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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

December 2022

From The Eponymous Pickle

On Event Modeling

On Event Modeling

 Its all about events and how we handle them. 

Adam Dymitruk on Event Modeling    By Software Engineering Radio    November 28, 2022

Credit: Adam Dymitruk/Software Engineering Radio

Adam Dymitruk is CEO and founder of Adaptech Group…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Data Intelligence Platform Seek AI Launches to Automate Repetitive Tasks

Data Intelligence Platform Seek AI Launches to Automate Repetitive Tasks

 Automate and make intelligent. 

Data Intelligence Platform Seek AI Launches to Automate Repetitive Tasks

In DataNami  by Jaime Hampton

With all the hype around generative AI and its text-to-image capabilities throwing the art world…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Mechanical Neural Networks

Mechanical Neural Networks

Quite technical, but worth a link for later study.... 

Mechanical neural networks: Architected materials that learn behaviors  ... 


One for all: Universal material model based on minimalAbstract…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Synthetic Data Can Offer ML Performance Improvements

Synthetic Data Can Offer ML Performance Improvements

 Previously mentioned, considering use of idea in test.

MIT News, Adam Zewe, November 3, 2022

A team of researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the MIT-IBM Watson AI Laboratory, and Boston University found…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Choosing Best Machine Learning Algorithm

Choosing Best Machine Learning Algorithm

 Simplified example

DataScienceDojo (@Data Science Dojo) Tweeted:

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Legend of the Indiana Oil-Pit Squid

Friday Squid Blogging: Legend of the Indiana Oil-Pit Squid

At a GMC plant.

As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven’t covered.

Read my blog posting guidelines here.


Why Is It Hard to Define Data Science?

Why Is It Hard to Define Data Science?

Data science can be described as a science, as a research paradigm, as a research method, as a discipline, as a workflow, and as a profession.

From Schneier on Security

Existential Risk and the Fermi Paradox

Existential Risk and the Fermi Paradox

We know that complexity is the worst enemy of security, because it makes attack easier and defense harder. This becomes catastrophic as the effects of that attack become greater.

In A Hacker’s Mind (coming in February 2023), …

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Adventures in Taking Code From the Internet

Adventures in Taking Code From the Internet

Facebook memories remined me that ten years ago I was thinking about writing a program that would ring bells (nautical time) on the hour and half hour. I didn't write it back then. Probably because I was busy with my day job.…

From insideHPC

ADIA Lab Announces Board Members, Collaborations and Research Award

ADIA Lab Announces Board Members, Collaborations and Research Award

Abu Dhabi, 2 December 2022 — ADIA Lab, focused on basic and applied research in data and computational sciences, commenced operations today, the 51st National Day of the UAE. As part of its launch, the lab announced the composition…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Disney Neural Network Can Change an Actor's Age with Ease

Disney Neural Network Can Change an Actor's Age with Ease

Powerful idea,  So do I get to own all my transformed RE-ages?  Lighting conditions?  I am seeing some legal implications. 

Disney Neural Network Can Change an Actor's Age with Ease

Ars Technica, Benj Edwards, November 30, 2022

From The Eponymous Pickle

We Will See a Completely New Type of Computer, Says AI Pioneer Hinton

We Will See a Completely New Type of Computer, Says AI Pioneer Hinton

 Hinton predicts: A 'mortal' Neuromorphic Computer?  Ready to sign up and test.   When? 

We Will See a Completely New Type of Computer, Says AI Pioneer Hinton

In ZDNet, Tiernan Ray, December 1, 2022

Artificial intelligence pioneer…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Race to the Moon?

Race to the Moon?

 I continue to be interested in the supply chain processes involved.

China and NASA are racing to the moon. Side-by-side photos hint NASA has the edge, but China's secrecy makes the race hard to call.    By Morgan McFall-Johnsen…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Fusion Power Still Years Away

Fusion Power Still Years Away

Years Away most followers agree ... 

Fusion power is 'approaching' reality thanks to a magnetic field breakthrough

A boost from magnetism is nearly enough to achieve fusion ignition.

By Jon Fingas|@jonfingas|November 30, 2022 2:52…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Breaking the Scaling Limits of Analog Optical Computing

Breaking the Scaling Limits of Analog Optical Computing

 Reducing error in optical networks 

Breaking the Scaling Limits of Analog Computing   By MIT News, November 30, 2022

Using the new technique, the larger an optical neural network becomes, the lower the error in its computations…

From The Eponymous Pickle

An AI-first Approach to Accelerating Autonomous Trucking

An AI-first Approach to Accelerating Autonomous Trucking

Of interest, December 7 

Reminder: December 7 Talk, "An AI-first Approach to Accelerating Autonomous Trucking" with Raquel Urtasun, Founder and CEO of Waabi

If you haven't done so yet, register now  for the next free ACM TechTalk…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Mexico Replacing China for Manufacturing?

