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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

November 2018

From The Eponymous Pickle

How, Where is Machine Learning Evolving?

How, Where is Machine Learning Evolving?

We were long used to analytics staying static in  method and application.   Well thats not the case, at least not yet.   Some good comments here in this excerpt:

Four ways machine learning is evolving, according to Facebook's

From The Eponymous Pickle

Dinner with Algorithms

Dinner with Algorithms

 A broad at how Amazon has changed the playing field, and will continue to do so, and what the reaction should be for CPG.

Dinner with Algorithms: Competing in the Amazon Era
By Guru Hariharan, Boomerang Commerce  in Consumergoods…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Robert Epstein on Creativity and Innovation

Robert Epstein on Creativity and Innovation

Epstein’s talk on creativity and innovation at the Cambridge Forum on Executive Leadership was one of the most exciting I’ve seen in years."

via D. L. Holland, Vice President, Group Human Resources, Bayer Corporation

Robert Epstein…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Oil and Gas Operating Models

Oil and Gas Operating Models

Mckinsey writes on petrochemical business process.

Technological change is poised to disrupt the drilling and completion business while introducing new ways of working. .... 

Sent from McKinsey Insights, available in the App Store…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Bixby Dev Tool Private Beta Annoncement

Bixby Dev Tool Private Beta Annoncement

Have now particpated in several betas and Dev efforts for assistants.    Here some basics and links to application for Samsung Bixby.   Unclear how broadly such developments could be applied to smart home.  Am most interested…

From insideHPC

Instant Gratification Takes Too Long and Costs Too Much for HPC. Or Does It?

Instant Gratification Takes Too Long and Costs Too Much for HPC. Or Does It?

system interconnect technologyIn this special guest post, Peter ffoulkes writes that automation software from companies like XTREME-D are making HPC datacenters more productive every day. "One such example of these capabilities comes from startup XTREME-D…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Is it AI?

Is it AI?

In Technology Review, a good, but still incomplete,  hand drawn,  decision tree to determine if something is 'AI'.    Covers the basics.   Good start.  Click through for the chart.

Is this AI?  We drew you a flowchart to work

From The Eponymous Pickle

Unilever Shopkick and Image reco

Unilever Shopkick and Image reco

Unusual promo that includes image recognition.

Suave Promotion Brings Image Recognition to Walmart   By CGT Staff 

Unilever’s Suave brand is promoting a Veteran’s Day cause program at Walmart using new 2D image recognition technology…

From insideHPC

Call For Participation: OpenFabrics Workshop

Call For Participation: OpenFabrics Workshop

Today OFA issued their Call for Sessions for the annual OpenFabrics Alliance Workshop 2019. The event takes place March 19-21 in Austin, Texas. "The Workshop places a high value on collaboration and communication among participants…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Science and Technology links (November 10th, 2018)

Science and Technology links (November 10th, 2018)

It already takes more energy to operate Bitcoin than to mine actual gold. Cryptocurrencies are responsible for millions of tons of CO2 emissions. (Source: Nature) “Half of countries have fertility rates below the replacementContinue…

From Putting People First

Design education’s big gap: understanding the role of power

Design education’s big gap: understanding the role of power

George Aye, co-founder and director of innovation at Greater Good Studio and adjunct full professor at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, argues that for all the talk about being human-centered, one very human factor…

From Putting People First

Experiential Futures: A brief outline

Experiential Futures: A brief outline

Stuart Candy (@futuryst), an award-winning foresight practitioner, Director of CMU Situation Lab and Associate Professor at Carnegie Mellon School of Design, recently wrote a short intro to Experiential Futures (XF) for designers…

From The Eponymous Pickle

To Fork or not to Fork? Whats a Fork?

To Fork or not to Fork?  Whats a Fork?

MIT's Tech Review is now running  a newsletter summary dealing with Blockchain , worth subscribing to.   From the the latest issue.  So you can vote on which version (Fork) of the software is 'best' in some way.  At a pretty


From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

A Dumb Group Theory Question

A question on finite simple groups Cropped from Schock Prize src Michael Aschbacher is a professor of mathematics at Caltech. He was a leading figure in the classification of finite simple groups (CFSG). Today Ken and I ask a…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

How Do We Define a Successful High School Computer Science Program?

How Do We Define a Successful High School Computer Science Program?

