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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

December 2015

From The Eponymous Pickle

Service Design

Service Design

Useful description of a need for design in service process delivery.      See also Service Design." ... SCAD Service Design students proudly (or should I say, courageously...) present the first product based on the Service Design…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Trading and Exchanging Data for Services

Trading and Exchanging Data for Services

How about a Hub of All Things?" ... The HAT is a personal data platform created to do two things. First, the HAT acts as a personal data container and management system. This enables us as individuals to acquire our own dataSecond…

From The Eponymous Pickle

How the Data Lake Works

How the Data Lake Works

Part of an exploration of useful linkages between data and analytics to promote easier data use and sharing.  Brought to my attention by Kirk Borne.  A PDF from Booz Allen.

From insideHPC

Video: Scientific Insights and Discoveries through Scalable HPC at LRZ

Video: Scientific Insights and Discoveries through Scalable HPC at LRZ

In this video from the Intel HPC Developer Conference at SC15, Prof. Dieter Kranzlmüller from LRZ presents: Scientific Insights and Discoveries through Scalable High Performance Computing at LRZ. "Science and research today relies…

From insideHPC

2016 Industry Trends and Predictions from DDN

2016 Industry Trends and Predictions from DDN

While there has been a lot of disagreement about the slowing of Moore's Law as of late, it is clear that the industry is looking at new ways to speed up HPC by focusing on the data side of the equation. With the advent of burst…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Exploring Data Visually in Virtual Reaiity

Exploring Data Visually in Virtual Reaiity

This has been long time thread here.  We explored the use of VR and Augmented reality to create environments for understanding complex data. The image at the right shows an example of linking visualized data into a virtual reality…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Cortana and Power BI, Together

Cortana and Power BI, Together

Have not looked at this yet, but like the idea of introducing a voice and natural language interaction with business visualization.  Probably not for building anything than the simplest examples, but better for interacting with…

From Computer Science Teachers Association

CSEdWeek: Message from CSTA’s ED

CSEdWeek:  Message from CSTA’s ED

December 7-11, 2015 is Computer Science Education Week (CSEdWeek). It began in 2009 with roughly a dozen organizations (including CSTA) joining together to raise awareness of the need for increased CS education and the importance…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Moments of Truth

Moments of Truth

As I understand it,  the concept of commercial 'moment of truth'  was invented by my former enterprise in conjunction with consultants.    I remember hearing it for the first time in an innovation meeting and thinking:  'tooIn…

From CERIAS Blog

A looming anniversary, and a special offer

A looming anniversary, and a special offer

It may seem odd to consider June 2016 as January approaches, but I try to think ahead. And June 2016 is a milestone anniversary of sorts. So, I will start with some history, and then an offer to get something special and make…

From CERIAS Blog

A looming anniversary, and a special offer

A looming anniversary, and a special offer

It may seem odd to consider June 2016 as January approaches, but I try to think ahead. And June 2016 is a milestone anniversary of sorts. So, I will start with some history, and then an offer to get something special and make…

From CERIAS Blog

A looming anniversary, and a special offer

A looming anniversary, and a special offer

It may seem odd to consider June 2016 as January approaches, but I try to think ahead. And June 2016 is a milestone anniversary of sorts. So, I will start with some history, and then an offer to get something special and make…

From CERIAS Blog

A looming anniversary, and a special offer

A looming anniversary, and a special offer

It may seem odd to consider June 2016 as January approaches, but I try to think ahead. And June 2016 is a milestone anniversary of sorts. So, I will start with some history, and then an offer to get something special and make…

From CERIAS Blog

A looming anniversary, and a special offer

A looming anniversary, and a special offer

It may seem odd to consider June 2016 as January approaches, but I try to think ahead. And June 2016 is a milestone anniversary of sorts. So, I will start with some history, and then an offer to get something special and make…

From CERIAS Blog

A looming anniversary, and a special offer

A looming anniversary, and a special offer

It may seem odd to consider June 2016 as January approaches, but I try to think ahead. And June 2016 is a milestone anniversary of sorts. So, I will start with some history, and then an offer to get something special and make…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Big Data at NASA