Mexico Replacing China for Manufacturing?

Mentioned in passing in a meeting, this related Podcast of interest:


Podcast | Can Mexico Replace China as a Manufacturing Powerhouse?

China is losing its luster as a low-cost source of manufacturing. Is Mexico an…

From Schneier on Security

LastPass Security Breach

LastPass Security Breach

The company was hacked, and customer information accessed. No passwords were compromised.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Would You Like a QR Code in That Cookie? Food and 3D Printing

Would You Like a QR Code in That Cookie?  Food and 3D Printing

Waste Reduction embedded, 3D printed.

Would You Like a QR Code in That Cookie?  By AlphaGalileo, October 19, 2022

Given that food tags and packaging are a large source of waste worldwide, this new method of embedding edible information…

From insideHPC

SC22: CXL3.0, the Future of HPC Interconnects and Frontier vs. Fugaku

SC22: CXL3.0, the Future of HPC Interconnects and Frontier vs. Fugaku

HPC luminary Jack Dongarra’s fascinating comments at SC22 on the low efficiency of leadership-class supercomputers highlighted by the latest High Performance Conjugate Gradients (HPCG) benchmark results will, I believe, influence…

From insideHPC

SC22: Jeff McVeigh on Intel’s 3 New Server Chips; oneAPI and Heterogeneity; and an Aurora Update

SC22: Jeff McVeigh on Intel’s 3 New Server Chips; oneAPI and Heterogeneity; and an Aurora Update

We caught up with Jeff McVeigh, Corporate Vice President and General Manager of Intel’s Super Compute Group, to learn more about the three new server chips Intel recently announced, the Max CPU and the Max GPU series, along with…

From insideHPC

At SC22: DDN’s Kurt Kuckein Talks Advanced AI Data Management at Scale

At SC22: DDN’s Kurt Kuckein Talks Advanced AI Data Management at Scale

At SC22, we caught up with DDN Senior Vice President of Marketing to discuss major trends driving AI data management at scale – trends that include growing adoption of GPUs for AI workloads, the emergence of other accelerator…


The Legacy of Peer-to-Peer Systems

The Legacy of Peer-to-Peer Systems

What happened to peer-to-peer as a technological concept?      

From Computational Complexity

How do we keep the community connected?

A colleague said how they enjoyed watching the collapse of Twitter under Elon Musk. But I use Twitter to keep connected to the CS community. In Twitter I hear not only new results but ones that excite particular people. I watch…

From The Eponymous Pickle

How Will the Space Economy Change the World?

How Will the Space Economy Change the World?

 Good overview of Space and Economy. Not enough regards the timing and risks involved.  And how will key aspects, like supply chains,  be effectively translated into Space?  Note we need to do a key materials analysis to determine…

From insideHPC

Tokyo University of Science: Research Using Data Science, Materials Informatics May Lead to Better EV Motors

Tokyo University of Science: Research Using Data Science, Materials Informatics May Lead to Better EV Motors

Dec. 1, 2022 — Tokyo University of Science today said researchers have combined several disciplines to investigate coercity, which is the physical property of magnetic materials that has the potential to advance electric car …

From insideHPC

Oak Ridge Lab and Veterans Affairs Use Summit Supercomputer Security Framework for Health Research

Oak Ridge Lab and Veterans Affairs Use Summit Supercomputer Security Framework for Health Research

Dec. 1, 2022 — A team from Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) used the CITADEL security framework to securely transfer and analyze veterans’ health records on ORNL’s Summit, an…

From Schneier on Security

Sirius XM Software Vulnerability

Sirius XM Software Vulnerability

This is new:

Newly revealed research shows that a number of major car brands, including Honda, Nissan, Infiniti, and Acura, were affected by a previously undisclosed security bug that would have allowed a savvy hacker to hijack…

From insideHPC

Argonne Researchers Win Gordon Bell Special Prize for Using Language Models to Track Virus Variants

Argonne Researchers Win Gordon Bell Special Prize for Using Language Models to Track Virus Variants

Nov. 29, 2022 — Scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory and a team of collaborators have won the Association for Computing Machinery’s 2022 Gordon Bell Special Prize for High Performance…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Quantum Computers and Liquid-Like Electrons

Quantum Computers and Liquid-Like Electrons

 New idea to me.

Quantum Computing May be Bolstered by Liquid-Like Electrons,  By Tom's Hardware

November 1, 2022

When electrons are made to act in what’s known as a “helical Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid,” there are fewer particleExperiments…