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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

December 2022

From The Eponymous Pickle

OpenAI ChatGPT Imitating Academic Work

OpenAI ChatGPT Imitating Academic Work

Using and detecting. 

OpenAI's ChatGPT Raises Alarm Over Student Cheating

By Financial Times, December 27, 2022

There is widespread concern that students will use OpenAI's ChatGPT to cheat on assignments.

OpenAI's ChatGPT artificial…

From The Eponymous Pickle

On Speculative Execution

On Speculative Execution

 Out of order, and dynamic. 

What Is Speculative Execution?

By Joel Hruska on June 10, 2022

With a new Apple security flaw in the news, it’s a good time to revisit the question of what speculative execution is and how it works.Speculative…

From CS4FN (Computer Science For Fun)

The joke Turing test

The joke Turing test

A funny thing happened on the way to the computer by Peter W. McOwan, Queen Mary University of London (from the archive) Laugh and the world laughs with you they say, but what if you’re a computer. Can a computer have a ‘sense…

From The Eponymous Pickle

McD's Automation Plans

McD's Automation Plans

More on McD's automation efforts,  apparently the automation of everything but the food preparation.  Following closely.  

McD’s gets decidedly mixed reactions to its robot servers in RetailWire

Dec 27, 2022   by Tom Ryan


From The Eponymous Pickle

Donald Knuth's Christmas 2022 Lecture

Donald Knuth's Christmas 2022 Lecture

A person I fondly connected with via this books back in the 70s, always interesting:    Donald Knuth's 2022 'Christmas Tree' Lecture Is About Trees  ... '

From The Eponymous Pickle

Microsoft Research Looks Back at Progress in AI

Microsoft Research Looks Back at Progress in AI

 Microsoft talks about some of its efforts. 

Research @ Microsoft 2022: A look back at a year of accelerating progress in AI

Published December 19, 2022

2022 has seen remarkable progress in foundational technologies that have helped…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Japan Prepares for Defense

Japan Prepares for Defense

 In the near past you never heard much about Japan's defense forces (SDF),  investment was relatively low,  but with potential nearby threats,  that is changing,  RAND writes about it in come detail. 

Japan's Upcoming DefenseRAND…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Merlin AI Launches First ChatGPT iOS and Android Mobile App

Merlin AI Launches First ChatGPT iOS and Android Mobile App

MerlinAI and IOS For a ChatGPT  

Merlin AI Launches First ChatGPT iOS and Android Mobile App

ERIC HAL SCHWARTZ on December 23, 2022 

Mobile app developer Dogtown Media has introduced what it claims is the first iOS and Android app…

From The Eponymous Pickle

On a Trip to Infinity

On a Trip to Infinity

Math in Netflix

"The most intrusive animation is a train that twice interrupts the mathematician Moon Duchin, who is reflecting on what it would mean for a mathematical object like infinity to 'exist.'"

"The second appearance of…

From The Eponymous Pickle

2D Material May Enable Ultra-Sharp Cellphone Photos in Low Light

2D Material May Enable Ultra-Sharp Cellphone Photos in Low Light

Most interesting, worked on a project that needed to get low light images for input to modeling.

2D Material May Enable Ultra-Sharp Cellphone Photos in Low Light

Pennsylvania State University News,   Jamie Oberdick, December 9,…

From Schneier on Security

Arresting IT Administrators

Arresting IT Administrators

This is one way of ensuring that IT keeps up with patches:

Albanian prosecutors on Wednesday asked for the house arrest of five public employees they blame for not protecting the country from a cyberattack by alleged Iranian…

From CS4FN (Computer Science For Fun)

The Chinese room: zombie attack!

The Chinese room: zombie attack!

by Paul Curzon, Queen Mary University of London (From the cs4fn archive) Iain M Banks’s science fiction novels about ‘The Culture’ imagine a universe inhabited (and largely run) by ‘Minds’. These are incredibly intelligent machines…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Big Ideas in Tech

Big Ideas in Tech

 Nicely done,  Big Ideas in Tech for 2023: An a16z Omnibus     by Andreessen 

AI, machine & deep learning  bio + health  consumer  crypto & web3  ecommerce  enterprise & SaaS  fintech  gaming, social, and new media  mobile (&Table…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Netflix Password Sharing may Be illegal, says UK government: BBC

Netflix Password Sharing may Be illegal, says UK government:  BBC

In the BBC on password sharing.    Illegal vs allowed?  Copyright law involved?   Intellectual Property. 

