qubits, circuit connectivity, and error rates of operations. For example, within six months, the IBM team was able to…

From insideHPC

CoolIT Systems Unveils AHx2 Heat Exchange Module

CoolIT Systems Unveils AHx2 Heat Exchange Module

Today CoolIT Systems announced their new AHx2 Heat Exchange Module. This compact Liquid-to-Air heat exchanger makes it possible for Direct Contact Liquid Cooling (DCLC) enabled servers to be thermally tested during the factory…

From The Noisy Channel

Better Search through Better Queries

Better Search through Better Queries

I spend a lot of time helping companies improve their search engines. Much of my work involves returning better results for their users’ search queries. But there’s a better strategy: improving the queries themselves.

Less is More…

From insideHPC

Rescale Cloud adds HPE and SGI Server Capability

Rescale Cloud adds HPE and SGI Server Capability

Today Rescale announced that it will support HPE and SGI servers on its HPC platform, allowing HPE customers to seamlessly access and manage a hybrid environment of cloud and on-premises HPC systems in a single unified platform…

From insideHPC

Video: The Legion Programming Model

Video: The Legion Programming Model

"Developed by Stanford University, Legion is a data-centric programming model for writing high-performance applications for distributed heterogeneous architectures. Legion provides a common framework for implementing applications…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Maps Show Checkout Line Length

Google Maps Show Checkout Line Length

Adding line lengths to maps of stores.  Saw a similar approach done at a Kroger, but just for their store.  The data will be crowd sourced, which can lead to incorrect numbers.   With expert discussion:

Has Google solved the problem…

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