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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

December 2009

From Putting People First

Four key principles of mobile user experience design

Four key principles of mobile user experience design

In a long article on Boxes and Arrows, Dakota Reese Brown suggests an alternative view of the mobile space based on principles rather than isolated tactics. “Prior to becoming a senior UX designer at Popular Front Interactive…

From Putting People First

IDEA 2009: Social and experience design

IDEA 2009: Social and experience design

The IDEA Conference took place in Toronto on September 15-16, with a focus on social experience design. Boxes and Arrows, in collaboration with the IA Institute, brings recordings of most conference talks. Day one - The impact…

From Putting People First

Designing the online shopping experience

Designing the online shopping experience

Two articles in UX Magazine look at ways of improving the retail user experience online: Mind the gap Which types of brands have the greatest opportunity to improve UX? A video-based look at online

From Schneier on Security

Cyberwarfare Policy

Cyberwarfare Policy

National Journal has an excellent article on cyberwar policy. I agree with the author's comments on The Atlantic blog:

Would the United States ever use a more devastating weapon, perhaps shutting off the lights in an adversary…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Unitasking Rampant

Unitasking Rampant

Do we need the twitterpeek?. A unitasking individual piece of hardware? I agree with BusinessWeek it's a case where less is less.

From Return 42;

Is Technology Easy?

Is Technology Easy?

In the 1993 paper The early history of Smalltalk, published in the ACM SIGPLAN Notices, Volume 28, Issue 3, Alan Kay wrote:

A twentieth century problem is that technology has become too "easy." When it was hard to do anything…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Learning Markets from Communities

Learning Markets from Communities

From Josh Bernoff in Groundswell: A number of interesting case studies about doing market research more economically and accurately by using communities of your customers. Good thoughts. I note that SNCR also awarded Josh Bernoff…

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