Big Data at NASA

Bernard Marr at DSC looks at big data examples at NASA.  Instructive.   Some of the best examples have come from sensor rich big science examples.    Also indicates what  'big' really means and how it can be mined later in storage…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Market Research and Digital

Market Research and Digital

Transforming market research with digital and social analytics With people increasingly living their lives online, an enormous amount of information about them is already "out there," replacing much of the traditional need for…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Smart Mirrors

Smart Mirrors

A long time augmented reality challenge.  Use a mirror with embedded display to interact with consumers.  In the store and at home.  We experimented with the idea a number of times without great success.  Here an example that…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Implanted Brain Chips

Implanted Brain Chips

In the CACM:  A long considered possibility.   But we don't yet know how to link the wiring directly.  But can w use some of the thoughts of Eagleman to create alternate senses to provide a new kind of brain machine interface…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Kroger will Provide e-Commerce Options

Kroger will Provide e-Commerce Options

This makes sense.  Provide all the possible options.Kroger would answer demand for more e-commerce options, execs say Kroger would consider adding grocery delivery to its e-commerce options if there is consumer demand for the…


ICDM 2015 Recap Part II: Sampling

ICDM 2015 Recap Part II: Sampling

In a previous post I summarized some of the plenary talks from the most recent ICDM held in Atlantic city. In this follow up, I will discuss some of the ideas from sessions. In the main conference track, there were sessions ……

From insideHPC

Video: End to End Infrastructure Design for Large Scale Genomics

Video: End to End Infrastructure Design for Large Scale Genomics

In this video from the DDN User Group at SC15, Kevin Behn from the HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology presents: End to End Infrastructure Design for Large Scale Genomics. "HudsonAlpha has generated major discoveries that…

From insideHPC

Job of the Week: HPC Application Engineer at Mellanox in Austin

Job of the Week: HPC Application Engineer at Mellanox in Austin

"Mellanox Technologies is looking for experienced computational researchers to work on developing and optimizing the next generation of scalable HPC applications. A background in developing HPC application programs in areas such…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Studio K for Kodu

Studio K for Kodu

I first wrote about Project K several years ago when it first came out. That was in my old Microsoft blog which I no longer have access to change. Recently I was contacted by the Project K team who told me about new links for…

From insideHPC

Numascale Expands Performance and Features with NumaConnect-2

Numascale Expands Performance and Features with NumaConnect-2

"At SC15, Numascale announced the availability of NumaConnect-2, a scalable cache coherent memory technology that connects servers in a single high performance shared memory image. The NumaConnect-2 advances the successful Numascale…

From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

USACM Submits Comments to White House on Revised Policy for Managing Federal IT

USACM Submits Comments to White House on Revised Policy for Managing Federal IT

The ACM U.S. Public Policy Council submitted comments to the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) on proposed changes to the policy document for the planning and management of federal information services. The document…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: North Korean Squid Fisherman Found Dead in Boats

Friday Squid Blogging: North Korean Squid Fisherman Found Dead in Boats

I don't know if you've been following the story of the boats full of corpses that have been found in Japanese waters: Over the past two months, at least 12 wooden boats have been found adrift or on the coast, carrying chilling…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Implications of Management by Algorithm

Implications of Management by Algorithm

I am thinking that that this will start to increase.  People are a most expensive and valuable resource.  Imagine the process, resources and constraints being integrated and managed by the system.   Now how do people react to…

From insideHPC

Video: Rendering in Ensight with OpenSWR

Video: Rendering in Ensight with OpenSWR

"EnSight is a software program for visualizing, analyzing, and communicating data from computer simulations and/or experiments. The purpose of OpenSWR is to provide a high performance, highly scalable OpenGL compatible software…

From The Eponymous Pickle

UX Design and Physical Retail

UX Design and Physical Retail

We built full scale physical retail labs to address and test this.Will UX methodologies bolster retail's brick & mortar future?By Ken Lonyai    With the never ending concern over the ever changing role of brick & mortar retail…