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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

December 2020

From The Eponymous Pickle

Closer to Realistic Quantum Computing?

Closer to Realistic Quantum Computing?

A move closer?  Technical.

Hitting the Quantum 'Sweet Spot': Researchers Find Best Position for Atom Qubits in Silicon

University of New South Wales Sydney Newsroom

December 1, 2020

Researchers from Australia's Center of Excellence…

From insideHPC

The Case for ‘Center Class’ HPC: Think Tank Calls for $10B Fed Funding over Five Years

The Case for ‘Center Class’ HPC: Think Tank Calls for $10B Fed Funding over Five Years

The Center for Data Innovation (CDI), a non-profit think tank that studies the intersection of data, technology and public policy, has gone to bat for increased federal funding for ‘center class’ and mid-range HPC systems, contending…

From The Eponymous Pickle

What Makes Robust AI?

What Makes Robust AI?

 Much enjoyed Gary Marcus' writing on the essense of robust AI, most recently from his book, 'Rebooting AI'.  Now see more from him on 'Four Steps Towards Robust AI'.   See more about this in ZDNet.   See more also in Garymarcus…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Police Drones Arriving

Police Drones Arriving

Expect that this kind of autonomous approach will continue to expand, and will be regulated in the coming years.   Here a good example.

Police Drones Starting to Think for Themselves

The New York Times,  By Cade Metz

Police agencies…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

CCC Council Member Chad Jenkins in NYT Article: Can We Make Our Robots Less Biased Than We Are?

CCC Council Member Chad Jenkins in NYT Article: Can We Make Our Robots Less Biased Than We Are?

Contributions to this post were provided by CCC Council member Odest Chadwicke Jenkins.  Computing Community Consortium (CCC) Council member Odest Chadwicke Jenkins (University of Michigan) was recently interviewed by the New…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Moving AI Recognized Things

Moving AI Recognized Things

Interesting generalization of a set of common tasks using AI identification.

Robotics Researchers Propose AI That Locates, Safely Moves Items on Shelves

Venture Beat   By Kyle Wiggers in CACM

Two new robotics studies detail methods…


An Enigmatic Device from Denmark

An Enigmatic Device from Denmark

Discovery of a very rare surveying instrument in Denmark.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Data Storytelling

Data Storytelling

'Data Storytelling', never heard it described that way, but when building process maps, we often described it in the form of a flow, or journey, or 'story'  to make it clear how changes occured.  So I like the idea of telling…

From The Eponymous Pickle

The Art of the Barcode

The Art of the Barcode

Our group was one of the very first users of barcodes in retail, so have followed it and related information and compression techniques for a long time.   Here an update, have not read it but will.

[eBook] The Art of the Code …

From The Noisy Channel

In Search of Recall

In Search of Recall

Search developers tend to focus most of their efforts on the first page of results. As a result, they prioritize investment in ranking models, with the goal of improving quality and business metrics, such as relevance and conversion…

From insideHPC

Higher Education HPC Harnesses Increasing Data Sets to Unlock New Discoveries

Higher Education HPC Harnesses Increasing Data Sets to Unlock New Discoveries

parallelismDell Technologies has long partnered with university-led supercomputing centers, working side-by-side with world-class researchers and scientists to develop, test and tune HPC systems for their workloads. This work often includes…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NSFNET 35th Anniversary Celebratory Virtual Event

NSFNET 35th Anniversary Celebratory Virtual Event

The following announcement is from the National Science Foundation Computer and Information Science and Engineering Directorate.  Internet2 and the Internet Society are excited to bring you a celebratory virtual event to commemorate…

From Computational Complexity

In 1974 Planarity was O(V) time and could do 900 node graphs in 12 seconds! Fast then...

In 1974  Hopcroft and Tarjan showed that Planarity is in polynomial time. That is an understatement- they actually have an O(V) algorithm which one can actually code up. See their paper here.

It has the curious line:

An Algol implementation…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Digitizing StoryCorps Audio Interviews

Digitizing StoryCorps Audio Interviews

 Also similar to work we did in the enterprise to understand consumer interviews.  We spent some time looking for solutions of this type, but they were not available.  Today it would seem that adaptations of the below would work…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Navigating Business Turbulence

Navigating Business Turbulence

Non-technical points on developing with rapidly changing data and contexts.   Ultimately good requirements for adapting business process. 

