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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

December 2015

From The Eponymous Pickle

Innovation Management

Innovation Management

Thoughts on the management of innovation.  Not enough about the promotion of creativity.   Measurement is emphasized, which is good.

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

2015-16 ACM/CSTA Cutler Bell prize closing soon

2015-16 ACM/CSTA Cutler Bell prize closing soon

There is still time to encourage your students to apply for the 2015-16 ACM/CSTA Cutler Bell prize!  This $10,000 award will go to four graduating high school seniors who show exceptional creativity and innovation in creating…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Customers are Talking, Companies are Listening

Customers are Talking, Companies are Listening

This as news surprises me.  Our company always listened.  In fact pioneered methods for listening and analyzing what we heard.   Hardest part is then, linking that knowledge to some action.  Complete the loop.   From Bain.

From The Eponymous Pickle

The Scale of Telco Data Services

The Scale of Telco Data Services

I find this obvious, but the numbers are interesting.   " ... The $24 Billion Data Business That Telcos Don't Want to Talk About  ... Mobile Carriers Are Working With Partners to Manage, Package and Sell Data ... " 

From Schneier on Security

25th Anniversary of the Landmark Unix Security Book

25th Anniversary of the Landmark Unix Security Book

Gene Spafford writes about the history of Practical Unix Security....

From Computer Science Teachers Association

Graphic Novel Introduces Coding to Middle Schoolers

Graphic Novel Introduces Coding to Middle Schoolers

By Paul F. Lai, PhD Candidate, UC Berkeley Graduate School of Education By In her fifth year teaching computing, Melissa Dohm found an engaging and effective new way to introduce the core concept of binary to her diverse middle…

From The Eponymous Pickle

More on Google's D-Wave Quantum Machine

More on Google's D-Wave Quantum Machine

Lots of implications for doing things like AI and machine learning faster.   But also breaking encryption codes faster?   Good, extensive,  non technical piece on the topic.  Have written much on this, see tags below.   How long…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Watson for Social Media

Watson for Social Media

Another example of focused Watson application ...Get accurate social media insights with Watson Analytics for Social MediaWatch this video for a deeper dive into how Watson Analytics for Social Media can Identify the pulse of…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Watson Assistants in a Watch

Watson Assistants in a Watch

The IBM/Apple connection first was positioned as one to enhance the enterprise.  Now a look at the consumer side.IBM and Apple can put Watson's A.I. insights inside Apple WatchI spoke with IBM’s Vice President for the IBM/Apple…

From Wild WebMink

Answer to a Frequently Asked Question

Answer to a Frequently Asked Question

Q: Which open source license is best? A: Unlike bilateral copyright licenses, which are negotiated between two parties and embody a truce between them for business purposes, multilateral copyright licenses — of which open source…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

CADENS Deadline Extended

CADENS Deadline Extended

Does your research generate, analyze, and/or visualize data using advanced digital resources? CADENS (The Centrality of Advanced Digitally ENabled Science) is looking for scientific data to visualize or existing data visualizations…

From Schneier on Security

Catalog of Police Surveillance Equipment

Catalog of Police Surveillance Equipment

The Intercept has "a secret, internal U.S. government catalogue of dozens of cellphone surveillance devices used by the military and by intelligence agencies." Lot of detailed information about Stingrays and similar equipment…

From insideHPC

ClusterVision Trinity Private Cloud Moves to UberCloud HPC Application Containers

ClusterVision Trinity Private Cloud Moves to UberCloud HPC Application Containers

Today ClusterVision and UberCloud formally announced the integration of UberCloud Application Containers with Trinity, ClusterVision’s private cloud solution. Trinity provides a complete HPC cluster manager on top of a cloud …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Combining Multiple Scoring Systems

Combining Multiple Scoring Systems

Cognitive Systems Institute Group Speaker Series call this week, on Thursday, December 17, 2015 at 10:30 am ET (7:30 am PT).  Our presenter on Thursday is Professor Frank Hsu, Fordham University, who will be presenting:  …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Automation Driving Retail Growth

Automation Driving Retail Growth

Statistics on retail growth.  Advanced automation replacing in store and back end knowledge workers too.   Relates to think tank examination we did this week.  Voice commands. " .... E-commerce platform provider Demandware has…

From insideHPC

2016 Hackathons Seeking Team Applications

2016 Hackathons Seeking Team Applications

"The goal of each hackathon is for current or prospective user groups of large hybrid CPU-GPU systems to send teams of at least 3 developers along with either (1) a (potentially) scalable application that needs to be ported to…

From insideHPC

ISC 2016 Announces Keynote Speakers

ISC 2016 Announces Keynote Speakers

ISC 2016 has announced their keynote speakers. The event takes place June 19-23 in Frankfurt, Germany.

