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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

December 2018

From The Eponymous Pickle

Alibaba has a Better Intelligent Assistant than Google's

Alibaba has a Better Intelligent Assistant than Google's

In particular the claim that it is more conversationally powerful is interesting.  Such advances could lead to deeper interaction with humans and further engagement.

Alibaba already has a voice assistant way better than Google…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Wal-Mart Mobile Out of Stock App

Wal-Mart Mobile Out of Stock App

We developed a similar mobile App on a Blackberry , and tested it in multiple retail settings, but before home ordering/shipping was common.  The idea has been frequently covered in this blog.   How similar?

 Walmart gives associates…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Operations 4.0: Pilots

Operations 4.0: Pilots

From McKinsey.  Thoughtful examination of essence and value of pilots

The Operations 4.0 podcast: Productivity and ‘pilot purgatory’
The value from Operations 4.0 comes from how it unleashes productivity gains across a wide range…

From The Eponymous Pickle

An Architecture for Intelligence?

An Architecture for Intelligence?

Is there an underlying model for intelligence?    Is it a structurally simple enough one that we could readily convert into code, we could create something that thinks like the brain?    Still unknown.  Also looking for that


From The Eponymous Pickle

Prove Your Algorithms are Fair

Prove Your Algorithms are Fair

See some previous work on this,.   Proofs in specific goals and context.

To Build Trust In Artificial Intelligence, IBM Wants Developers To Prove Their Algorithms Are Fair
by Dan Robitzski in

We trust artificial intelligence…

From insideHPC

Tachyum Moves Forward with Prodigy Chip for Extreme Power Efficiency

Tachyum Moves Forward with Prodigy Chip for Extreme Power Efficiency

Today Tachyum announced that it has achieved a significant engineering milestone in its Prodigy product development, by proving that all critical components of its Prodigy core meet or exceed its stated design goals of unprecedented…

From insideHPC

NVIDIA Unveils TITAN RTX GPU for Accelerated Ai

NVIDIA Unveils TITAN RTX GPU for Accelerated Ai

Today NVIDIA introduced the TITAN RTX as what the company calls "the world’s most powerful desktop GPU" for AI research, data science and creative applications. "Driven by the new NVIDIA Turing architecture, TITAN RTX — dubbed…

From insideHPC

Video: Cray Steps up with Shasta Platform for Exascale Supercomputing

Video: Cray Steps up with Shasta Platform for Exascale Supercomputing

In this video from SC18 in Dallas, Per Nyberg from Cray describes the company's new Shasta supercomputing architecture for exascale. "Shasta is an entirely new design and is set to be the technology that underpins the next era…

From Schneier on Security

Bad Consumer Security Advice

Bad Consumer Security Advice

There are lots of articles about there telling people how to better secure their computers and online accounts. While I agree with some of it, this article contains some particularly bad advice: 1. Never, ever, ever use public…

From Universal Acceptance Steering Group

Rajasthan State’s New Email Project Brings Millions of Hindi Speakers Online

Rajasthan State’s New Email Project Brings Millions of Hindi Speakers Online

Internet adoption in India, one of the world's fastest growing economies, reached a key milestone earlier this year with 500 million Internet users – more than the populations of the United States, Mexico, and Canada combined…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Game Theory and Society

Game Theory and Society

A favorite topic is how game theory can be made practical   We tried that and got little out of it beyond descriptive rather than prescriptive models.   Is this new approach useful beyond that?  Note especially regarding networks…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Foundational Barriers for AI

Foundational Barriers for AI

Agree, and real feedback from surveys is interesting ...

 AI adoption advances, but foundational barriers remain, results from surveys.

Survey respondents report the rapid adoption of AI and expect only a minimal effect on head…

From The Noisy Channel

Mike, I appreciate your detailed response.

Mike, I appreciate your detailed response.

Mike, I appreciate your detailed response. And I agree that there are worse possible worlds than our present one — specifically, that replacing disclosed advertising with undisclosed native advertising would make things worse…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Connecting and Securing Communities through Digital Technologies: A Guide for Federal Agencies

Connecting and Securing Communities through Digital Technologies: A Guide for Federal Agencies

Contributions to this post were provided by CCC Executive Council member, Daniel Lopresti from Lehigh University.  The Networking and Information Technology Research and Development Program (NITRD) Smart Cities and Communities…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Brand Loyalty Changing for Natives

Brand Loyalty Changing for Natives

Never liked the term Digital Native.    We are all more like digital tourists now, using the convenience and intelligence of it more or less.   .........

