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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

November 2019

From The Eponymous Pickle

Counting Crowds

Counting Crowds

Interesting application, note the technique of training in various contexts of measurement.   We don't do that enough with other problems.

A bird’s-eye view of a huge crowd of people. AI Could Help Count How Many People are in…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon to Open New Physical Retail

Amazon to Open New Physical Retail

Of interest, more Amazon competition to current retail, and note the cashierless tech not being included.  Why not?   Too expensive?  We saw that as an issue with large scale stores, the physical inclusion of cameras and their…

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Goldbach: A Curious Conjecture

Models of the primes [ Montreal ] Andrew Granville writes brilliant papers that explain hard results in number theory. He also proves hard results in number theory. Today, Ken and I use the famous Goldbach conjecture to discuss…

From insideHPC

Accelerate Big Data and HPC applications with FPGAs using JupyterHub

Accelerate Big Data and HPC applications with FPGAs using JupyterHub

Today InAccel annnounced that it has integrated JupyterHub into the company's adaptive acceleration platform for FPGAs. InAccel provides an FPGA resource manager that allows the instant deployment, scaling and virtualization …

From insideHPC

New LOCA Facility to Develop Open Computer Architectures at BSC in Barcelona

New LOCA Facility to Develop Open Computer Architectures at BSC in Barcelona

Today the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) announced the European Laboratory for Open Computer Architecture (LOCA). LOCA’s mission is to design and develop energy efficient and high performance chips, based on open architectures…

From insideHPC

Enabling Oracle Cloud Infrastructure with IBM Spectrum Scale

Enabling Oracle Cloud Infrastructure with IBM Spectrum Scale

In this video, Doug O'Flaherty from IBM describes how Spectrum Scale Storage (GPFS) helps Oracle Cloud Infrastructure delivers high performance for HPC applications. "To deliver insights, an organization’s underlying storage …

From Computational Complexity

A non-moral dilemma about cheating, but it brings up some points

I often give two versions of an exam and TELL THE STUDENTS I am doing this so that they don't even try to cheat. I've even had two different classes take the midterm at the same time, same room, every other seat, so the person…

From insideHPC

Optimizing in a Heterogeneous World is (Algorithms x Devices)

Optimizing in a Heterogeneous World is (Algorithms x Devices)

In this guest article, our friends at Intel discuss how CPUs prove better for some important Deep Learning. Here’s why, and keep your GPUs handy! Heterogeneous computing ushers in a world where we must consider permutations of…

From Schneier on Security

Fooling Voice Assistants with Lasers

Fooling Voice Assistants with Lasers

Interesting: Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant are vulnerable to attacks that use lasers to inject inaudible­ -- and sometimes invisible­ -- commands into the devices and surreptitiously cause them to unlock doors, visit websites…

From insideHPC

Coding Dojo Launches Immersive Data Science Bootcamp

Coding Dojo Launches Immersive Data Science Bootcamp

Today education company Coding Dojo launched the Data Science Immersive bootcamp, a new program designed to teach and apply Data Science methodologies and tools so participants can solve real-world problems in business and academia…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Engadget Podcast

Engadget Podcast

Been doing more selective listening to technical podcasts of late, just discovered the Engadget Podcast.  Nicely done.   Will be following and mentioning from time to time.

The Engadget Podcast: The streaming wars have begun Who…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Collaboration of Human and Machine

Collaboration of Human and Machine

A considerable 'practice'  article in Communications of the ACM.   Where are we and where are we going?   Not too far off from further mixing computing and human judgement.  ....  But the human side is judging the advice and


From insideHPC

Video: Deep Learning for resource-constrained systems

Video: Deep Learning for resource-constrained systems

Amos Storkey from the University of Edinburgh gave this talk at HiPEAC CSW Edinburgh. "Storkey explores the demands of getting deep learning software to work on embedded devices, with challenges including real-time requirements…

From The Eponymous Pickle

New No Code Bots from Microsoft

New No Code Bots from Microsoft

Look forward to see more real-life examples to work from, and how to integrate them with current data and process.

Microsoft launches Power Virtual Agents, its no-code bot builder
Frederic Lardinois in TechCrunch

Microsoft  today…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Sales Organizations and AI

Sales Organizations and AI

Which AI and how is this measured?

