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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

December 2021

From insideHPC

@HPCpodcast: Will the Metaverse Hit Next-Big-Thing Status?

@HPCpodcast: Will the Metaverse Hit Next-Big-Thing Status?

Is the metaverse really real? Sorry – it’s not real, though uber virtual realism is a big part of its promise. But will it be the next phase of the internet, the next big market opportunity in tech, HPC-AI included (as Nvidia…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Pharma Giant, Bayer, partners with AI-based Assessment Platform

Pharma Giant, Bayer, partners with AI-based Assessment Platform

Bayer, the pharmaceutical company that owns big name brands such as Aspirin, Aleve, Midol, Cenesten and Iberogast, recently partnered with Ada Health, an AI-based assessment platform. This free app uses an AI chat robot to collect…

From insideHPC

MLCommons Releases MLPerf Training v1.1 AI Benchmarks

MLCommons Releases MLPerf Training v1.1 AI Benchmarks

San Francisco — Dec. 1, 2021 – Today, MLCommons, the open engineering consortium, released new results for MLPerf Training v1.1, the organization’s machine learning training performance benchmark suite. MLPerf Training measures…

From insideHPC

Duality Announces Quantum Science and Tech Advisory Committee

Duality Announces Quantum Science and Tech Advisory Committee

Chicago — Dec. 1, 2021 — Duality has announced the members of its Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), which will support participating startups with business know-how as well as knowledge of quantum science and technology. The…

From insideHPC

NVIDIA’s Gilad Shainer Talks Infiniband-based Quantum-2 and Cloud Native Supercomputing

NVIDIA’s Gilad Shainer Talks Infiniband-based Quantum-2 and Cloud Native Supercomputing

NVIDIA has made a series of significant HPC-related announcements recently, many of them at the company’s GTC conference in early November, including the launch of its Infiniband-based Quantum-2 supercomputer and developments…

From The Eponymous Pickle

New Rowhammer

New Rowhammer

 Schneier writes about rowhammer, I like the image of a rowhammer.

New Rowhammer Technique

Rowhammer is an attack technique  involving accessing — that’s “hammering” — rows of bits in memory, millions of times per second, withWell…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Covid ReShaping Supply Chains

Covid ReShaping Supply Chains

 Another example of ther need for needed disaster planning.

How COVID-19 is reshaping supply chains

November 23, 2021 | Article, By Knut Alicke, Ed Barriball, and Vera Trautwein

Companies have only partly addressed the weaknesses…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Lotfi Zadeh and Fuzzy Logic

Lotfi Zadeh and Fuzzy Logic

 I note the post about Lotfi Zaheh and the connection to fuzzy logic, from the Language Log.  Just featured in the Google Doodle.  We used some of his methods to implement 'fuzzy logic' for AI implementations.  Worth reexamining…

From insideHPC

AMAX Launches LiquidMax Liquid Cooled HPC-AI Workstations

AMAX Launches LiquidMax Liquid Cooled HPC-AI Workstations

Dec. 1, 2021 — AMAX, provider of high-performance computing (HPC), artificial intelligence (AI) and OEM data center manufacturing, announces the launch of LiquidMax series liquid cooled workstations. Starting with LiquidMax TL40…

From insideHPC

Panasas Joins Thales Network for HPC Storage Security  

Panasas Joins Thales Network for HPC Storage Security  

SAN JOSE – Dec. 1, 2021 – High-performance computing (HPC) data storage company Panasas announced it has joined the Thales Accelerate Partner Network and is working with Thales on the adoption of integrated storage security solutions…

From Computational Complexity

TheoretiCS: New TCS Journal

Guest Post from Paul Beame on behalf of the TheoretiCS Foundation

I am writing to let you know of the launch today of TheoretiCS, a new fully open-access journal dedicated to Theoretical Computer Science developed by the members…


Original Roman Pocket Calculators are Extremely Rare

Original Roman Pocket Calculators are Extremely Rare

As far as we know, only three or four original specimens of the Roman hand abacus have survived.

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