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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

December 2017

From insideHPC

Ace Computers Offers OpenStack Solutions

Ace Computers Offers OpenStack Solutions

Today Ace Computers announced four leading-edge OpenStack applications for clusters, servers and workstations. Although the company has been working with top open source application providers for decades—this is the first announcement…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Fjord Trends from Accenture

Fjord Trends from Accenture

Brought to my attention:

Fjord  Trends  (Design and Innovation from Accenture

A look at what's ahead for the future of business, technology and design.

Physical fights back
Digital has had the limelight long enough — there are

From insideHPC

Video: Taking the Nanoscale to the Exascale

Video: Taking the Nanoscale to the Exascale

Theresa Windus from Iowa State University gave this Invited Talk at SC17. "This talk will focus on the challenges that computational chemistry faces in taking the equations that model the very small (molecules and the reactions…

From The Eponymous Pickle

On the Machines of Wal-Mart

On the Machines of Wal-Mart

Been following Wal-Mart's tech for many years, worked with them in in the realm of RFID systems and supply chains.   Been reviewing the history.   Much written in this blog, see the tag below.

The Machines of Walmart Have Had In…

From The Eponymous Pickle

AI and Insurance

AI and Insurance

Some of our earliest work in advanced analytics and AI work dealt closely with risk and thus with elements of insurance.   And then talking to the insurance industry, so this DSC is interesting,  Insurance and risk is all about…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Shazam for Data on Music Behavior

Shazam for Data on Music Behavior

Have been recording my music listening habits via IFTTT,  and smart speakers and then analyzing it over time.   As a means of predictively understanding this over time, interest and context?   Could this mean the creative invention…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Future of Retail in China?

Future of Retail in China?

Is the future of retailing in the East? The creative drive? The New Customer Experience? Starbucks’ future … appears to be in the East not the West. Why? Starbucks opens a new store every 15 hours in China. And … they are Creating…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Gonatus Squid Eating a Dragonfish

Friday Squid Blogging: Gonatus Squid Eating a Dragonfish

There's a video: Last July, Choy was on a ship off the shore of Monterey Bay, looking at the video footage transmitted by an ROV many feet below. A Gonatus squid was spotted sucking off the face of a "really huge dragonfish,"…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon Acquires Blink

Amazon Acquires Blink

Why does Amazon acquire rather than work in collaboration?  Are there particular nuggets of innovation in Blink beyond the obvious?  I have voice driven assistants controlling their use in my smart home.  I have all the functions…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Case for Digital Reinvention

Case for Digital Reinvention

We have seen the start of this digitally driven innovation.   It has been happening for some time.  Good thoughts on its continuation.

The case for digital reinvention
By Jacques Bughin, Laura LaBerge, and Anette Mellby



From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Science and Technology links (December 22nd, 2017)

Science and Technology links (December 22nd, 2017)

Bitcoins are electronic records that are meant to be used as currency. They have become increasingly popular and expensive. Reportedly, the famous investment bank Goldman Sachs is planning to offer bitcoin financial servicesContinue…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Looking Back on Computer Science Education in 2017

Looking Back on Computer Science Education in 2017

Time to look back on the past year I think. I wrote a post in January about what I was watching (Computer Science Education Things I’m Watching in 2017) so I think a wrap up is called  for. So what was I watching and what did…

From insideHPC

SC17 Awards Ceremony and Conference Recap

SC17 Awards Ceremony and Conference Recap

In this video from SC17, Jeff Hollingsworth and Paul Hovland host the Conference Finale Event announcing the winners of the Best Paper, Best Poster, ACM Gordon Bell Prize, Student Cluster Challenge and other honors for our technical…

From insideHPC

PRACE Launches Outreach to Universities Program

PRACE Launches Outreach to Universities Program

The European Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE) is expanding to make its programs and training offerings more accessible for university students and faculty members. "The Outreach to Universities program is …

From insideHPC

Report: Future Software and Data Ecosystem for Scientific Inquiry

Report: Future Software and Data Ecosystem for Scientific Inquiry

“The tremendous progress that we’re making toward the achievement of exascale systems, both here in the United States and in the European Union and Asia, will be undermined unless we can create a shared distributed computing …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Marketing via Augmented Reality

Marketing via Augmented Reality

Do such focused AR experiences for purchase work?    Has been driving some interest.

