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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

December 2016

From The Eponymous Pickle

Notion AI to Improve Email and Communications

Notion AI to Improve Email and Communications

Years goal is to improve email capabilities.  Was just introduced to the Notion AI system.   In particular because it can be linked to the Echo voice system.   Also the capabilities embedded in Cortana and Siri.  Like in all


From The Eponymous Pickle

Understanding Cognitive Systems

Understanding Cognitive Systems

Jim Spohrer of the Cognitive Systems Institute has started a useful curriculum, click through the below for  more information.   I recently passed along this comment:

 ... The most common question I get is: What is this 'cognitive'…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Wearables for Eldercare

Wearables for Eldercare

Some obvious solutions, but improved usability will also be important.   Many improved sensory approaches too.  These methods also align with memory applications also in line with the needs of anyone.

Wearable solutions for the…

From insideHPC

NCI Australia Joins OpenPOWER Foundation

NCI Australia Joins OpenPOWER Foundation

nciAustralia’s National Computational Infrastructure (NCI) has become the first Australian organization to join the OpenPOWER Foundation, a global open technical community enabling collaborative development and industry growth. …

From insideHPC

Video: How GPUs are Remaking Cloud Computing

Video: How GPUs are Remaking Cloud Computing

jonathan-symondsIn this video from the Nvidia Booth at SC16, Jonathan Symonds from MapD presents: How GPUs are Remaking Cloud Computing. "This video discusses how price/performance characteristics of GPUs are changing the nature of cloud computing…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Hilton Builds Connie Assistant with Watson

Hilton Builds Connie Assistant with Watson

More hotel chains thinking about the usefulness of virtual assistants.   Notably includes Watson, and looking at the notion of conversation via a humanoid bot called Nao, and a system called Wayblazer.   Must such bots be humanoid…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Reality on Your Table Spaces

Reality on Your Table Spaces

Saw a similar idea which showed architectural drawings represented in front of a client on a table.   This will likely advance to provide both demonstration level and even immersible realities.  Games are a good start to work…

From insideHPC

Jülich Installs New QPACE3 Supercomputer for Quantum Chromodynamics

Jülich Installs New QPACE3 Supercomputer for Quantum Chromodynamics

qpaceA new supercomputer has been deployed at the Jülich Supercomputing Center (JSC) in Germany. Called QPACE3, the new 447 Teraflop machine is named for "QCD Parallel Computing on the Cell. "QPACE3 is being used by the University…

From insideHPC

Beauty Meets HPC: An Overview of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center

Beauty Meets HPC: An Overview of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center

marenostrum3"The multidisciplinary research team and computational facilities –including MareNostrum– make BSC an international centre of excellence in e-Science. Since its establishment in 2005, BSC has developed an active role in fostering…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Advanced Analytics and Productivity

Advanced Analytics and Productivity

I like the fact that the word  'Analytics' is used, its not just data science, its what we do with it.   Its not all about science its about understanding process and decisions.

How advanced analytics can drive productivity


From updated sporadically at best

We Need To Talk About How We Talk About Science

We Need To Talk About How We Talk About Science

A while ago, Brian Burg commented on Twitter that he would like to see more discussion of marketing in academia. I decided I'd rather write a meta-post about how we need to talk about how marketing is affecting our evaluation…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squidmas Cards

Friday Squid Blogging: Squidmas Cards

Merry Squidmas. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered....

From The Eponymous Pickle

What is the Blockchain and Why is it So Important?

What is the Blockchain and Why is it So Important?

Good piece with graphical descriptions and links.

In Open Data Science:

What is the Blockchain and Why is it So Important?
" ... Simply put, the Blockchain is a shared single version of the truth of anything digital. It is a database…

From insideHPC

HPC Advisory Council Announces Global Conference Series for 2017

HPC Advisory Council Announces Global Conference Series for 2017

hpcacToday the HPC Advisory Council announced key dates for its 2017 international conference series in the USA and Switzerland. The conferences are designed to attract community-wide participation, industry leading sponsors and subject…

From My Biased Coin

Godel Prize 2017 Call

Godel Prize 2017 Call

The call for nomination for the 2017 Godel Prize is up.  The call is available at and will be up on the SIGACT web page shortly.  Here's much of it -- key date, February…

From insideHPC

Princeton Research on Electron-photon Small-talk Could have Big Impact on Quantum Computing

Princeton Research on Electron-photon Small-talk Could have Big Impact on Quantum Computing

quantumIn a step that brings silicon-based quantum computers closer to reality, researchers at Princeton University have built a device in which a single electron can pass its quantum information to a particle of light. The particle…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Don’t let the experts define science!

