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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

December 2011

From Apophenia

Four Difficult Questions Regarding Bullying and Youth Suicide

Four Difficult Questions Regarding Bullying and Youth Suicide

Over the last couple of years, I’ve laid awake at night asking myself uncomfortable questions about bullying and teen suicide. I don’t have answers to most of the questions that I have, but I’m choosing to voice my questions,…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Game Changing Presentations: Prezi

Game Changing Presentations:  Prezi

I was reminded of the Prezi presentation system by a link Jerry Michalski sent me today.   It is an interesting, Cloud based,  unique method to construct visualizations and presentations.  Sometimes called a  'zooming user interface'…

From Computational Complexity

Is this problem too hard for a HS Math Competition

The Univ of MD HS Math Competition has two parts. Part I is 25 multiple choice questions in 2 hours (4 points for a correct answer, -2 for an incorrect answer). If you do well on it (the threshold changes from year to year) then…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Highlights: Predicting Hurricanes, Visualizing Research, and Perceiving Leaning

Highlights: Predicting Hurricanes, Visualizing Research, and Perceiving Leaning

A series of computing research advances making the news in the past week: A New Forecasting Algorithm to Predict Hurricane Intensity and Wind Speed Scientists at Southern Methodist University’s (SMU) Intelligent Data Analysis…

From Schneier on Security

First-Person Account of a TSA Airport Screener

First-Person Account of a TSA Airport Screener

This is a few years old, but I seem not to have blogged it before.

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 12 December 2012

Interesting Links 12 December 2012

Last week I posted a list of some of the great computer science related blogs I read on a regular basis (Computer Science Education Blog Roll) Week after week these people share ideas and thoughts and tools that really make a…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Qualcomm Sends Medical Data to the Cloud

Qualcomm Sends Medical Data to the Cloud

This relates to an effort I am currently examining from a business analytics angle:" ... A plan to send medical data to the cloud.Some 133 million Americans suffer from chronic disease, and many would benefit from better home…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Car as a Platform

Car as a Platform

A Tablet integrated into a car.  Revolutionary, or just dangerous? Renault has launched what it describes as a

From The Eponymous Pickle

More on the Kahn Academy in Higher Education

More on the Kahn Academy in Higher Education

This remains a very interesting approach to providing educational snippets to all:As a fledgling voice of reform in higher education, Salman Khan is an oddity. He cannot name any higher education accrediting agencies off the…

From The Eponymous Pickle

The Problem with Requirements

The Problem with Requirements

From Business Genetics.    The Problem with Requirements AKA the Requirements of the Problem.  by David McGinness.   '...  Too often companies make large investments in Information Technology projects which fail to deliver the…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Mind Map Library

Mind Map Library

I mentioned the oddly named Biggerplate some time ago.  A repository of thousands of mind maps that you can access freely,  then edit and use for your own purposes.  Recall that mind maps are a simplified form of what we called…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting links 11 December 2011

Interesting links 11 December 2011

Last week I posted a list of some of the great computer science related blogs I read on a regular basis (Computer Science Education Blog Roll) Week after week these people share ideas and thoughts and tools that really make a…

From Wild WebMink

? A Sandman Reading List

? A Sandman Reading List

Books for the fans of @NeilHimself's Sandman series

From The Eponymous Pickle

Breakthroughs in Learning Algorithms

Breakthroughs in Learning Algorithms

In CACM:  Some technical notes on a 'Terascale' learning algorithm.  Pointed at new sources of very big data.  Learning is the very crux of artificial intelligence.  All intelligent systems must adapt, otherwise you may well…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Innovation is Everyone's Job

Innovation is Everyone's Job

I think this is very obvious.  But it is up to the enterprise to establish the right context to produce innovation.  Context based on the company's goals, and the employee's job, and a contextual feedback and reward mechanism…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Institute of General Semantics

Institute of General Semantics

Discovered.   This is not about computational semantics,  the form I have most often encountered,  but behavior. Worth knowing about.  "  ...  The Institute of General Semantics (IGS) promotes a scientific approach to understanding…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Neuro-Semiotics Applied

Neuro-Semiotics Applied

My former colleague J Duncan Berry is interviewed about Neuro-Semiotics.   A topic he introduced me to.  See also his site.     He describes himself as a  ' ... "visual equity analyst."  His work centers on re-animating a brand's…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Data Scientists Needed

Data Scientists Needed

Not unexpected, with more data being gathered than ever before, sensors becoming common, and business analytics leveraging this data towards business leverage, that we are increasingly in need of data scientists.  More in Data…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Getting Ready for Big Data

Getting Ready for Big Data

Some useful thoughts and real world examples from the McKinsey quarterly.  And ultimately how we have to integrate both business process definition and business analytics closely with the data itself.  That will lead ultimately…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Digital Disruption

Digital Disruption

In Mashable, thoughts about digital disruption.  yes we know this already, but it deserves repeating:" ... No matter what industry you are in, you are their target. Where you could once dismiss digital disruption as the sole…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Humbolt Squid Mystery Solved

Friday Squid Blogging: Humbolt Squid Mystery Solved

Humbolt Squid off the coast of Mexico are spawning younger and smaller than usual. El Nino is to blame. The mystery was solved by a class of biology students. (A blog of the expedition.)

As usual, you can also use this squid…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

33 Days Later, the DARPA Shredder Challenge is Solved

33 Days Later, the DARPA Shredder Challenge is Solved

Last Friday, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) announced the end of its

From The Eponymous Pickle

General Mills Portal for Open Innovation

General Mills Portal for Open Innovation

A good example of a CPG company looking for new ideas.  Open innovation at work: " ... General Mills launched G-WIN Digital, an avenue for consumers to give the food company feedback on applications and games. Consumers with…

From Wild WebMink

Abusing Open Source Trust

Abusing Open Source Trust

Selling downloaders to the highest bidder with the cloud equivalent of adware is an abuse of the trust of the open source communities creating the software. Read more over on ComputerWorldUK.

From Schneier on Security

Robbing a Bank as Part of a Penetration Test

Robbing a Bank as Part of a Penetration Test

A funny story.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Shopping Carts Tracking Every Move

Shopping Carts Tracking Every Move

A  piece by Martin Lindstrom on the dynamic activation of shopping carts to track the movement of shoppers.  The idea is not new, we utilized the basic idea as far back as 2000.  Primarily in experimental retail places.  The…

From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Kudos to the New RCMP Commissioner

Kudos to the New RCMP Commissioner

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police, our federal police force, recently had its 23rd commissioner formally installed.  There have been problems with the previous commissioners, but from what I'm hearing so far from Bob Paulson,…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Subliminal Sound Ads on Your Phone

Subliminal Sound Ads on Your Phone

In Engadget: Ads to be triggered on you phone based on subliminal sound at a given location.  This is a little like augmented reality, which can be triggered by GPS location.  Opt-in I would assume.

From The Eponymous Pickle

A Technology Driven World

A Technology Driven World

In Forbes:  How to Be an Optimist in a Pessimistic Time: A Techonomy Manifesto ..   The conference mentioned is now over, but the thoughts are interesting:   " ... Despite all our optimism, tech is no panacea. There are real…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Tricks of Holiday Marketing

Tricks of Holiday Marketing

Martin Lindstrom is interviewed in Bloomberg on the complexity of holiday retail marketing. " ...  In an interview with

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