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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

November 2018

From The Eponymous Pickle

Voices of AI

Voices of AI

Nice AI podcast series I just discovered.    I would call these more technical, yet still very interesting. Note the aspect of storytelling that is included.  Conversation of any kind is a form of storytelling.  People are good…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Wearable Music

Wearable Music

New limits to music accessibility.

New wearable tech lets users listen to live music through their skin

It's inspired by deaf fans of live concerts to help them "feel" the music. By Jenifer Ouellette in Ars Technica

" ... The tech…

From The Eponymous Pickle

(Updated) Superintelligence Considered in New Context

(Updated) Superintelligence Considered in New Context

Brought to my attention, a new book: Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies  by Nick Bostrom

Reading.  They write:

" ... Superintelligence asks the questions: What happens when machines surpass…

From insideHPC

Moving HPC Workloads to the Cloud with Univa’s Navops Launch 1.0

Moving HPC Workloads to the Cloud with Univa’s Navops Launch 1.0

Today Univa announced the release of Navops Launch 1.0, the latest version of the most powerful hybrid HPC cloud management product and a significant advancement in the migration of HPC workloads to the cloud. Navops Launch meshes…

From insideHPC

An Update on Piz Daint – the Fastest Supercomputer in Europe

An Update on Piz Daint – the Fastest Supercomputer in Europe

In this video from SC18 in Dallas, Michele De Lorenzi from CSCS in Switzerland provides an update on Piz Daint, the fastest supercomputer in Europe. "Recently upgraded with two additional cabinets full of NVIDIA V100 GPUs, the…

From insideHPC

PC at the University of Michigan: A Multi‐Tenant, Multi‐Science Campus Service Provider

PC at the University of Michigan: A Multi‐Tenant, Multi‐Science Campus Service Provider

In this video from the DDN User Group at SC18 in Dallas, Brock Palen from the University of Michigan presents: HPC at the University of Michigan: A Multi‐Tenant, Multi‐Science Campus Service Provider. "Advanced Research Computing…

From insideHPC

Job of the Week: Operations Research Simulation Engineer at Raytheon in Tucson

Job of the Week: Operations Research Simulation Engineer at Raytheon in Tucson

Raytheon in Tucson is seeking an Operations Research Simulation Engineer in our Job of the Week. "Our Modeling, Simulation and Analysis Center (MSA) headquarters in sunny Tucson, AZ, needs strong Simulation Developer and Analysts…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Science and Technology links (November 24th 2018)

Science and Technology links (November 24th 2018)

There is no association between birth order and personality traits: The results of both within- and between-family research designs revealed no consistent evidence of a link between birth order and the personality traits of extraversion…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Power of the Small Design

Power of the Small Design

Always been intrigued by the power of the very small.     There are big advantages of power and manipulation. Whether in the body or in space.   Involvement of Autodesk is interesting.

Insect-Like Lander Could Be the Future of…

From The Eponymous Pickle

China Proposes Social Credit System

China Proposes Social Credit System

Podcast and text ... excerpt

Beijing to Judge Every Resident Based on Behavior by End of 2020 in Bloomberg

 China capital plans ‘social credit’ system by end of 2020

 Citizens with poor scores will be ‘unable to move’ a step


From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

A Thanksgiving Treat

Another proof that there are an infinite number of primes of a special form Cropped from Packard Fellow src Trevor Wooley is a professor of mathematics at the University of Bristol in the UK. Today, Ken and I want to say our…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Good Squid Fishing in the Exmouth Gulf

Friday Squid Blogging: Good Squid Fishing in the Exmouth Gulf

The conditions are ideal for squid fishing in the Exmouth Gulf in West Australia. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered. Read my blog posting guidelines…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Furhat: a Social Robot from Sweden

Furhat:  a Social Robot from Sweden

Been following the social aspects of robotics for some time.  Furhat looks at it differently.  But since its is not meant to have any particular purpose in mind, does this mean it is goal-less?  Or as a needed front end for a…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Polinode Documentation

Polinode Documentation

I see that Polinode has updated their documentation.    Impressive, worth a look.

