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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

December 2018

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Young Researchers: Apply for Seventh Heidelberg Laureate Forum, September 22-27, 2019

Young Researchers: Apply for Seventh Heidelberg Laureate Forum, September 22-27, 2019

Who wants to spend a week in beautiful Heidelberg Germany surrounded by the recipients of the ACM A.M. Turing Award and the ACM Prize in Computing? I do! In September, I had the unique opportunity to participate as part of the…

From The Eponymous Pickle

State of US Autonomous Trucking

State of US Autonomous Trucking

From McKinsey.     Have now seen two tests of the concept.  Impressive results. Yet regulation has not caught up. 

Distraction or disruption? Autonomous trucks gain ground in US logistics

As logistics goes digital, profound changes…


The Model Maker of Leonardo da Vinci, Blaise Pascal, and Charles Babbage

The Model Maker of Leonardo da Vinci, Blaise Pascal, and Charles Babbage

Discovery of a previously unknown replica of the legendary Swiss Millionaire calculating machine at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Goal Setting, Nudges and Machine Learning

Goal Setting, Nudges and Machine Learning

Interesting study-based results.   Now should the same approach be used for training and goal setting of machine learning?   Not just the ML of current systems, but  machine 'learning' in general.   It would seem that the 'nudge'…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Deep Learning vs Reinforcement Learning

Deep Learning vs Reinforcement Learning

Short excerpt, worth reading the whole thing.  But instructive as it is:

Artificial Intelligence: What's The Difference Between Deep Learning And Reinforcement Learning?
 By Bernard Marr in Forbes

" ... What is deep learning?

" Deep…

From The Eponymous Pickle

AI Booming, Accelerating

AI Booming,  Accelerating

TheVerge reports and comments on the boom.  No indication of a winter here.  Notable also is the broad world-wide boom, in the past expansion it was US, Japan and Europe.  Some issue with the definition, is this automation, machine…

From insideHPC

Time-Lapse Video: Building the Pitzer Cluster at the Ohio Supercomputing Center

Time-Lapse Video: Building the Pitzer Cluster at the Ohio Supercomputing Center

In this video, Dell EMC specialists and CoolIT technicians build the Ohio Supercomputing Center's newest, most efficient supercomputer system, the Pitzer Cluster. Named for Russell M. Pitzer, a co-founder of the center and emeritus…

From insideHPC

How Lenovo is Helping Build Ai Solutions to Solve the World’s Toughest Challenges

How Lenovo is Helping Build Ai Solutions to Solve the World’s Toughest Challenges

In this video from SC18 in Dallas, Madhu Matta from Lenovo describes how the company is driving HPC & Ai technologies for Science, Research, and Enterprises across the globe. "Lenovo cares about solving real-world problems, and…

From insideHPC

Video: Lenovo Leads the TOP500 with Innovative HPC Cooling Technologies

Video: Lenovo Leads the TOP500 with Innovative HPC Cooling Technologies

In this video from SC18 in Dallas, Scott Tease from Lenovo describes how the company is leading the TOP500 with innovative HPC cooling technologies. "At #8 on the TOP500, the Lenovo-built, hot-water cooled SuperMUC system at …

From Schneier on Security

New Australian Backdoor Law

New Australian Backdoor Law

Last week, Australia passed a law">giving the government the ability to demand backdoors in computers and communications systems. Details are still to be defined, but it's really…

From Universal Acceptance Steering Group

Smt. Vasundhara Raje, Hon`ble Chief Minister of Rajasthan was felicitated as “Universal Acceptance Thought Leader”

Smt. Vasundhara Raje, Hon`ble Chief Minister of Rajasthan was felicitated as “Universal Acceptance Thought Leader”

Today Smt. Vasundhara raje, Hon`ble Chief Minister of Rajasthan was felicitated as “Universal Acceptance Thought Leader” by UASG. This award was for Raj Mail project where citizens of Rajasthan were enabled to get an email address…

From Universal Acceptance Steering Group

Universal Acceptance Steering Group (UASG) by ICANN

Universal Acceptance Steering Group (UASG) by ICANN

So, what is Universal Acceptance ? It is the state where all valid domain names and email addresses are accepted, validated, stored, processed and displayed correctly and consistently by all Internet-enabled applications, devices…


Broadening Participation in Computing Is Easier Than You Think

Broadening Participation in Computing Is Easier Than You Think

Some small steps that can make a big difference.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Predictions Cheaper, Faster, with Risk

Predictions Cheaper, Faster, with Risk

In Strategy+Business.  Provocative thoughts of what AI is.  It is a prediction.  But also the prediction of a number of other (meta) things:  The future, some solution in a particular context, some precision ....   And since