Patrón mixes e-commerce and AR    by Jonathan Gross

When Apple opened up ARKit to developers with the launch of iOS 11 in September, Patrón Tequila…

From insideHPC

Video: Inside the Award-Winning Stanford Living Heart Project

Video: Inside the Award-Winning Stanford Living Heart Project

In this video, Staffan Hansson from AdvaniaDC chats with Wolfgang Gentzsch from The UberCloud about the award-winning Stanford Living Heart Project, how the partnership was so successful, and his thoughts on HPC in the cloud …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Managing Data and Video Content

Managing Data and Video Content

I just reexamined their online presence.  Join in ....


Easily Manage the Entire Lifecycle of all your Data and Video Content from a Single Platform  The 

Intelligent Video & Data Logistics Platform B2B

Middle Market Brands…

From Schneier on Security

Amazon's Door Lock Is Amazon's Bid to Control Your Home

Amazon's Door Lock Is Amazon's Bid to Control Your Home

Interesting essay about Amazon's smart lock: When you add Amazon Key to your door, something more sneaky also happens: Amazon takes over. You can leave your keys at home and unlock your door with the Amazon Key app -- but it's…

From Putting People First

Happy new year 2018!

Happy new year 2018!

The post Happy new year 2018! appeared first on Putting people first.

From Putting People First

Happy new year 2018!

Happy new year 2018!

The post Happy new year 2018! appeared first on Putting people first.

From The Noisy Channel

I see that you object to my sentence that “When users opt to make their profiles “public”, they do…

I see that you object to my sentence that “When users opt to make their profiles “public”, they do…

I see that you object to my sentence that “When users opt to make their profiles “public”, they do so with the expectation that their public profile will appear when people search for them on search engines.”

Did you click onthis…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Assistive Tech Examples

Assistive Tech Examples

Emphasizing help for the disabled using Emerging Technology:

Assistive tech is progressing faster than ever, and these 7 devices prove it  By Luke Dormehl in DigitalTrends.

" .... when it comes to technology that really changes…

From The Noisy Channel

Thank you for the kind words.

Thank you for the kind words.

Thank you for the kind words. As for your second point, Nick Bostrom defines “superintelligence” as “an intellect that is much smarter than the best human brains in practically every field, including scientific creativity, general…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Augmenting Human Intelligence

Augmenting  Human Intelligence

Quite an interesting piece.   Obvious at one level.  Its always about augmenting human intelligence,  at least in any near term view.   So then its about how well you can create the most useful tools.  Yes, it is about reasoning…

From insideHPC

Announcing a Series of Worldwide GPU Hackathons in 2018

Announcing a Series of Worldwide GPU Hackathons in 2018

ORNL is hosting a series of GPU Hackathons in 2018. The first event will take place March 5-9 at TU Dresden in Germany. "The goal of each Hackathon is for current or prospective user groups of large hybrid CPU-GPU systems to …

From insideHPC

Advanced Protein Prediction Using Deep Learning on Blue Waters Supercomputer

Advanced Protein Prediction Using Deep Learning on Blue Waters Supercomputer

Researchers at NCSA used the Blue Waters Supercomputer and Deep Learning to achieve a breakthrough in protein structure predictions. As published in the Cell Systems journal, the research was conducted by Jian Peng, NCSA Faculty…

From insideHPC

Intel Parallel Studio 2018: Modernize Your Code

Intel Parallel Studio 2018:  Modernize Your Code

"Intel Parallel Studio 2018 has been designed to recognize the latest CPU architectures including the Intel Xeon Scalable processor family and the Intel Xeon Phi processors in order to get maximum performance from their differing…

From insideHPC

Swiss HPC Conference Returns to Lugano in April with Winter HPCXXL User Group

Swiss HPC Conference Returns to Lugano in April with Winter HPCXXL User Group

Today the HPC Advisory Council announced that registration is now open for the Swiss HPC Conference. The event takes place April 9-12 in Lugano, Switzerland. For the first time, the conference will be held in concert with the…

From The Eponymous Pickle

An Era of Personal Drones?

An Era of Personal Drones?

Have been following the evolution of drones for some time,  my son is a pioneer in their use for photography.  Now will it become the case that each of us has a personal drone? To document our lives?  To provide security?  To…