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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

December 2022

From The Eponymous Pickle

US-China Chip War Continues

US-China Chip War Continues

 A Space I am watching, regards the players and supply chain.  Point me to other relevant information.

US-China chip war: How the technology dispute is playing out    By Suranjana Tewari and Jonathan Josephs  BBC News  (excerpt)…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Every Company Uses Software, but are they a Software Company?

Every Company Uses Software, but are they a Software Company?

Even more so now that we have things like ChatGPT,   but we still need to understand increasingly deeper context when using the algorithms involved.   Caution is needed all around.  

Every company is a software company: Six ‘must…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Playing with Chat GPT: A Future of Delivering Knowledge?

Playing with Chat GPT:   A Future of Delivering Knowledge?

The end of journalism, or the ability to tell the difference?    Continuing toimprove.   But will some of us will still be needed to point out the key details?  Experimenting there too... 

ChatGPT shrugged

Natasha Lomas@riptari…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Launching a Lunar Flashlight

Launching a Lunar Flashlight

 Looking for ice and other components of a longer stay on other worlds. 

NASA’s Lunar Flashlight Launches to Shine a Light on Lunar Ice

By Ryan Whitwam on December 14, 2022  in ExtremeTech

A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket blasted into space…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Researchers Develop Virtual Molecular Library of Thousands of 'Command Sentences' for Cells

Researchers Develop Virtual Molecular Library of Thousands of 'Command Sentences' for Cells

Cellular 'Command Sentences'.

Researchers Develop Virtual Molecular Library of Thousands of 'Command Sentences' for Cells

News-Medical Life Sciences, Emily Henderson,  December 8, 2022

Researchers at the University of California…

From Schneier on Security

Apple Patches iPhone Zero-Day

Apple Patches iPhone Zero-Day

The most recent iPhone update—to version 16.1.2—patches a zero-day vulnerability that “may have been actively exploited against versions of iOS released before iOS 15.1.”


Apple said security researchers at Google’s Threat…

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

A Mutation Carol 2

Ghosts of creations past and citations not present Domenico Amalfitano, Ana Paiva, Alexis Inquel, Luis Pinto, Anna Rita Fasolino, and René Just are the authors of an article in this month’s Communications of the ACM. Their article…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

CCC’s 2022 Highlights

CCC’s 2022 Highlights

The CCC would like to give a special thanks to everyone from the community for their support and participation over the past year. We accomplished a lot of important work in 2022, including getting back to in-person events. Our…

From insideHPC

ClearML and Ultralytics Partner on Open Source Technologies for MLOps

ClearML and Ultralytics Partner on Open Source Technologies for MLOps

Tel Aviv, IL, December 15, 2022 – ClearML, an open source, end-to-end MLOps platform, and Ultralytics, a vision AI company, announced today that they have partnered to integrate ClearML’s open source toolkit into Ultralytics’…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Checking for the absence of a string, naive AVX-512 edition

Checking for the absence of a string, naive AVX-512 edition

Suppose you would like to check that a string is not present in a large document. In C, you might do the following using the standard function strstr: bool is_present = strstr(mydocument, needle); It is simple and likely very…

From The Eponymous Pickle

AI Goal is not Intelligence?

AI Goal is not Intelligence?

Some thoughts ...

AI's true goal may no longer be intelligence  in ZDNet, Excerpts

Some scholars of AI warn that the present technologies may never add up to "true" intelligence or "human" intelligence. But much of the world may…

From insideHPC

Finnish IT Center CSC (Site of LUMI) and TACC in HPC Collaboration

Finnish IT Center CSC (Site of LUMI) and TACC in HPC Collaboration

The CSC – the Finnish IT Center for Science – and the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) at The University of Texas at Austin, have signed a memorandum of understanding to promote research collaboration using high-performance…

From Computational Complexity

FinTech is Dead, Long Live FinTech

Bill didn't feel he had the expertise to share new insights on the FTX affair. Never stopped me.

FTX is nothing short of corporate malfeasance in a poorly regulated industry, and since Bill had posted, Sam Bankman-Fried was arrested…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Elon Musk sells $3.6bn of shares in electric car maker Tesla

Elon Musk sells $3.6bn of shares in electric car maker Tesla

New movement in tech oriented stock, Elon Musk sells $3.6bn of shares in electric car maker Tesla  in the BBC

Published, 11 hours ago, Elon Musk takes part in a news conference at the SpaceX Starbase.

By Peter Hoskins, BBC Business…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Empirical Optimization with Divergent Fixed Point Algorithm – When All Else Fails

Empirical Optimization with Divergent Fixed Point Algorithm – When All Else Fails

 Of Technical Interest, worth signing into:

Empirical Optimization with Divergent Fixed Point Algorithm – When All Else Fails



From The Eponymous Pickle

NSA Surveillance Effort: Too Far?

NSA   Surveillance Effort:  Too Far?


