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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

December 2020

From The Eponymous Pickle

Learning Better with Shape-Shifting

Learning Better with Shape-Shifting

 Like the example of modifying objects to address specific elements of training.   Unusual application, uses outside of sports?

Better Learning with Shape-Shifting Objects

MIT News, Adam Conner-Simons

Shape-shifting objects that…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Nominations Sought for New CCC Council Members

Nominations Sought for New CCC Council Members

The Computing Community Consortium (CCC) is charged with catalyzing and empowering the U.S. computing research community to articulate and advance major research directions for the field. Established in 2006 through a cooperative…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Coronavirus Apps Show Promise but Prove a Tough Sell

Coronavirus Apps Show Promise but Prove a Tough Sell

Good to see an experiment of this type, at very least to see how people react to permitting monitoring , and what it takes for them to trust it and its use.

Coronavirus Apps Show Promise but Prove a Tough Sell

The New York…

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

The Future of Mathematics?

Proving proofs are proven Kevin Buzzard is Professor of Pure Mathematics at Imperial College London. Wikipedia says that he specialises in algebraic number theory, rather than “specializes.” Is this because he was born in Britain…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Updating AI Product Performance

Updating AI Product Performance

Nicely done piece from NVIDIA Developers.

Updating AI Product Performance from Throughput to Time-To-Solution

By Shar Narasimhan | November 23, 2020  Tags: data center, Machine Learning and AI, MLPerf, NGC

Data scientists and researchers…

From insideHPC

Overcoming the Complexities of New Applications & Technologies in the New Era of HPC

Overcoming the Complexities of New Applications & Technologies in the New Era of HPC

In this contributed article, Bill Wagner, CEO of Bright Computing, discusses how as more organizations take the leap into HPC, Bright Computing aims to be the company that helps solve the challenge of complexity within the industry…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Security Flaws in IOT Devices Wont Get Fixed.

Security Flaws in IOT Devices Wont Get Fixed.

Was pointed out to me early as the classic security problem with edge devices lost in the field, they will never be updated to be secure, and they are attached to many other networks and devices, making them insecure.  


From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon Wants Smart Neighborhoods

Amazon Wants Smart Neighborhoods

Amazon has received much hammering of late on their smart home capabilities. Giving openings to hackers, listening in on private conversations  and through its neighborhoods, overpolicing the streets.  Now they are giving indications…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Obfuscating the Indistinguishable in Cryptography

Obfuscating the Indistinguishable in Cryptography

 Below is something I had heard mentioned before, but was unclear of the implications.    Here are a number of statements and article give a good overview.   I am exploring for now.  Not saying I can completely state the implications…

From insideHPC

MIT Researchers: Promise for Nonsilicon Computer Transistors

MIT Researchers: Promise for Nonsilicon Computer Transistors

For decades, one material has so dominated the production of computer chips and transistors that the tech capital of the world — Silicon Valley — bears its name. But silicon’s reign may not last forever. MIT researchers have …

From insideHPC

Object Matrix Joins the Active Archive Alliance

Object Matrix Joins the Active Archive Alliance

Boulder, Colo. – December 9, 2020 – The Active Archive Alliance today announced that Object Matrix has joined the organization, which promotes modern strategies to solve data growth challenges. Object Matrix joins a growing number…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Signal Encryption Protocol

Signal Encryption Protocol

More attempts to decrease surveillance?

Hacker Lexicon: What Is the Signal Encryption Protocol?

As the Signal protocol becomes the industry standard, it's worth understanding what sets it apart from other forms of end-to-end encrypted…

From insideHPC

SambaNova Systems Announces SambaNova DataScale — Built for AI 

SambaNova Systems Announces SambaNova DataScale — Built for AI 

Palo Alto, CA, Dec. 9, 2020 — SambaNova Systems, builder of systems platform for artificial intelligence and data-intensive applications from the data center to the cloud and the edge, today announced SambaNova Systems DataScale…

From Computational Complexity

Shuffling Around

In the fall of 1983 as a junior at Cornell I took CS 481, Introduction to the Theory of Computing, from Juris Hartmanis. Needless to say this was the course that changed my life and led me down a path that would have me teach…

From insideHPC

Xsight Labs Announces Sampling of 25.6T Data Center Switch with 100G SerDes

Xsight Labs Announces Sampling of 25.6T Data Center Switch with 100G SerDes

Tel Aviv and San Jose — December 9, 2020 — Xsight Labs announced today the sampling of X1, the industry’s first 25.6T and 12.8T Data Center Switch with 100G SerDes, to its alpha customers. Xsight Labs’ X1 is the industry’s lowest…

From insideHPC

HPE Launches HPC-as-a-Service via Greenlake Cloud Platform

HPE Launches HPC-as-a-Service via Greenlake Cloud Platform

HPE this morning announced an HPC-as-a-service offering that sits at the confluence of two well-established market trends: broadening adoption of HPC in the enterprise, and accelerating demand for cloud-based HPC. The pay-per…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Deep Learning Quality in Manufacturing?