Don’t let the experts define science!

We know more than we can tell. We all know what a democracy is… We know that France, Canada, the USA, Japan… are democracies… Russia and China are not democracies. However, I have never seen a definition of “democracy” that fits…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Powerful Rituals

Powerful Rituals

Powerful Resilience through  Rituals?   Your Conscious Mind Is An Overconfident Storyteller  a thoughtful piece.   Lately have been looking at the power of storytelling and narrative, so this made me think of confidence in our…

From insideHPC

Podcast: Intel Doubles Down on Artificial Intelligence

Podcast: Intel Doubles Down on Artificial Intelligence

Diane Bryant, xecutive vice president and general manager of the Data Center Group at IntelIn this Chip Chat podcast, Diane Bryant, EVP/GM for the Data Center Group at Intel, discusses how the company is driving the future of artificial intelligence by delivering breakthrough performance from best-in-class silicon,…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Spider Robotics for 3D Printing

Spider Robotics for 3D Printing

This reminds me of swarm robotics, which have a similar approach to scale.  And an approach that cooperated towards a goal.

Why Spider Robots Could Be The Next Big Thing In 3-D Printing
By Jason Compton

Three-dimensional printing…

From insideHPC

UberCloud Details Recent Progress in CAE Cloud Computing

UberCloud Details Recent Progress in CAE Cloud Computing

compendiumcover4Over at Desktop Engineering, Wolfgang Gentzsch and Burak Yenier write that the new 2016 Compendium of Engineering Cloud Case Studies showcases great progress in CAE Cloud Computing. "In the early days of cloud computing, users…

From insideHPC

SC16 Applies Advanced Computing for Social Change

SC16 Applies Advanced Computing for Social Change

kellyIn this video, Dr. Kelly Gaither from TACC describes how 20 students identified by XSEDE's community engagement team participated in a four-day long cohort experience themed around social change at SC16. "The objectives of the…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Quality Fast Food Delivery Automation

Quality Fast Food Delivery Automation

Automating Food Delivery

" ... Maple, a David Chang-backed restaurant in New York City, doesn’t have any tables, cash registers, or waiters. Instead, its customers order meals through its website or mobile app, and a fleet of


From Schneier on Security

Russian Military Using Smart Phones to Track Troop Movements

Russian Military Using Smart Phones to Track Troop Movements

Crowdstrike has an interesting blog post about how the Russian military is tracking Ukranian field artillery units by compromising soldiers' smart phones and tracking them. News article....

From Putting People First

ING DIRECT’s sponsored content in The Guardian on the value of CX and human-centred design

ING DIRECT’s sponsored content in The Guardian on the value of CX and human-centred design

ING DIRECT logo, tagline, RGBING DIRECT Australia has published yesterday and at the end of November no less than 10 articles in a paid section of The Guardian on the value of customer experience and human-centred design, entitled “Being human in a digital…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Storytellers Secret

Storytellers Secret

Was just introduced to Carmine Gallo and his book: Storytellers Secret.

Sign up for his weekly newsletter.

The Storyteller's Secret

From TED Speakers To Business Legends, Why Some Ideas Catch On And Others Don’t

“Having the facts…

From The Eponymous Pickle

AI / Cognitive Systems Institute

AI  / Cognitive Systems Institute

Wanted to re-introduce people to the Cognitive Systems Institute, an IBM Almaden research sponsored group to which I belong and contribute.    Includes connections to many students and practitioners and research groups.   I often…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Detecting Money Laundering

Detecting Money Laundering

Using network analysis.  A very nice example, with graphic visualization examples.  See the link for details.

" .... Applying machine learning to AML ( Money laundering)  has been challenging due to the limited availability of…

From Technology News

Would you eat a 3-D printed pizza?

Would you eat a 3-D printed pizza?

Could you imagine serving a 3-D printed turkey for Christmas lunch? Or munching on a 3-D printed pizza for an afternoon snack?

From Schneier on Security

NIST is Continuing to Work on Post-Quantum-Computing Cryptography Standards

NIST is Continuing to Work on Post-Quantum-Computing Cryptography Standards

NIST is accepting proposals for public-key algorithms immune to quantum computing techniques. Details here. Deadline is the end of November 2017. I applaud NIST for taking the lead on this, and for taking it now when there is…