Mark Guzdial has an interesting post asking When do we know that a programming course is not working for non-CS majors? The focus of the post is undergraduate level computer science courses. Can universities create CS courses…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Statistical Engineering Framework for Solving Large, Complex, Unstructured Problems

Statistical Engineering Framework for Solving Large, Complex, Unstructured Problems

I got this late, I think you can still attend,

 ... On November 13, there will be a Chapter Meeting of the American Statistical Association Cincinnati Chapter (you do not need to be a member to attend!) at P&G's Mason Business…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Australian Fisherman Gets Inked

Friday Squid Blogging: Australian Fisherman Gets Inked

Pretty good video. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered. Read my blog posting guidelines here....

From The Eponymous Pickle

More on Rival to Amazon Go in Japan

More on Rival to Amazon Go in Japan

The idea continues to spread.

Amazon Go Has a Real Rival in Japan 
BY Yuji Nakamura; Yuki Furukawa

Tokyo, Japan-based Signpost Corp. has developed a system that could rival Amazon Go in terms of quickly providing consumers…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Use WiFI to See Behind Walls

Use WiFI to See Behind Walls

An expected privacy ploy.  More presence rather than details?

Using Wi-Fi to 'See' Behind Closed Doors Is Easier than Anyone Thought 
Technology Review

University of California, Santa Barbara researchers have developed a technique…

From Schneier on Security

The Pentagon is Publishing Foreign Nation-State Malware

The Pentagon is Publishing Foreign Nation-State Malware

This is a new thing: The Pentagon has suddenly started uploading malware samples from APTs and other nation-state sources to the website VirusTotal, which is essentially a malware zoo that's used by security pros and antivirus…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Early Career Researcher Symposium- Government Sessions

Early Career Researcher Symposium- Government Sessions

Last week we blogged about the Visioning Sessions at the Computing Community Consortium (CCC) Early Career Researcher Symposium (ECR) but this week we will talk about our government sessions and subsequent discussions on day…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Rethinking Training

Rethinking Training

Good piece in the HBR,   this needs to be done much better than it is.   With emphasis on retaining key knowledge.

Rethinking Training
Willy C. Shih, Howard Rudnick, Coleen Tapen

“When I graduated, I was 56. I was surprised that…

From insideHPC

TYAN to showcases x86 HPC Solutions at SC18

TYAN to showcases x86 HPC Solutions at SC18

Today TYAN announced plans to showcase a full line of HPC, storage, and cloud computing server platforms at SC18 next week in Dallas. "Customers in the datacenter to the enterprise are facing the challenge to get more value out…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Alexa App on Windows 10

Alexa App on Windows 10

I installed this and it worked well, all the smart home control capabilities work. No harm in installing it, though I don't see using it much.    I don't see that it eliminates Cortana, its still a matter of choice what you use…

From The Eponymous Pickle

AI, Explain Yourself in understandable Context

AI, Explain Yourself in understandable Context

Further, when I see this I always want to add:  Explain Yourself in Context!   Its always needs to be something more than just simply a result.

AI, Explain Yourself   By Don Monroe

Communications of the ACM, November 2018, Vol.…

From insideHPC

Rescale Delivers Secure HPC in the Cloud for the Public Sector

Rescale Delivers Secure HPC in the Cloud for the Public Sector

Today Rescale announced that the company is now delivering secure HPC in the Cloud to the public sector. "In our platform development we have taken several steps towards protecting customers through the security of our platform…

From insideHPC

Lenovo 2018 AI Challenge brings best and brightest to SC18

Lenovo 2018 AI Challenge brings best and brightest to SC18

We are pleased to report that the Lenovo AI Challenge has chosen outstanding researchers in the Machine Learning arena to receive an all-expenses-paid trip to SC18. "The winning researchers will have the opportunity to share …

From insideHPC

CPC to Showcase New QD Connectors for HPC Liquid Cooling at SC18

CPC to Showcase New QD Connectors for HPC Liquid Cooling at SC18

Today CPC (Colder Products Company) introduced its new PLQ2 high-performance thermoplastic connector. "PLQ Series QDs are among the highest-performing engineered polymer connectors for liquid cooling applications available. They…

From Schneier on Security

Privacy and Security of Data at Universities

Privacy and Security of Data at Universities

Interesting paper: "Open Data, Grey Data, and Stewardship: Universities at the Privacy Frontier," by Christine Borgman: Abstract: As universities recognize the inherent value in the data they collect and hold, they encounter…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

CCC Robotic Materials Workshop Report

CCC Robotic Materials Workshop Report

In April 2018, the Computing Community Consortium (CCC) held a Robotic Materials workshop in Washington, DC. This workshop was the second in a series of interdisciplinary workshops aimed at transforming our notion of materials…

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