From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Nominations Sought for New CCC Council Members

Nominations Sought for New CCC Council Members

The Computing Community Consortium (CCC) is charged with catalyzing and empowering the U.S. computing research community to articulate and advance major research directions for the field. Established in 2006 through a cooperative…

From insideHPC

Interview: The Importance of Message Passing Interface to Supercomputing

Interview: The Importance of Message Passing Interface to Supercomputing

In this video, Mike Bernhardt from the Exascale Computing Project catches up with ORNL's David Bernholdt at SC18. They discuss supercomputing the conference, his career, the evolution and significance of message passing interface…

From insideHPC

NOAA Report: Effects of Persistent Arctic Warming Continue to Mount

NOAA Report: Effects of Persistent Arctic Warming Continue to Mount

NOAA is out with their 2018 Arctic Report Card and the news is not good, folks. Issued annually since 2006, the Arctic Report Card is a timely and peer-reviewed source for clear, reliable and concise environmental information…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Python Tricks

Python Tricks

Beginner Python Coding tricks.  Whenever you start a new language, its nice to see lots of relatively simple examples that relate to the kinds of things you might want to do.  This is kind of like that, for beginners, but has…

From insideHPC

Red Hat Steps Up with HPC Software Solutions at SC18

Red Hat Steps Up with HPC Software Solutions at SC18

In this video from SC18 in Dallas, Yan Fisher and Dan McGuan from Red Hat describe the company's powerful software solutions for HPC and Ai workloads. "All supercomputers on the coveted Top500 list run on Linux, a scalable operating…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Newsletters from the HBR, Sloan

Newsletters from the HBR, Sloan

I see that HBR has set up some 15 technology and management topic newsletters.  This is similar to what MIT has done with a number of topics.  These newsletters are mores scannable than blogs.  Also can be more up to the minute…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Changing Nature of Retirement

Changing Nature of Retirement

Correspondent Steve King of Small Business Labs on the Changing Nature of Retirement.   Its a topic their blog has covered many times,  especially with relation to key resource and knowledge retention.   We struggled with it

From The Eponymous Pickle

AI Driven Marketing for CPG

AI Driven Marketing for CPG

Examples are CPG Food.    We worked on optimization examples of this for years, now the approach is broadening and getting closer to high level decision makers.

Packaged Goods Makers Embrace AI-Driven Marketing
By CGT Staff - 11…

From insideHPC

XTREME-D IaaS Platform Works to Simplify HPC Cloud Cluster Management

XTREME-D IaaS Platform Works to Simplify HPC Cloud Cluster Management

IaaS platformAn IaaS platform can help keep HPC cloud cluster users out of the cluster management business. A new white paper from XTREME-D, "Point and Click HPC: The XTREME-Stargate IaaS Platform", explores how the Stargate platform, that…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Alexa Hunches for Smart Homes

Alexa Hunches for Smart Homes

Just started experimenting with Alex Hunches, a method that claims to makes suggestions (Nudges from a Nudge engine?)   Can a skill tune your hunches to a context?  Based on data regarding your behavior ...   Will report further…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Finishing Your Sentences with Common Sense

Finishing Your Sentences with Common Sense

Yes, it's one way to tailor common-sense-driven sentences. Here some snippets of work underway in the space, starting with a NYT article, then links to technical details.  The overall challenge for common sense natural language…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Great Innovative Idea: Building up Speaking Skills in an online learning community

Great Innovative Idea: Building up Speaking Skills in an online learning community

The following Great Innovative Idea is from Ehsan Hoque, Asaro-Biggar (’92) Family assistant professor of Computer Science and interim Director of the Goergen Institute for Data Science at the University of Rochester. Hoque was…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Optimizing Infrastructure Resources

Optimizing Infrastructure Resources

Optimizing Infrastructure Through AI

Makes sense that Cisco would be into this, nicely explained below.   I like the visualization of the process.  Optimization of all sorts of static and dynamic resources to achieve a goal is…


Short Take: Big Data and IoT in Practice

Short Take: Big Data and IoT in Practice

Looking at some use cases for the adoption of big data in industries that deal with physical things, and drawing some inferences.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Tracking Location and Activity

Tracking Location and Activity

Further, related to my current data and activity investigation, its also very useful to see how Google uses Location History Tracking to infer aspects of behavior and activity, implications are that it works very well.   You


From insideHPC

Video: Scientific Benchmarking of Parallel Computing Systems

Video: Scientific Benchmarking of Parallel Computing Systems

In this video, Torsten Hoefler from ETH Zurich presents: Scientific Benchmarking of Parallel Computing Systems. "Measuring and reporting performance of parallel computers constitutes the basis for scientific advancement of high…

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