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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

December 2017

From The Eponymous Pickle

Crowdsourcing Voice Recognitiion

Crowdsourcing Voice Recognitiion

Like the idea of sharing this kind of fundamental data.    Good idea to think about what the structure of such data should look like and be most useful.

Mozilla is crowdsourcing voice recognition to make AI work for the people

From The Eponymous Pickle

Deloitte Cognitive Tech Survey

Deloitte Cognitive Tech Survey

Deloitte provides some interesting data on Cognitive via survey

2017 cognitive technologies survey

Early adopters speak out on cognitive and AI
​What do the most aggressive adopters of artificial intelligence (AI) and cognitive

From Schneier on Security

Security Planner

Security Planner

Security Planner is a custom security advice tool from Citizen Lab. Answer a few questions, and it gives you a few simple things you can do to improve your security. It's not meant to be comprehensive, but instead to give people…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Grocery Startup Uses AI

Grocery Startup Uses AI

Artificial Intelligence is drawing attention for its potential and its pitfalls. Tesla founder Elon Musk recently called for greater regulation of AI robotics due to its “public risk.” ...

CGTN’s Mark Niu reports from San Francisco…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Kroger Does Mobile Payments

Kroger Does Mobile Payments

Surprised this has taken this long, getting to be an expectation in retail:

JPMorgan Strikes Deal With Kroger for Mobile Payments
By Jennifer Surane  and Craig Giammona in Bloomberg

" ... Kroger Co., the largest U.S. supermarket…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Summary of Conference on Robot Learning

Summary of Conference on Robot Learning

In the Google Research Blog.  Broadly about learning in changing contexts and environments.  Links to papers presented.

A Summary of the First Conference on Robot Learning

Posted by Vincent Vanhoucke, Principal Scientist, Google…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Blue Sky Ideas Conference Track held at ACM SIGSPATIAL 2017

Blue Sky Ideas Conference Track held at ACM SIGSPATIAL 2017

The Computing Community Consortium (CCC) recently sponsored a Blue Sky Ideas Conference Track at the 25th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, November 7- November 10, 2017 in…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Electric Eels and Implantable Power

Electric Eels and Implantable Power

Pacemakers and VR contact lenses are suggested.

Electric eels might be the key to powering implantable devices
This could lead to a pacemaker that never runs out. ... 

By Timothy J. Seppala, @timseppala  in Engadget. ... " 

From The Eponymous Pickle

Ben Evans On the Amazon Machine

Ben Evans On the Amazon Machine

Thoughtful piece  ... Now I want Amazon to better give us the power to make our own machines.  Voice Assistants, databases and skills are not enough.  Give me a knowledge architecture to drive some intelligence.   A knowledge…

From Computational Complexity

Our AI future: The good and the Ugly

I don’t directly work in machine learning but one cannot deny the progress it has made and the effect it has on society. Who would have thought even a few years ago that ML would have basically solved face and voice recognition…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Buying Through Your Car Dashboard

Buying Through Your Car Dashboard

Automobile as a channel.

GM thinks you'll buy stuff through your car's dashboard
Its on-board marketplace lets you purchase items you'll still have to wait in line for.

Rachel England, @rachel_england in Engadget

As more cars roll…

From The Eponymous Pickle

New and Dynamic Category Management

New and Dynamic Category Management

Spent a big part of a whole career in the analytics of this space.     How new and dynamic are the changes?    Considerable.    Excellent in further discussion in link below.

The next logical step for category management  by Mark…

From insideHPC

A Closer Look at the D.A.V.I.D.E. Supercomputer at CINECA in Italy

A Closer Look at the D.A.V.I.D.E. Supercomputer at CINECA in Italy

In this video, researchers from CINECA in Italy describe how their new D.A.V.I.D.E. supercomputer powers science and engineering. "Developed by E4 Engineering, D.A.V.I.D.E. (Development for an Added Value Infrastructure Designed…

From The Noisy Channel

Clarification Dialogues

Clarification Dialogues

As we saw in the previous post, modeling search as a conversation makes it possible to overcome breakdowns in communication between the searcher and the search engine. An important conversational technique is for the search engine…

From insideHPC

Experiences in providing secure multi-tenant Lustre access to OpenStack

Experiences in providing secure multi-tenant Lustre access to OpenStack

In this video from the DDN User Group at SC17, Dr. Peter Clapham from Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute presents: Experiences in providing secure multi-tenant Lustre access to OpenStack. “If you need 10,000 cores to perform an …

