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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

November 2018

From insideHPC

UH Data Science Institute Receives $10 Million Boost from HPE

UH Data Science Institute Receives $10 Million Boost from HPE

The University of Houston has announced a new collaboration with HPE today, including a $10 million gift from HPE to the University. The gift from HPE will benefit the University’s Data Science Institute and include funding for…

From insideHPC

Video: Unified Memory on Summit (Power9 + V100)

Video: Unified Memory on Summit (Power9 + V100)

Jeff Larkin from NVIDIA gave this talk at the Summit Application Readiness Workshop. The event had the primary objective of providing the detailed technical information and hands-on help required for select application teams …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Winning with AI

Winning with AI

Sure you want to win, delivering value.  But does it matter what you call it?   Yes because it gets attention, good or bad.   Context changes.

Winning with AI
 Written by: Rob Thomas in IBM Blog

Categorized: AI | Analytics | Artificial…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Should Alexa be Your Child's Friend?

Should Alexa be Your Child's Friend?

Should you let your children talk to and treat an assistant like Alexa as a friend?    Imaginary friends have been a common thing, is this different?      And is an assistant more or less damaging than a more featured smart phone…

From The Eponymous Pickle

VDML and Business Architecture Modeling

VDML and Business Architecture Modeling

Comment below upgraded here, plan is to trial this for upcoming applications.  Really like the idea of making the interaction between architecture, process and value delivery very clear.

" .... Fred A. Cummins has left a new comment…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Car Connectivity and Value Creation

Car Connectivity and Value Creation

Thoughtful and potentially useful:

" ... The connectivity experience of drivers and passengers will soon be transformed, with the potential for significant value creation. Here is a framework to measure progress.

Framework for


From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Science and Technology links (November 3rd, 2018)

Science and Technology links (November 3rd, 2018)

Bitcoin, the cryptocurrency, could greatly accelerate climate change, should it succeed beyond its current speculative state. Crows can solve novel problems very quickly with tools they have never seen before. The new video game…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Startup Lessons from John Chambers

Startup Lessons from John Chambers

Podcast and text from K@W.  His book, about to take a look.

Success in the Startup World: Why Good Leadership Matters Most

Former Cisco CEO John Chambers shares some hard-won lessons.  His forthcoming book is Lessons for Leadership…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Data Elitism is an Error of Omission

Data Elitism is an Error of Omission

Never heard the term.   But it was always it our goal to include decision makers that used the data and decision process as closely as possible.  If you don't you are inviting failure.    I don't think its the default, its a


From The Eponymous Pickle

Decision Making AI

Decision Making AI

Had not heard of this, if accurate quite interesting.  Neuromarketing?  Skeptical. 

World First for Decision-Making AI

Auckland University of Technology News

Researchers at the Auckland University of Technology in New Zealand have…

From insideHPC

Job of the Week: HPC Emerging Technology Researcher at Chevron

Job of the Week: HPC Emerging Technology Researcher at Chevron

Chevron is seeking an HPC Emerging Technology Researcher in our Job of the Week. "This position will be accountable for strategic research, technology development and business engagement to deliver High Performance Computing …

From insideHPC

Women in HPC to host Networking and Careers Event at SC18

Women in HPC to host Networking and Careers Event at SC18

The Women in HPC organization will host a Networking and Careers Reception at SC18 in Dallas. "Join the Women In High Performance Computing members as we celebrate a growing community of women and their supporters in the supercomputing…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Caselaw Access Project

Caselaw Access Project

More on the Caselaw access project.  Public access to US law,  as a potential data source for law related AI projects.

The Caselaw Access Project (“CAP”) expands public access to U.S. law. 
Our goal is to…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Wal-Mart Reimagines Stores as Town Centers

Wal-Mart Reimagines Stores as Town Centers

Innovative idea, will it engage consumers?  Could also improve the overall status impression of Wal-mart stores.

Walmart reimagines its big boxes as town centers
by Matthew Stern in Retailwire  includes expert retail opinion.