Deep Learning Quality in Manufacturing?

 Interesting thoughts here.    Much more at the link.  

 Deep Learning Has Reinvented Quality Control in Manufacturing—but It Hasn’t Gone Far Enough

AI systems that make use of “lifelong learning” techniques are more flexible and…

From insideHPC

Fear Not the Data Tsunami—Object Storage is Here

Fear Not the Data Tsunami—Object Storage is Here

In this sponsored post, Michael St-Jean from Red Hat advises that there's no need to fear the data tsunami we’ve long been approaching. Today’s new tools and architectures will help you tame the ebb and flow of object data and…

From insideHPC

After Virtual SC20: Liqid Talks Composable Infrastructure at HPC Scale and Recent DoD HPC Deployments

After Virtual SC20: Liqid Talks Composable Infrastructure at HPC Scale and Recent DoD HPC Deployments

Letting the workload take the lead in drawing on the hardware, networking and software resources it needs, and doing this dynamically – that’s what composable infrastructure vendor Liqid is all about. In this virtual SC20 interview…

From Schneier on Security

FireEye Hacked

FireEye Hacked

FireEye was hacked by — they believe — “a nation with top-tier offensive capabilities”:

During our investigation to date, we have found that the attacker targeted and accessed certain Red Team assessment tools that we use to…

From insideHPC

WekaIO Provides Update on its Global Partner Program

WekaIO Provides Update on its Global Partner Program

Campbell, CA – December 8, 2020 – WekaIO (Weka), the high-performance and scalable NVMe-optimized file storage company, today celebrated the success of its Weka Innovation Network (WIN), a Global Partner Program, enabling channel…

From insideHPC

NFINIT Launches AO (Active Object) & Object LS (LightSpeed) Storage Solutions with ‘Free-gress’ Payment Model

NFINIT Launches AO (Active Object) & Object LS (LightSpeed) Storage Solutions with ‘Free-gress’ Payment Model

SAN DIEGO — December 8, 2020 — NFINIT, a provider of hybrid cloud solutions, connectivity and colocation, announces its new suite of object storage solutions: NFINIT AO (Active Object) and NFINIT Object LS (LightSpeed). The new…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Bigger Robots: Air Giants

Bigger Robots:   Air Giants

Have taken a look at small robots for a long time,  especially as they are used in groups,  but this look at larger forms is also of interest.

Video Friday: These Giant Robots Are Made of Air, Fabric

Your weekly selection of awesome…

From Schneier on Security

Oblivious DNS-over-HTTPS

Oblivious DNS-over-HTTPS

This new protocol, called Oblivious DNS-over-HTTPS (ODoH), hides the websites you visit from your ISP.

Here’s how it works: ODoH wraps a layer of encryption around the DNS query and passes it through a proxy server, which acts…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Nathan Beanaich's AI Newsletter

Nathan Beanaich's AI Newsletter

Just started refollowing:

Your guide to AI   December 6  2020, · Issue #48 · View online  from Nathan Benaich

Monthly analysis of AI technology, geopolitics, research, and startups.

Dear readers,

Welcome to the November 2020 issue…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Merging with our Tools

Merging with our Tools

Will We, Can We ... Merge with our AI?

Well we did kind of merge with our calculators.   And we sure seem to be merging with our Smartphones.    And now ... ?

This is how we’ll merge with AI  in VentureBeat

Gary Grossman, Edelman…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Boston Dynamics Helping Chernobyl Decommission

Boston Dynamics Helping Chernobyl Decommission

 Boston Dynamics is doing quite well with its mostly telepresence Spot Robotics.  Here another example, with apparent connection to specialized sensors. 

Boston Dynamics' Spot Is Helping Chernobyl Move Towards Safe Decommissioning…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Folding Proteins

Folding Proteins

 This is a very famous problem with broad solution implications in biochemistry, has it been solved now via deep tech?     Not clear to me by this.  In NewScientist.   Protein Folding.

From insideHPC

SMU Lands $1M for Quantum-related Cyber Research

SMU Lands $1M for Quantum-related Cyber Research

Dallas – Southern Methodist University’s Darwin Deason Institute for Cyber Security has received more than $1 million in new research grants for quantum-related research from Anametric, Inc., an Austin-based company developing…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Word from Cognixion on Brain Computer Interfaces

Word from Cognixion on Brain Computer Interfaces

Update from colleague at Cognixion, developers of Brain Computer Interfaces (BCI) for  people with severe disabilities. 

Hi Franz, 

I wanted to share some great news. We recently closed a $1million seed angel round in less than…