The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.
The ISC High Performance Travel Grant Program is now open for applications. Introduced in 2017, the Grant enables university students and young researchers to be a part of the ISC High Performance conference series. For recipients…
In this video from the DDN User Group at SC18, Glenn Lockwood from NERSC presents: Making Sense of Performance in the Era of Burst Buffers. "It really is important to divide burst buffers into their hardware architectures and…
How will AI influence how we market? Useful examples:
Your key Marketing Strategy for 2019 had better include Voice By Annie Pettit in Customerthink
Take a minute to think about every car commercial you’ve ever seen.
Was recently asked about voice based systems that mimic/fool people into thinking the speaker is human. Notably for both assistant and possible marketing applications. Notably the 'Google Duplex' method demonstrated this year…
Closer to biomimicry, the article says a not deeply technical description:
New AI computer vision system mimics how humans visualize and identify objects
UCLA Samueli School of Engineering
Researchers have demonstrated
Last week, the Scientific Working Group on Digital Evidence published a draft document -- "SWGDE Position on the Use of MD5 and SHA1 Hash Algorithms in Digital and Multimedia Forensics" -- where it accepts the use of MD5 and…
McKinsey as usual prompts some interesting thoughts:
" ... The next stages of China’s transition away from economic equilibrium with the United States will likely create volatility in market growth and require conservatism in
Nicely done, mostly up to date piece. Non Technical, but good depth, with a mix of positive and negative. Sure its a fun way to experience data and reality, but will it be used with most of your interactions with digital
Been examining the use and misuse of facial recognition for a project. You can tell that from recent posts. The below shows how faking is being done, with examples of the faces at the click through. Here the challenge is,…
Any time you examine data analytically you exercise your curiosity. And that curiosity is naturally driven by your own or business goals. So it makes sense to attach the goals more systematically to the analysis, whether
Overstated I think. Its a natural and inevitable use of these technologies to make yourself and your family safer. I have been using the Ring doorbell now for several years, and lately in a networked system, but without facial…
In this video, the "Illustris" scientific simulation begins just 12 million years after the Big Bang and illustrates the formation of stars, heavy elements, galaxies, exploding super novae and dark matter over 14 billion years…
ANSYS in Canonsburg, PA is seeking a Software Developer in our Job of the Week. "The Software Development Engineer involves developing, implementing, and maintaining functionality related to the ANSYS MAPDL application and Mechanical…
Testing the idea of what kind of 'human' engagement works in what context.
Meet 'Millie' the Avatar. She'd Like to Sell You a Pair of Sunglasses By Bloomberg in ACM
Toronto, Canada-based startup Twenty Billion Neurons (TwentyBN)…
Fascinating look at the ownership of metadata. Here a more precise description of things that have ever been created. And then that description allows to do analytics that we could never have done before. Even analyses we
More examples of very small scale solutions foor manufacturing, maintenance, inspection.
Harvard's sticky-footed inspection robot can climb through jet engines
By Michael Irving in NewAtlas
It's tricky to routinely inspect jet engines…
Yes, very much like what I see. Gets back to the whole issue of visual similarity search. About to try this with a long ago project in the area of agriculture, horticulture, Forestry and related mobile data gathering. …
This says it is an architecture better adapted for time series and related metadata. Most of what we did in supply chain analysis used time series prediction.
AWS Launches Time-Series Database by Alex Woodie in Datanami
And details…
For equity reasons, many people advocate for double-blind peer review, meaning that the author does not know who the reviewer is, nor does the reviewer know who the author is. It is believed (despite little hard positive evidence…
Very good thoughtful piece on the relationship of data, machine learning and its application. Just the header below. Read on at the link and subscribe to these useful pieces. Concur, yes, you typically need lots of data, but…
The post Our very best wishes for 2019! / Auguri da Experientia! appeared first on Putting people first.
In this BBC Radio 4 series, British journalist John Harris examines the potency of narrative, both in the stories that define us as individuals and in those that shape our understanding of the public domain. Story is ubiquitous…
In an age where we can collect and store (forEVER) every second of every day, how much do we truly need… to learn? To react? To do good deeds that benefit society? Assuming we champion that, what does it mean for privacy and …
Comparing proofs for the Jaccard metric BetterExplained source Kalid Azad is the founder of the website Better Explained. It is devoted to explaining mathematical concepts. He also has written two books. Today we discuss how…
North Korea is engaged in even more illegal squid fishing than previously. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered. Read my blog posting guidelines here…
A Toaster on Wheels to Deliver Groceries? Self-Driving Tech Tests Practical Uses
The New York Times by Cade Metz
Slow uptake of driverless passenger services is spurring the autonomous industry to experiment with offerings like…
But What Does It Mean!? How Enterprise AI is Going to (Further) Revolutionize Business By Beth Partridge
We keep hearing that artificial intelligence is going to change the face of business forever. I happen to agree – it’s why…
Honda says it engine noises, but there are other opinions. Seems its back to a matter of context, and the solution is still statistical.
Honda’s Sound Sitter lulls fussy children with engine noises
The company says the sounds…
Useful background data and surveys, direct recommendations in the continuation at the link.
Is IoT Right for Your Supply Chain? By Jon Slangerup, SCB Contributor
A technological transformation is taking place in supply chains…
Nice little but complete toy example pattern learning, with test data and code. Real time solver. With links to more examples:
Real time numbers recognition (MNIST) on an iPhone with CoreML from A to Z
By Thomas Ebermann