Netflix password sharing may be illegal, says UK government  By Tom Gerken, BBC Technology reporter   Sharing passwordsIt…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Scientists Use Quantum Computing to Create Glass that Cuts the Need for AC by a Third

Scientists Use Quantum Computing to Create Glass that Cuts the Need for AC by a Third

Model testing.   

Scientists Use Quantum Computing to Create Glass that Cuts the Need for AC by a Third

By Popular Science, December 1, 2022

A sample of the glass coating, which you can see through. 

Machine learning and quantumTwo…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Reading Existential Physics

Reading Existential Physics

Just started reading ...  good intro .... 

Understanding physics and its practical application is becoming important.  Book about how quantum effects are being applied in computing and cryptography. 

Existential Physics: A Scientist's…

From Schneier on Security

LastPass Breach

LastPass Breach

Last August, LastPass reported a security breach, saying that no customer information—or passwords—were compromised. Turns out the full story is worse:

While no customer data was accessed during the August 2022 incident, some…

From CS4FN (Computer Science For Fun)

The paranoid program

The paranoid program

by Paul Curzon, Queen Mary University of London One of the greatest characters in Douglas Adams’ Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, science fiction radio series, books and film was Marvin the Paranoid Android. Marvin wasn’t actually…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Science and Technology links (December 25 2022)

Science and Technology links (December 25 2022)

One of Elon Musk’s ventures, OpenAI, made public a new tool called ChatGPT. It is widely regarding as a practical breakthrough in artificial intelligence. Given a question, it can produce a coherent essay-length answer. LastContinue…


Observation of Bias

Observation of Bias

It may not be that obvious, but it's observable.

From CS4FN (Computer Science For Fun)

How does Santa do it?

How does Santa do it?

Fast yuletide algorithms to visit all those chimneys in time by Paul Curzon, Queen Mary University of London How does Santa do it? How does he visit all those children, all those chimneys, in just one night? My theory is he combines…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Pilotless Cargo Carrying Planes

Pilotless Cargo Carrying Planes

 With Drones everywhere, inevitable.   Emerging Market

The cargo hauling aircraft with no pilots on board

Published  4 days ago

A scaled-down version of the Black Swan at an airfield in Bulgaria

By Michael Dempsey  Reporter  in the…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Imagining the AI Cockpit

Imagining the AI Cockpit

Something we also imagined for running a large enterprise, rather than just a vehicle.  Show all the most useful data and forward simulations.  

Driving the Future: What Is an AI Cockpit?

Intelligent interiors are transformingJuly…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Injured Giant Squid and Paddleboarder

Friday Squid Blogging: Injured Giant Squid and Paddleboarder

Here’s a video—I don’t know where it’s from—of an injured juvenile male giant squid grabbing on to a paddleboard.

As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven’t covered…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Dr Mark van Rijmenam, Newsletter

Dr Mark van Rijmenam, Newsletter

 I get the following future newsletter

 Newsletter Logo,  

From The Eponymous Pickle

On How Not to Win a Tech War

On How Not to Win a Tech War

Thoughtful points, more at the link  ... 


How Not to Win a Tech War      By Moshe Y. Vardi

Communications of the ACM, January 2023, Vol. 66 No. 1, Page 7    10.1145/3571077

CACM Senior Editor Moshe Y. Vardi


From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Fast base16 encoding

Fast base16 encoding

Given binary data, we often need to encode it as ASCII text. Email and much of the web effectively works in this manner. A popular format for this purpose is base64. With Muła, we showed that we could achieve excellent speedContinue…

From The Eponymous Pickle

'Jetson' Robots in Hospitals

'Jetson' Robots in Hospitals

What exactly is the Jetson Style?   How will people react? 


Jetsons-Style Robots Invading Chicago-Area Hospitals

By Chicago Tribune, December 21, 2022

Hospital staffers hold elevator doors for a Moxi robot.

Moxi robots…

From insideHPC

Hyperion: Concerns about Trajectory of Classical HPC Helping to Drive Quantum R&D

Hyperion: Concerns about Trajectory of Classical HPC Helping to Drive Quantum R&D

In the face of tremendous complexities and uncertain progress, quantum computing continues to draw significant investments and R&D efforts from countries and companies around the world. A key reason: an “increasing concern about…


What Do ChatGPT and AI-based Automatic Program Generation Mean for the Future of Software

What Do ChatGPT and AI-based Automatic Program Generation Mean for the Future of Software

ChatGPT is game-changing, the kind of thing that you witness once in a generation.