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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

December 2011

From The Eponymous Pickle

Material Properties Search

Material Properties Search

From MIT News:   Thanks to a new online toolkit developed at MIT and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, any researcher who needs to find a material with specific properties

From The Eponymous Pickle

Patients Want Links to Doctor's Notes

Patients Want Links to Doctor's Notes

In InformationWeek:  Ultimately not only to read, but to link with other sources of health expertise.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Innovation Tournament at P&G

Innovation Tournament at P&G

A considerable description of how P&G used a tournament method to address this problem:Procter & Gamble CEO Bob McDonald is a man with a plan. Last year, he and his company declared a bold vision -- one that includes making all…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

USPTO Seeking Text Recognition, Image Analysis Algorithms

USPTO Seeking Text Recognition, Image Analysis Algorithms

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), together with the recently created

From The Eponymous Pickle

Silicon Halton

Silicon Halton

Chris Herbert of Mi6 Agency sends along this news article about Silicon Halton near Toronto.  Startups via social connections.  How can social connections be best used to link customers and solutions?  Good luck to Halton.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Paywall Penalties

Paywall Penalties

In GigaOm:  A good piece on the increasing use of Paywalls on the Web.    Should we be penalizing the loyalty of customers while we are exposing them to paying advertisers?   Engagement should be more clearly defined, and loyalty…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Business Intelligence Mind Map

Business Intelligence Mind  Map

A business intelligence mind map that covers most of the territory typically included in BI and its implications.  Informative.

From The Eponymous Pickle

IBM Big Data Bet, with Watson and More.

IBM Big Data Bet, with Watson and More.

Another step forward for big and bigger data:" On the same day that IBM passed Microsoft in market cap, Big Blue showed how it will ride the growth of big data to continue its momentum. IBM announced a new $100 million investment…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

In the December 2011 Communications of the ACM, CCC Council member and MIT Professor of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Frans Kaashoek discusses multicore computing, security, and OS design: Kaashoek has … conducted…

From Schneier on Security

Multiple Protocol Attacks

Multiple Protocol Attacks

In 1997, I wrote about something called a chosen-protocol attack, where an attacker can use one protocol to break another. Here's an example of the same thing in the real world: two different parking garages that mask different…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

CS AP Principles

CS AP Principles

A number of universities around the US are piloting courses to fit the proposed Advanced Placement CS Principles course. At the University of Washington Bothell Professor Kelvin Sung had the idea to create an CS principles course…

From The Eponymous Pickle

10X Accelerator at Ohio State

10X Accelerator at Ohio State

Just brought to my attention:   10-xelerator or "10x" is the newest New Venture Accelerator in Columbus, Ohio. 10x is a mentorship-driven investment program designed for energetic and game-changing entrepreneurs. 10x is partnering…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Computers With Mind Control Soon

Computers With Mind Control Soon

In IBM's A Smarterplanet Blog:   They predict a number of expected things.  One is that mind control will take over a number of computer interfaces such as cursor/focus control.  Not very unexpected, the idea has been around   …

From The Eponymous Pickle

MIT Online

MIT Online

In GigaOM:   A revision of their previous online course system.   " ... Next spring, MIT will launch a pilot of MITx online-only courses geared  to reach prospective learners everywhere. The university said it will open source…

From Schneier on Security

How to Open a Padlock with a Coke Can

How to Open a Padlock with a  Coke Can

A nice tutorial on making and using shims to open padlocks.

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Compressing document-oriented databases by rewriting your documents

Compressing document-oriented databases by rewriting your documents

The space utilization of relational databases can be estimated quickly. If you create a table made of three columns, each containing an integer, you can expect the database to use roughly 12 bytes per row, plus some overhead.…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Social Spices at McCormick

Social Spices at McCormick

Cooking is a strong side interest of mine.  I see in MediaPost they describe how the McCormick spice company is trying some new social plays on Facebook. It is in the most mundane product lines that social can strongly  spice…

From The Eponymous Pickle

IE Group

IE Group

Just brought to my attention: " ...   IE Group.  IEG - The Innovation Enterprise Group shares the knowledge of innovators in Forecasting & Planning through its research, conferences, communities, training and virtual & on-demand…

From The Eponymous Pickle

SAP and the Cloud

SAP and the Cloud

When I was a fellow at the SNCR we saw a presentation by SAP about their planned use of social and Cloud systems.  It was an impressive plan for next steps.    I was surprised by their lack of work in the following several years…

From Computational Complexity

Romney vs. Aaronson

How are Mitt Romney and Scott Aaronson similar? Different?


Both live in Massachusetts. Actually, Scott lives there but its not clear where Mitt lives since he's been running for president for the last four…

From Schneier on Security

Plasmonics Anti-Counterfeiting Technology

Plasmonics Anti-Counterfeiting Technology

This could be interesting:

NOtES exploits an obscure area of physics to accomplish its bright and sharp display, known as plasmonics. Light waves interact…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 19 December 2011

Interesting Links 19 December 2011


From The Eponymous Pickle

Collaboration at the Mayo Clinic

Collaboration at the Mayo Clinic

Collaborative Innovation at Mayo. This is exactly the kind of thing I have been thinking about for some time.    What is different from most kinds of innovation is that the patient is also included.  Why not?  They are the recipient…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Fashion, Style, Deals: Stylezen

Fashion, Style, Deals:  Stylezen

A new site I have been pointed to:  Stylezen.    More to follow.  Style is a good thing to link to on the Web.

From My Biased Coin

Congratulations to Hanspeter Pfister

Congratulations to Hanspeter Pfister

Despite our really very good track record for the last decade or so, there are some people out there who remain under the misimpression that it's impossible to get tenure at Harvard.So I'm very happy to announce that Hanspeter…

From Computer Science Teachers Association

STEM and Humanities: It Isn't Either-Or

STEM and Humanities: It Isn't Either-Or

I think of STEM and humanities as being the bookends of a quality education. Everyone needs exposure to and experience with both, or their education is incomplete and inadequate. Why do I think this?

There's an interesting…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

In the

From The Eponymous Pickle

Entity Web

Entity Web

Matthew Hurst on competencies in the entity Web.  A look at the future of this thing we loosely call the Web and what it will take to interact with it. 

From The Eponymous Pickle

Making Memories and Applying them

Making Memories and Applying them

Repeating and updating this post because I think there is considerable value in the application of Associative memory systems.   I had the opportunity to read a draft of this book during a long flight and was very impressed.Saffron…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Future Look

Future Look

A slide show look at the near future by Phil McKinney of HP:   " ...  the future impact will be in 2020 to: social dynamics, personal entertainment, intelligent networks, gadgets and ubiquitous content ... "