The post ISC 2016 Announces Keynote Speakers appeared first on insideHPC.

From insideHPC

Image Recognition with Coprocessors

Image Recognition with Coprocessors

"Applications in diverse industries such as the hospitality and retail industry, social networks and surveillance can benefit from real time image recognition. Parallelism at the system level can be divided into two main areas…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Neuroscientists and the Brain

Neuroscientists and the Brain

Contrarian view that is of interest.  We do know much less than we claim we know about the brain. We do know it is complex and deep.  We often try to adapt our knowledge of to what we know about our own development of things…

From Schneier on Security

User Errors Often Compromise Encryption

User Errors Often Compromise Encryption

This should come as no surprise: users often compromise their own security by making mistakes setting up and using their encryption apps. Paper: "On the Security and Usability of Crypto Phones," by Maliheh Shivanian and Nitesh…

From insideHPC

Accelerated Computing: The Path Forward

Accelerated Computing: The Path Forward

Nvidia's Jen-Hsun Huang and Ian Buck presented this talk at SC15. "Supercomputing has swept rapidly from the far edges of science to the heart of our everyday lives. And propelling it forward – bringing it into the mobile phone…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

2016 CSTA Annual Conference

2016 CSTA Annual Conference

Making Waves with CSTA!
2016 CSTA Annual Conference  |  July 10-12, 2016
Town and Country Resort & Convention Center
San Diego, California
Registration  is now open for the CSTA annual conference! CSTA 2016 is a professional development…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Celebrating Failures

Celebrating Failures

From Knowledge@Wharton:  AARThe digital transformation of a company requires not a mere shuffling of the organizational chart, but rather a “chemical” change in the culture and business practices, says Ganesh Ayyar, CEO of Mphasis…

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

A Game On Infinite Trees

An independent principle in set theory Cropped from Oberwolfach source Ronald Jensen is a famous set theorist who was a past president of the Kurt Gödel Society. Dana Scott is the current president of this prestigious society…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Brain Inspired Computing

Brain Inspired Computing

Technical.  From IBM Almaden Research center.   Dharmendra S Modha's Brain-inspired Computing Blog  ....  SyNAPSE: Systems of Neuromorphic Adaptive Plastic Scalable Electronics .... "  


“Big data” challenges for software engineering evolution

“Big data” challenges for software engineering evolution

In software engineering the “big data” catchphrase refers to in-homogeneous large-scale data that can stem from all software development cycles. Such data can be: source code, software bugs and errors, system logs, commits, issues…

From insideHPC

Apply for International Summer School on HPC Challenges in Slovenia

Apply for International Summer School on HPC Challenges in Slovenia

Graduate students and postdoctoral scholars from institutions in Canada, Europe, Japan and the United States are invited to apply for the seventh International Summer School on HPC Challenges in Computational Sciences, to be …

From Computational Complexity

Simons and Berkeley

The Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing in Berkeley held two programs this fall, Fine-Grained Complexity and Algorithm Design and Economics and Computation both ending this week. It would have been a great fall for me…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

2016 IEEE Fellows

2016 IEEE Fellows

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) has released its 2016 list of newly elevated fellows. The IEEE Grade of Fellow is given to a IEEE member with an extraordinary record of accomplishments in any of the…

From insideHPC

Deep Learning System Replaces Hand-Engineered Components With Neural Networks

Deep Learning System Replaces Hand-Engineered Components With Neural Networks

Baidu Research has unveiled new research results from its Silicon Valley AI Lab (SVAIL). Results include the ability to accurately recognize both English and Mandarin with a single learning algorithm. The results are detailed…

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