Now Is the Time for Sales Organizations to Embrace AI

By Kayleigh Halko • CRM Buyer • ECT News Network

Artificial intelligence is arguably the most disruptive technology to emerge over the last…

From The Eponymous Pickle

New Mobility Lab

New Mobility Lab

Brought again to my attention.   Innovation about mobility decisions and technology advances.

New Mobility Lab

New Mobility World® is a registered Trademark of New Mobility World Inc.

In order for companies…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Seeing Where Sounds are Coming From

Seeing Where Sounds are Coming From

We worked on sound location detection to support product placement and marketing.  Also syncing audio and video experience.

MIT PixelPlayer “Sees” Where Sounds Are Coming From

The “cocktail party effect” describes humans’…

From insideHPC

Deep Learning on Summit Supercomputer Powers Insights for Nuclear Waste Remediation

Deep Learning on Summit Supercomputer Powers Insights for Nuclear Waste Remediation

A research collaboration between LBNL, PNNL, Brown University, and NVIDIA has achieved exaflop (half-precision) performance on the Summit supercomputer with a deep learning application used to model subsurface flow in the study…

From insideHPC

Job of the Week: HPC Operations Manager at Ohio Supercomputing Center

Job of the Week: HPC Operations Manager at Ohio Supercomputing Center

The Ohio Supercomputer Center is seeking an HPC Operations Manager in our Job of the Week. "The operations manager will manage a team of three systems administrators and two student employees. The person who fills this role will…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Musical Octaves Are Learned

Musical Octaves Are Learned

A bit of knowledge about how the brain works in context.   Gives us a hint about how to use the broad biomimicry we like to use to build our own intelligence models.  But is there something in the architecture of the brain that…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Bixby Ramps up Development and has a Contest

Bixby Ramps up Development and has a Contest

Here much more on how Bixby voice assistant works, its general architecture, and how they are promoting development.  Also notably some advice from an award-winning developer, who shows how it works.

What Makes a Great Bixby Capsule…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: 80-Foot Steel Kraken Deliberately Sunk

Friday Squid Blogging: 80-Foot Steel Kraken Deliberately Sunk

The headline gives the story: "An 80-Foot Steel Kraken Will Create an Artificial Coral Reef Near the British Virgin Islands." As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Voicea Acquired by Cisco for Webex

Voicea Acquired by Cisco for Webex

Just Received, we tested the Voicea system last year as a potential means for an 'in meeitng' participant-assistant'.    It seemed to have great potential.   Now it is part of Cisco and Webex as a 'core capability of the Webex…

From insideHPC

Intersect360 Research Examines Spending Trends in Machine Learning Market

Intersect360 Research Examines Spending Trends in Machine Learning Market

Intersect360 Research has released a pair of new reports examining major technology trends in AI and machine learning, including the worldwide market, spending trends, and impact on HPC. "Machine learning has been in a very high…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Microsoft Enters RPA Market

Microsoft Enters RPA Market

Just saw a hint of this earlier this week, and now more detail.   They should play well here, given what I saw developed using bots with Azure.    Microsoft, make sure it works well with real process in context, and look for


From insideHPC

SC19 to Host BoF Meeting on Americas HPC Collaboration

SC19 to Host BoF Meeting on Americas HPC Collaboration

SC19 will host a BoF Meeting on Americas HPC Collaboration. This third BoF Americas HPC Collaboration seeks to showcase collaboration opportunities and experiences between different HPC Networks and Laboratories from countries…

From insideHPC

Altair acquires DEM Solutions for Discrete Element Method Analysis

Altair acquires DEM Solutions for Discrete Element Method Analysis

Today Altair announced the acquisition of DEM Solutions, makers of EDEM, the market-leader in Discrete Element Method (DEM) software for bulk material simulation. "With this acquisition, Altair customers now have the ability …

From insideHPC

How we built Oracle Cloud Infrastructure for HPC

How we built Oracle Cloud Infrastructure for HPC

In this video, Karan Batta from Oracle describes how the company built Oracle Cloud Infrastructure to deliver high performance for HPC applications. "Over the last 12 months, we have invested significantly, in both technology…

From The Eponymous Pickle

On the State of AI Writing

On the State of AI Writing

Good considerable piece on efforts underway to allow AI's to write.   Its being done, but still not so well.   Should writers worry?  They can now relate based on data, but can they tell a good story?  Will automating writing…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Voicebot Market Data

Voicebot Market Data

I see that has a market data section that covers generally the use of Voice assistants and related topics, like the overall market and data about individual vendors are being used by consumers.  Worth a look.

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