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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

December 2011

From The Eponymous Pickle

Online Reading Trends

Online Reading Trends

New trends in online reading.   I find myself staging my technical reading more.  On a tablet I do more moving back and forth in the text when doing technical reading.   I am also utilizing packages like Goodreader to add 'stickies'to…

From Wild WebMink

? Whitacre Grammy Nomination

? Whitacre Grammy Nomination

You’ll perhaps remember that I really loved Light and Gold (a fine Christmas gift by the way – from Amazon UK and Amazon US) from American choral composer Eric Whitacre (of Virtual Choir fame).

From My Biased Coin

Letters of Recommendation Time. Ugh.

Letters of Recommendation Time.  Ugh.

I don't mind writing letters of recommendation for students.  It's part of the job.  It's a good thing to do. I just mind dealing with the new e-application sites.  I'd rather hand my letter off to an admin and have them send…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

CS Bits & Bytes From the National Science Foundation

CS Bits & Bytes From the National Science Foundation

Another good lead from the CSTA today, the national Science Foundation is starting a new bi-weekly newsletter called CS Bits & Bytes aimed at high school students and teachers. From the home page (emphasis mine)

The National…

From Schneier on Security

Full-Disk Encryption Works

Full-Disk Encryption Works

According to researchers, full-disk encryption is hampering police forensics.

The authors of the report suggest there are some things law enforcement can do, but they all must happen prior to a drive being buttoned up by encryption…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Emotion Reading Computer

Emotion Reading Computer

Affective computing: New computer system can read your emotions, will probably be annoying about it (video).   A solution to at least conscious reaction to products and their contexts.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Predictive Health Screening

Predictive Health Screening

I have recently been looking at the analytics behind a  predictive health screening technology called Allostatic Load from a company called Allostatix.  Let me know if you have any input. " ...  Unlike existing HRA's, which rely…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Cybersecurity at the Air Force Office of Scientific Research

Cybersecurity at the Air Force Office of Scientific Research

The Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) will host the CCC Council’s very own Fred Schneider

From The Eponymous Pickle

Wal-Mart Shopycat

Wal-Mart Shopycat

A first of interest from newly formed Wal-Mart Labs, the Shopycat Facebook App, a means to help you choose holiday gifts.   Note the 'matching' algorithm aspect of this.   " ... WalmartLabs quietly pushed out an alpha of Shopycat…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Health Care Innovation Challenge

Health Care Innovation Challenge

Earlier this month, the Department of Health and Human Services’ (DHHS) Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation

From Putting People First

Another Life Is Possible

Another Life Is Possible

“Homage to Catalonia II” is a documentary, a research project, a story of stories about the construction of a sustainable, solidary and decentralized economy. The video, which is a project of Joana Conill, Manuel Castells and…

From Schneier on Security

Status Report: <i>Liars and Outliers</i>

Status Report: <i>Liars and Outliers</i>

After a long and hard year, Liars and Outliers is done. I submitted the manuscript to the publisher on Oct 1, got edits back from both an outside editor and a copyeditor about a week later, spent another week integrating the…

From Putting People First

The anatomy of an experience map

The anatomy of an experience map

Chris Risdon expands on what constitutes a good experience map in a long and highly commendable article on the Adaptive Path blog. “The experience map highlighted [on the left - click to enlarge] was part of an overall initiative…

From Putting People First

End-user development

End-user development

Chapter ten of the resource is now available in preview and deals with end-user development. Computer users have rapidly increased in both number and diversity. They include managers, accountants, engineers…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Linking Purchasing Behavior to to Brands

Linking Purchasing Behavior to to Brands

New Database of Interest. Full of analytic possibilities:


From Geeking with Greg

Browsing behavior for web crawling

Browsing behavior for web crawling

A recent paper out of Yahoo, "Discovering URLs through User Feedback" (ACM), describes the value from using what pages people browse to and click on (which is in Yahoo's toolbar logs) to inform their web crawler about new pages…

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