From The Eponymous Pickle

Digitization Economist

Digitization Economist

Should it be a task or a job?  Always helps to get the developers involved too, because they need to know the measures involved and how they are derived from process.   A measure-ist?  I remember when we had a room-full of economists…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Skills Kits Webinars

Skills Kits Webinars

Part of the Alexa Skills Dev program.  Upcoming webinars.  Approach is an interesting view of experience.  Still looking for more ways to integrate skills

New Training: Designing for Conversation

Before you can build a voice experience…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Eating More Squid

Friday Squid Blogging: Eating More Squid

This research paper concludes that we'll be eating more squid in the future. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered. Read my blog posting guidelines here…

From The Eponymous Pickle

AI Lie Detectors at some EU Borders

AI Lie Detectors at some EU Borders

Could indicate increasing uses of AI to determine sentiment style interaction and detection.

An AI Lie Detector Will Interrogate Travelers at Some EU Borders 
 in New Scientist (full article requires sign up)
By Douglas Heaven


From The Eponymous Pickle

Grocers Using for Robots Picking Warehouse Orders

Grocers Using for Robots Picking Warehouse Orders

AI continues to aid pattern oriented tasks, here in grocery order filling.

Grocers Enlist Robots to Chase E-Commerce 
The Wall Street Journal
By Heather Haddon in WSJ.

Grocers are deploying robots and artificial intelligence (AI)…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Quantum has Advantages

Quantum has Advantages

Is quantum computing useful?  Yes, at least for some kinds of problems.  Worth following..

IBM Proves a Quantum Computing Advantage Over Classical
Next Big Future
By Brian Wang

IBM researchers have mathematically validated certain…

From The Eponymous Pickle

iRobot and Google Assistant Partner

iRobot and Google Assistant Partner

Home robotics has not been very successful, except in rather narrow domains.    In particular in linking with the concept of a 'Smart Home', and requirements of spatial awareness.    Now iRobot and Google are going in that direction…

From insideHPC

HPE Delivers First Above-the-cloud Supercomputing Services for Astronauts

HPE Delivers First Above-the-cloud Supercomputing Services for Astronauts

Today Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) today announced it is opening high-performance computing capabilities to astronauts on the International Space Station (ISS) as part of its continued experiments on the Spaceborne Computer…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Propose a Presentation for the CSTA Annual Conference 2019

Propose a Presentation for the CSTA Annual Conference 2019

CSTA just announced the Call for Proposals. for the CSTA Annual Conference just days after I blogged (Getting Computer Science Teachers To The Next Level ) that people who help others develop as CS teachers. Coincidence? Actually…

From insideHPC

SC18 Plenary to focus on HPC & Ai on Nov. 12

SC18 Plenary to focus on HPC & Ai on Nov. 12

Over at the SC18 Blog, SC Insider writes that the upcoming Conference Plenary session will examine the potential for advanced computing to help mitigate human suffering and elevate our capacity to protect the most vulnerable.…

From insideHPC

Download the New European HPC Handbook

Download the New European HPC Handbook

ETP4HPC has published their annual European HPC Handbook. "This publication describes the HPC Technology, Co-design and Applications Projects within the European HPC ecosystem, including EPI. The Handbook will be distributed …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Holograms to Teach

Holograms to Teach

Cheaper than flying people around,  impressive, how much more engaging will it be than a video link?

'Hologram' lecturers to teach students at Imperial College London
By Leo Kelion  Technology desk editor  BBC Technology


From Schneier on Security

How to Punish Cybercriminals

How to Punish Cybercriminals

Interesting policy paper by Third Way: "To Catch a Hacker: Toward a comprehensive strategy to identify, pursue, and punish malicious cyber actors": In this paper, we argue that the United States currently lacks a comprehensive…

From Putting People First

[Book] Ethnographic study of a Swiss bank’s financial analysts

[Book] Ethnographic study of a Swiss bank’s financial analysts

Stories of Capitalism: Inside the role of financial analysts Stefan Leins University of Chicago Press 2018, 224 pages The financial crisis and the recession that followed caught many people off guard, including experts in the…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Alexa Augmenting Cancer Research

Alexa Augmenting Cancer Research

Had not heard of Alexa in this space.  Simple idea here.  Risk of giving incorrect answers?

New Technology Is Rapidly Improving Cancer Care, and Alexa Is at the Vanguard  ... The Guardian (United Kingdom)  by Judith Potts


From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Early Career Researcher Symposium- Visioning Sessions

Early Career Researcher Symposium- Visioning Sessions

As part of the Computing Community Consortium (CCC) Early Career Researcher (ECR) Symposium, described in full here, we featured a number of visioning workshops CCC has held over the past year. CCC task force members and workshop…