How to use data and analytics to navigate business turbulence   by 7wData

The ability to…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Light-Based Quantum Computer Exceeds Fastest Classical Supercomputers

Light-Based Quantum Computer Exceeds Fastest Classical Supercomputers

More indications of increases in quantum computing speed,  when applied to particular kinds of problems.  But this does not mean this is available yet,  but in a quantum future when fault tolerant quantum computers of sufficient…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Driverless Cars Are Still Coming

Driverless Cars Are Still Coming

 More comments on the likely general introduction of driverless vehicles.

Driverless Cars Are Coming, But Not Yet to Take Over

The Wall Street Journal, By Stephen Wilmot

Driverless cars are making their way onto U.S. roads, but…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Last Year in AI, Analytics, Machine Learning and Data Science ....

Last Year in AI, Analytics, Machine Learning and Data Science ....

Good end of the year piece from KDNuggets that was instructive.

AI, Analytics, Machine Learning, Data Science, Deep Learning Research Main Developments in 2020 and Key Trends for 2021

Tags: 2021 Predictions, AI, Ajit Jaokar, Analytics…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Science and Technology (December 5th 2020)

Science and Technology (December 5th 2020)

Researchers find that older people can lose weight just as easily as younger people. Google DeepMind claims to have solved the protein folding problem, an important problem in medicine. This breakthrough could greatly accelerate…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Samsung Does New Bixby Interface in Major Update

Samsung Does New Bixby Interface in Major Update

 Been a long time since we had an unimpressed look at Bixby.   Some good details here.

Samsung Reveals New Bixby Interface and Features in Major Update By Eric Hal Schwartz   in

Samsung has officially announced plans…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Machine Learning Underspecification

Machine Learning Underspecification

 Yes, often a problem, often  mainly for lack of sufficient data in context.   Seems Google know this too.  Key issue.  Credibility/value is the key.  Note COVID example.  Technical. 

Googlers Speak Out on the Scourge of ML Underspecification…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Podcasts via RSS Feed

Podcasts via RSS Feed

New way to connect to podcasts

Google Podcasts lets you add shows using their RSS feeds

Subscribe to your favorite niche podcast
by Jon Fingas  In Engadget    Google Podcasts just became more alluring if you tend to listen to shows…

From Geeking with Greg

Facebook and investing in the long-term

Facebook and investing in the long-term

Kevin Roose, Mike Isaac and Sheera Frenkel at the New York Times had a great piece ([1][2]) on the internal debate inside Facebook on removing disinformation: Facebook engineers and data scientists posted the results of a series…

From insideHPC

‘Let’s Talk Exascale’: Storing and Managing Exa-class Data Volumes

‘Let’s Talk Exascale’: Storing and Managing Exa-class Data Volumes

In this new edition of “Let’s Talk Exascale” from the Department of Energy’s Exascale Computing Project, the ECP’s Scott Gibson talks with Jim Ahrens of Los Alamos National Laboratory about the project’s data and visualization…

From The Eponymous Pickle

The Risk and Uncertainty of it All

The Risk and Uncertainty of it All

A space we played in early on, determining measures of uncertainty as we built AI and expert system based models.   Its part of any decision driving system,  That includes measures of uncertainty and risk.  Glad to see efforts…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Small Sat Launching by Drone

Small Sat Launching by Drone

 Been watching the numerous satellite launches going on, like primarily to improve communications to remote areas. Agree with some of the worries for the future,  will we be able to see the stars in future years?   Will kidsHuge…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Shrinking BERT Networks to Model Language

Shrinking BERT Networks to Model Language

Considerable shrinking of neural networks, more likely for applications at the Edge.

Shrinking massive neural networks used to model language
A new approach could lower computing costs and increase accessibility to state-of-the…

From Schneier on Security

The 2020 Workshop on Economics and Information Security (WEIS)

The 2020 Workshop on Economics and Information Security (WEIS)

The workshop on Economics and Information Security is always an interesting conference. This year, it will be online. Here’s the program. Registration is free.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Robotic Hands Closer to Human

Robotic Hands Closer to Human

New robotic hands with lots of possibilities for more dexterous manipulation 

Robot Hands One Step Closer to Human, Thanks to WMG AI Algorithms  By University of Warwick (U.K.)

Artificial intelligence algorithms enable the Shadow…

From Schneier on Security

Hiding Malware in Social Media Buttons

Hiding Malware in Social Media Buttons

Clever tactic:

This new malware was discovered by researchers at Dutch cyber-security company Sansec that focuses on defending e-commerce websites from digital skimming (also known as Magecart) attacks.

The payment skimmer malware…