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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

December 2011

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

ACM Names Its 2011 Fellows

ACM Names Its 2011 Fellows

ACM is out with its 2011 Fellows, 46 of its members

From Computational Complexity

A Great Time to be a Computer Scientist

Ask your friends if they'll be driving an electric car in ten years. The answer: No, cars will be driving us. Today is the 105th anniversary of the birth of computing pioneer Grace Murray Hopper and Computer Science Education…

From Computer Science Teachers Association

Can Coding Really Change the World?

Can Coding Really Change the World?

Is there any question that technology-based innovations like PCs, the world-wide web, social media and smart phones have fundamentally changed the way we work, communicate, govern, educate and so much more? While Apple and others…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Why I

Why I



Planting Seeds in the Field of Knowledge

Planting Seeds in the Field of Knowledge

In these challenging economic times, universities are under great stress--economically, politically, and socially. It is tempting for those of us in computing to ignore these issues but, like agriculture and engineering before…

From The Eponymous Pickle

IBM to Acquire DemandTec: Delivers Analytics via the Cloud

IBM to Acquire DemandTec: Delivers Analytics via the Cloud

I see in a press release that IBM has agreed to acquire DemandTec.    Our enterprise retail innovation center was an early evaluator of DemandTec, which brought advanced analytics to key retail and manufacturing  processes.  I…

From The Eponymous Pickle

In Defense of Gamification

In Defense of Gamification

In Gigaom:   " ... Gamifications can have a bad rap, admits Gabe Zichermann, CEO of Gamification.Co. He said people think it means turning everything into Angry Birds.... But he said companies are increasingly turning to gamification…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

IARPA Seeking Machine Learning Breakthroughs

IARPA Seeking Machine Learning Breakthroughs

The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) is out with a request for information (RFI) this month, seeking input on “a possible future IARPA investment (such as a program or grand challenge)” in automatic machine…

From Apophenia

Opportunities not to miss

Opportunities not to miss

Over the last six weeks, I’ve posted various opportunities for students, academics, and other scholars that I’m co-directing/hosting, many of which have deadlines looming. I want to summarize them in one post for those who either…

From Schneier on Security

Lockable USB Hard Drive

Lockable USB Hard Drive

Just in time for Christmas, a USB drive housed in a physical combination lock.

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Why I’m Still Excited about Computer Science

Why I’m Still Excited about Computer Science

It’s computer science education week and that has me thinking about what I’d like to tell students about computer science. So I decided to record something on the subject.

The short version is that 38 years after the life…

From Computer Science Teachers Association

It Is All About the Celebration

It Is All About the Celebration

CSEdWeek is all about the celebration. We celebrate the teachers who share the challenge and the excitement of the discipline with their students, we celebrate the students who, through their study of computer science, are transitioning…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NY Times Keeps Talking Computing

NY Times Keeps Talking Computing

In addition to Tuesday’s special Science Times describing the future of computing, The New York Times

From Schneier on Security

DARPA Unshredding Contest

DARPA Unshredding Contest

DARPA held an unshredding contest, and there's a winner:

"Lots of experts were skeptical that a solution could be produced at all let alone within the short time frame," said Dan Kaufman, director, DARPA Information Innovation…

From Putting People First

Why service design is the next big thing in cultural innovation

Why service design is the next big thing in cultural innovation

Rohan Gunatillake, the lead producer of festivalslab (the Edinburgh Festival Innovations Lab) gives four reasons why new thinking and tools can produce better experiences. “Here at the Edinburgh Festivals Innovation Lab, we explore…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Computer Science Education Blog Roll

Computer Science Education Blog Roll

I’m a firm believer that blogs are a great way for teachers to share ideas and builds community. Supporting that sort of community is why I have many blogs listed on the side of this blog’s home page. But that format is limited…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Higher Education Bubble

Higher Education Bubble

I have been hearing this term used more and more.  It has a Wikipedia entry.  I am still old school on this, but can see some of the symptoms.   It is likely better to focus education better than it has been done before.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Siri Changing Education

Siri Changing Education

Received, interesting thoughts. " ... We at recently came across your blog and were excited to share with you an article

From The Eponymous Pickle

Rethinking the Funnel

Rethinking the Funnel

A very good article on the innovation funnel.  We actively used the concept in new business development efforts to think about work planned and underway.  I like these new thoughts about the metaphor.  Worth a read.

From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

About to Get Nutty Around Here

About to Get Nutty Around Here

Things are about to get really nutty, and I expect I won't be able to post to the blog too much in the next 6-8 weeks (though I will still try to get some content here!).  So here's a quick update to keep you going.I've beenWebster…

From Schneier on Security

Skype Security Flaw

Skype Security Flaw

Just announced:

The researchers found several properties of Skype that can track not only users' locations over time, but also their peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing activity, according to a summary of the findings on the NYU…

From Computer Science Teachers Association

Getting Students to Think Beyond the Classroom in CS Ed Week

Getting Students to Think Beyond the Classroom in CS Ed Week

During CS Ed Week I thought I would find some things that may not be what I normally "teach" in CS. I thought I would find things that would make my students think about the world, think about things bigger than themselves, …

From Computational Complexity

What is a Breakthrough?

The recent discussion on Matrix Mult inspires the general question of WHAT IS A BREAKTHROUGH? Last year I tried to get an intelligent discussion on this topic but I failed. After saying what some criteria were I applied them …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Global Supply Chain Visibility

Global Supply Chain Visibility

Video in CGT:  How Amway achieved global supply chain visibility. 

From The Eponymous Pickle

Data Temperature

Data Temperature

So what does the concept of 'data temperature' mean?   Summarized here, with links to more detail:- Hot = accessed all the time, or extremely important data requiring sub-second response times- Medium = is data accessed most-…

From Apophenia

What is the Role of Technology in Human Trafficking?

What is the Role of Technology in Human Trafficking?

Networked technologies

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NY Times

NY Times

If you haven’t already, be sure to check out the Science Times in yesterday’s

From Schneier on Security

Tagging People with Invisible Ink

Tagging People with Invisible Ink

In Montreal, police marked protesters with invisible ink to be able to identify them later. The next step is going to be a spray that marks people surreptitiously, maybe with SmartWater.

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Could You Pass the AP Computer Science Exam?

Could You Pass the AP Computer Science Exam?

There is an article in the Washington Post about a school board member who took a standardized test for 10th grade students. To say he didn’t do well would be an understatement. This got me to wondering – how would professional…

From Putting People First

Homesense final report

Homesense final report

Homesense was a research project that looked at how we might design smart homes from the bottom up, in an environment of open innovation. Using open source tools Homesense brings the open collaboration methods of online communities…