" ... Polinode
Collect, Visualize and Analyze Connected Data

Upload connected data directly to Polinode and interact with the resulting networks…

From insideHPC

Micron Joins CERN openlab

Micron Joins CERN openlab

Last week at SC18, Micron announced that the company has joined CERN openlab, a unique public-private partnership, by signing a three-year agreement. Under the agreement, Micron will provide CERN with advanced next-generation…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Court Fight Over Commas

Court Fight Over Commas

Although oddly its irrelevant, I worked at the Language Lab at Penn,  followed Language Log Blog since it was a newsletter,  So for unconnected reasons the complexity of language is always interesting, and in English, and some…

From insideHPC

Dr. Eng Lim Goh Fireside Chat on the Convergence of HPC & Ai

Dr. Eng Lim Goh Fireside Chat on the Convergence of HPC & Ai

In this video from SC18, Dr. Eng Lim Goh from HPE describes the Convergence of HPC and Ai. "Data analytics and insights are fueling innovation across scientific research, product and service design, customer experience management…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Scalable Intelligent Systems

Scalable Intelligent Systems

Quite valuable and a considerable challenge, see the full article.

Scalable Intelligent Systems by 2025  in the ACM     By Carl Hewitt, who is an emeritus professor of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.  He is board chair…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Ditch the term Blockchain?

Ditch the term Blockchain?

I agree, when hype exceeds reality you have to take great care.  Start with a good business case.

Via Fortune, a short talk by execs.

Time to Ditch the Word 'Blockchain', Report Says

A new report from Forrester Research says the…

From Schneier on Security

Using Machine Learning to Create Fake Fingerprints

Using Machine Learning to Create Fake Fingerprints

Researchers are able to create fake fingerprints that result in a 20% false-positive rate. The problem is that these sensors obtain only partial images of users' fingerprints -- at the points where they make contact with the…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

The Problem With CS Education Research

The Problem With CS Education Research

There is some research in who t teach computer science (OK, mostly its about teaching programming but that’s important too) but not a lot of teachers or professors are adopting it. One has to wonder why? Eugene Wallingford takes…

From insideHPC

Univa and WekaIO team to speed HPC Workloads in the Cloud

Univa and WekaIO team to speed HPC Workloads in the Cloud

Last week at SC18 in Dallas, Univa announced a partnership with WekaIO, a high-performance scale-out file system storage company, to help enterprise customers accelerate the migration of their HPC workloads to the cloud. "Univa…

From insideHPC

Singularity Containers Power NVIDIA Full Galaxy Simulation

Singularity Containers Power NVIDIA Full Galaxy Simulation

In this video from the NVIDIA Showcase event at SC18, Jensen Huang hosts a demo of Singularity containers running a full galaxy simulation. "This has to be the best Container demo ever," said Huang. "As part of that effort, Huang…

From The Eponymous Pickle

On IOTA in Forbes

On IOTA in Forbes

Update on IOTA, I continue to follow, primarily different because of its innovative means of updating and validating its chain and contents.

IOTA - Fulfilling the Promise of Blockchain
By  Gerald Fenech,  in Forbes, journalist


From The Eponymous Pickle

A Plane with No Moving Parts

A Plane with No Moving Parts

Still a prototype only suitable for drones, but  quite a development.

MIT engineers fly first-ever plane with no moving parts
The silent, lightweight aircraft doesn’t depend on fossil fuels or batteries.

Watch Video  Jennifer Chu…




Science fiction like Frankenstein nudges readers to confer humanity but nudges them away from moral fortitude.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Armpit Sniffing Sensors with AI

Armpit Sniffing Sensors with AI

Because of the products we made, for many years we used human sensory labs to address anti-odorant efficacy.  So this digitizing of the sensory process is very interesting. 

Arm Leads Project to Develop an Armpit-Sniffing Sensor…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Human Presence Sensing for Smart Buildings

Human Presence Sensing for Smart Buildings

In  RDMag.

NSF Grant Awarded for Smart-building Sensor Research  by University of Hawai’i

The National Science Foundation has awarded University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa researchers a $750,000 grant to develop a low-cost sensor capable…

From insideHPC

AMD EPYC Powers Tyan Servers for Data-intensive Computing

AMD EPYC Powers Tyan Servers for Data-intensive Computing

In this video from SC18, Philip Maher from Tyan describes how the company is packaging AMD EPYC processors with innovative server configurations for tackling data-intensive workloads. "AMD EPYC processors are based on the 14nm…

From insideHPC

Atos Adds AMD processors to BullSequana X Line of Supercomputers

Atos Adds AMD processors to BullSequana X Line of Supercomputers

Last week at SC18, Atos announced support for AMD EPYC processors in its upcoming BullSequana X range of supercomputers. The next generation AMD EPYC processor, codenamed “Rome”, is expected to be available in Atos’ new BullSequana…