NSA Watchdog Concluded One Analyst’s Surveillance Project Went Too Far   In Bloomberg

Newly unearthed inspector general’s report is coda to Snowden-era controversy over NSA surveillance methods. The National…


Early Computers in Continental Europe

Early Computers in Continental Europe

About the Bark (binär automatisk relä-kalkylator, binary automatic relay computer) and Besk (binär elektronisk sekvens kalkylator, binary electronic sequential computer).

From Schneier on Security

A Security Vulnerability in the KmsdBot Botnet

A Security Vulnerability in the KmsdBot Botnet

Security researchers found a software bug in the KmsdBot cryptomining botnet:

With no error-checking built in, sending KmsdBot a malformed command­—like its controllers did one day while Akamai was watching­—created a panic crash…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough

Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough

Listened to the report on the Nuclear Fusion testing Breakthrough this past week by the DOE and Lawrence Livermore Labs (LLNL), More to follow. Here is a presentation to the press and panel discussion.…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Uncertain US Self Driving?

Uncertain US Self Driving?

 More indication of key elements of uncertainty.  But still, I believe,  in time ultimate success.

Self-Driving Cars Face Uncertain Path to U.S. Deployment

By Reuters, October 31, 2022

The Cruise Origin autonomous vehicle, a Honda…

From Schneier on Security

Reimagining Democracy

Reimagining Democracy

Last week, I hosted a two-day workshop on reimagining democracy.

The idea was to bring together people from a variety of disciplines who are all thinking about different aspects of democracy, less from a “what we need to do today…

From CERIAS Blog

Three podcasts with Spaf

Three podcasts with Spaf

If you haven't reached your quota yet for hearing from Santa Spaf, here are three recent podcasts where I was interviewed on a variety of topics. One common theme: The role of people in cybersecurity. A second theme: Some future…

From insideHPC

ALCF to Hold Developer Session on “Introduction to Migrating to the SYCL Portal,” Jan. 25

ALCF to Hold Developer Session on “Introduction to Migrating to the SYCL Portal,” Jan. 25

The Argonne Leadership Computing Facility will hold a developer session on “Introduction to Migrating to the SYCL Portal” on Wednesday, January 25 from 11 am to noon, Central Time. Go here to register for the event. The session…

From insideHPC

At SC22: An Update on the Altair-AMD Collaboration

At SC22: An Update on the Altair-AMD Collaboration

At SC22 we caught up Altair and AMD on their long-running partnership utilizing AMD data center server chips in support of Altair engineering software. We spoke with Eric Lequiniou, Vice President of RADIOSS Development and Altair…

From insideHPC

Classiq Releases Research on Growing Quantum Momentum, Led by Financial Services

Classiq Releases Research on Growing Quantum Momentum, Led by Financial Services

Quantum software company Classiq has released research results  on the emerging quantum computing market that echo those of other reports: quantum adoption is happening and interest in quantum across multiple economic sectors…

From The Eponymous Pickle

U.S. Steel Looks to Forge High-Tech Future at Mills New and Old

U.S. Steel Looks to Forge High-Tech Future at Mills New and Old

Old industry using advanced tech of AI

 U.S. Steel Looks to Forge High-Tech Future at Mills New and Old

The Wall Street Journal, Isabelle Bousquette, December 1, 2022

U.S. Steel Corp. is looking to implement artificial intelligence…

From insideHPC

EuroHPC and Forschungszentrum Jülich in Hosting Agreement for Exascale Supercomputer JUPITER

EuroHPC and Forschungszentrum Jülich in Hosting Agreement for Exascale Supercomputer JUPITER

Jülich / Luxembourg, 14 December 2022 – A hosting agreement has been signed between the European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) and the Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC) where JUPITER, the first European…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

CIFellow Richard Canevez on the Ukraine Crisis and Expressions of Dissent through Social Informatics

CIFellow Richard Canevez on the Ukraine Crisis and Expressions of Dissent through Social Informatics

The following is a guest post from CIFellow Richard Canevez. Canevez began his CIFellowship in 2020 after reciving his PhD from Pennsylvania State University. He is currently at the University of Hawaii at Manoa where he is mentored…

From insideHPC

Shell Joins GRC’s ElectroSafe Fluid Partner Program for Data Center Immersion Cooling

Shell Joins GRC’s ElectroSafe Fluid Partner Program for Data Center Immersion Cooling

AUSTIN, TX and HOUSTON, TX – December 14, 2022 – GRC (Green Revolution Cooling), the global leader in immersion cooling for data centers today announced that Shell Lubricants (‘Shell’) has joined GRC’s newly launched ElectroSafe…

From insideHPC

Apache Cassandra Releases Version 4.1

Apache Cassandra Releases Version 4.1

WILMINGTON, Del., Dec. 13, 2022 — The Apache Cassandra Project has released 4.1 of Apache Cassandra, the open source distributed NoSQL database, charting a path to a more cloud native future and enabling an expanded ecosystem…

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