Marketing to Digital Natives: How Brand Loyalty Is Changing

Wharton's Americus…

From The Eponymous Pickle

AI Is Watching Employee Expenses

AI Is Watching Employee Expenses

A classic approach to look anomalies in streams of data.

AI Is Watching Employee Expenses   in Bloomberg  By Olivia Carville

AppZen has developed an artificial intelligence program that can identify dubious work expense claims

From The Eponymous Pickle

Can Amazon Scale up GO?

Can Amazon Scale up GO?

Scale up is very likely, what are the implications for in store marketing?

Has Amazon figured out how to scale its Go cashier-free tech to bigger stores?
by George Anderson in Retailwire, with expert comment.  Refers to WS Journal…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Difference Between Business Intelligence and Data Science

Difference Between Business Intelligence and Data Science

Nicely done piece.  Good charts at the links below.   Though in some ways I have to ask if there should be a difference in practice?   Depending on Goals and potential value?   I always say you should start any 'advanced'  analytics…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Morse Code for Acccesibility

Morse Code for Acccesibility

Most interesting.  Clever idea that has been developed further. Nice idea Google with GBoard!

Google’s Morse code-powered games aim to serve kids with limited mobility In Digitaltrends

Google is now offering access to five games…

From insideHPC

UberCloud Wins Three Prestigious Awards for HPC in the Cloud

UberCloud Wins Three Prestigious Awards for HPC in the Cloud

We are please to announce that our friends at the UberCloud won a number of prestigious awards for HPC in the Cloud. "At Hyperion Research’s HPC Market Update Breakfast Briefing, UberCloud and partners received the Innovation…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Happy Computer Science Education Week

Happy Computer Science Education Week


It’s CS ED week again. Yeah! This is the week that thousands of teachers around the work introduce millions of students to computer science. Many of them for the first time. Some through the Hour of Code, some though specialEarlier…

From insideHPC

New CPC QD Solution Optimizes HPC Liquid Cooling

New CPC QD Solution Optimizes HPC Liquid Cooling

In this video from SC18, Kristin Anderson from CPC describes the company's innovative connector couplings for liquid cooling. "PLQ Series QDs are among the highest-performing engineered polymer connectors for liquid cooling applications…

From Schneier on Security

The DoJ's Secret Legal Arguments to Break Cryptography

The DoJ's Secret Legal Arguments to Break Cryptography

Earlier this year, the US Department of Justice made a series of legal arguments as to why Facebook should be forced to help the government wiretap Facebook Messenger. Those arguments are still sealed. The ACLU is suing to make…

From insideHPC

One Stop Systems Steps up GPU Servers for Ai and World’s First PCIe Gen 4 Cable Adapter

One Stop Systems Steps up GPU Servers for Ai and World’s First PCIe Gen 4 Cable Adapter

In this video from SC18, Jaan Mannik from One Stop Systems describes how the company's high performance GPU system power HPC and Ai applications. At the show, the company also introduced HIB616-x16, the world's first PCIe Gen…

From insideHPC

Deconstructing the Complexities of the Data Pipeline for Connected Cars

Deconstructing the Complexities of the Data Pipeline for Connected Cars

connected carsA connected car can generate up to a gigabyte of data per day, and perhaps even more. Impressively, it is estimated that there are approximately 2 million connected cars on our roadways at this very moment. This means the storage…

From insideHPC

Job of the Week: HPC Systems Administrator at Washington State University

Job of the Week: HPC Systems Administrator at Washington State University

Washington State University is seeking an HPC Systems Administrator in our Job of the Week. "This position will play a vital role in the administration of HPC clusters used by the research community at Washington State University…

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

A Tiebreak Win and the Problem of Draws

Carlsen impressed in fast chess, but what of classical? Cropped from AFP/Getty source (Irish Times) Magnus Carlsen retained his title of World Chess Champion on Wednesday. He thumped the American challenger Fabiano 3-0 in a best…

From Computational Complexity

George HW Bush passed away- some non-partisan math comments

George HW Bush passed away recently. When he was alive there were 5 living ex presidents. Now there are 4. What is the max and min number of ex presidents? This we will answer. What is the prob of having many living ex-presidents…

From The Eponymous Pickle

The Farm is the Grid

The Farm is the Grid

Intriguing partnership for data.  Need more of this.   Metadata and data.   Data has value.

Airbus, John Deere connect tractors, satellite data
By Lawrence Specker | [email protected]

Flying tractors may not be in the cards just yet…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Immortalizing Ourselves as a Chatbot?

Immortalizing Ourselves as a Chatbot?

We are still far afield from this.  Will we be able someday to chat with long gone people?   Made me think of TheBrain, this blog, Brand equities like Mr Clean?  None close.   I returned to a long ago employer and found my technology…