From insideHPC

Quantum Launches Scale-out NAS for High-Value and Data-Intensive Workloads

Quantum Launches Scale-out NAS for High-Value and Data-Intensive Workloads

There is a gap in the market between NAS systems designed for enterprise data management and HPC solutions designed for data-intensive workloads," said Molly Presley, vice president, Global Marketing, Quantum. "Xcellis Scale-out…

From insideHPC

Baidu Deploys AMD EPYC Single Socket Platforms for ‘ABC’ Datacenters

Baidu Deploys AMD EPYC Single Socket Platforms for ‘ABC’ Datacenters

“Baidu’s mission is to make a complex world simpler through technology, and we are constantly looking to discover and apply the latest cutting-edge technologies, innovations, and solutions to business. AMD EPYC processors provide…

From insideHPC

AI Systems Designed to Learn in a Limited Information Environment

AI Systems Designed to Learn in a Limited Information Environment

AI SystemsIn a special report, Intel offers details on use cases that explore AI systems and those designed to learn in a limited information environment. "AI systems that can compete against and beat humans in limited information games…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Exoskeleton Being Tested by Ford

Exoskeleton Being Tested by Ford

The ultimate integration of people and robotics.

Ford Pilots New Exoskeleton Technology to Help Lessen Chance of Fatique

Ford Pilots New Exoskeleton Technology to Help Lessen Chance of Worker Fatigue, Injury.   Called EksoVest,…

From Schneier on Security

E-Mail Tracking

E-Mail Tracking

Good article on the history and practice of e-mail tracking: The tech is pretty simple. Tracking clients embed a line of code in the body of an email­ -- usually in a 1x1 pixel image, so tiny it's invisible, but also in elements…


Chatbots to Drive Student Engagement in Higher Education

Chatbots to Drive Student Engagement in Higher Education

Whether you are ready for chatbots or not, they have been the future we live in now. Chatbots are not robots, but they are supposed to mimic humans. They are a piece of software that you chat with to get … Continue reading

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

If all your attributes are independent two-by-two… are all your attributes independent?

If all your attributes are independent two-by-two… are all your attributes independent?

Suppose that you are working on a business problem where you have multiple attributes… maybe you have a table with multiple columns such as “age, gender, income, location, occupation”. You might be interested in determining whether…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

2017 ACM Fellows Announced

2017 ACM Fellows Announced

The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) has released their annual list of ACM Fellows. The 2017 ACM Fellows list recognizes 54 ACM members for their significant contributions to the development and application of computing…

From insideHPC

MeDiCI – How to Withstand a Research Data Tsunami

MeDiCI – How to Withstand a Research Data Tsunami

Jake Carroll from The Queensland Brain Institute gave this talk at the DDN User Group. "The Metropolitan Data Caching Infrastructure (MeDiCI) project is a data storage fabric developed and trialled at UQ that delivers data to…

From insideHPC

Speeding Data Transfer with ESnet’s Petascale DTN Project

Speeding Data Transfer with ESnet’s Petascale DTN Project

Researchers at the DOE are looking to dramatically increase their data transfer capabilities with the Petascale DTN project. "The collaboration, named the Petascale DTN project, also includes the National Center for Supercomputing…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Experiments with Photography

Google Experiments with Photography

This effort was new to me.  Some of the Apps are available on just on Android, and some on IOS.  Particularly interested in new kinds of mobile based object recognition. 

Google tests experimental technology with three new photography…

From insideHPC

From SC17: Energy Efficiency in the Software Stack — Cross Community Efforts

From SC17: Energy Efficiency in the Software Stack — Cross Community Efforts

In this special guest feature, Siddhartha Jana provides an update on cross-community efforts to improve energy efficiency in the software stack. The article covers events at SC17 that focused on energy efficiency and highlights…

From insideHPC

Moving Radiology Forward with HPC at Boston Children’s Hospital

Moving Radiology Forward with HPC at Boston Children’s Hospital

In this video from the Intel HPC Developer Conference, Simon Warfield from Boston Children's Hospital describes how radiology is being transformed with 3D and 4D MRI technology powered by AI and HPC. "A complete Diffusion Compartment…

From The Eponymous Pickle

IOT Value vs Trust Survey

IOT Value vs Trust Survey

In the Cisco blog, results from a survey  of interest, with details.

Cisco survey finds consumers like IoT devices but don’t trust their security  by Duncan Riley

 Consumers see great value in “internet of things” devices but lack…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Coexisting with Robots

Coexisting with Robots

We are starting to see the earliest issues about how we will work with robots.   And the first step will be how can even coexist with them in our streets and walkways.   San Francisco is worried about them and starting with some…

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