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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

December 2022

From The Eponymous Pickle

What is Threat Intelligence

What is Threat Intelligence

Considerable and mostly non technical look at the idea of 'Threat Intelligence'. Nicely done.    From Recorded Future, a former collaborator to our enterprise.

What is Threat Intelligence?

Digital technologies lie at the heart“Threat…

From The Eponymous Pickle

An Example of Drones Sensing Rare or Hidden Things

An Example of Drones Sensing Rare or Hidden Things

I like the hidden and rare sensing aspect of the problem.   Other Applications? 

 Daredevil Drones Find Nearly Extinct Plants Hiding in Cliffs

Reuters, Daisy Chung; Gloria Dickie; Simon Scarr, December 10, 2022

Scientists at Hawaii's…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Expect and Fear the Trading Bot

Expect and Fear the Trading Bot

Be very careful ... 

I, Trading Bot

Algorithms are being unleashed on the crypto markets.

By Nathan Thompson  in CoinDesk


 Movies about stock traders and investors often depict Wall Street mercenaries with great hair or uber…

From The Eponymous Pickle

New Quantum Computing Advance

New Quantum Computing Advance

New Advances? , Considerably technical ..

 Advance Brings Quantum Computing One Step Closer to Implementation

University of Tokyo (Japan), October 24, 2022

Two ion-electronic hybrid systems able to cool and measure the motion of…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Light-Analyzing 'Lab on a Chip' Opens Door to Portable Spectrometers

Light-Analyzing 'Lab on a Chip' Opens Door to Portable Spectrometers

Light Sensors. 

 Light-Analyzing 'Lab on a Chip' Opens Door to Portable Spectrometers

Oregon State University News, Steve Lundeberg, October 20, 2022

An international team of scientists led by researchers at Finland's Aalto University…

From Schneier on Security

Hacking Boston’s CharlieCard

Hacking Boston’s CharlieCard

Interesting discussion of vulnerabilities and exploits against Boston’s CharlieCard.


Statement Considered Harmful

Statement Considered Harmful

Instructions are not statements.

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

CCC Council Member Nominations Open

CCC Council Member Nominations Open

The Computing Community Consortium (CCC) is charged with enabling the pursuit of innovative, high-impact computing research that aligns with pressing national and global challenges. Established in 2006 through a cooperative agreement…

From The Eponymous Pickle

AI Can Code

AI Can Code

 Is AI the next step for useful and more secure coding? 

DeepMind's AlphaCode Can Outcompete Human Coders

Gizmodo, Mack DeGeurin, December 8, 2022

DeepMind's AlphaCode model performed well against human coders in a programming competition…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Big Players Ready for Meta Headset Offerings

Big Players Ready for Meta Headset Offerings

Big Players and more Meta Reality Hype and Prep

Apple Is Now Calling Its AR/VR Headset Operating System ‘xrOS’

By Josh Norem on December 5, 2022  in ExtremeTech

Apple seems to be getting close to the launch of its much-hyped AR/VR…

From The Eponymous Pickle

How AI-powered Market Research Helps Predict Success of Future Products and Advertising

How AI-powered Market Research Helps Predict Success of Future Products and Advertising

 Interesting Claims made.

How AI-powered market research helps predict success of future products and advertising

Sean Michael Kerner  @TechJournalist,  December 13, 2022  in Venturebeat

Market research is a business that has always…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Balancing Robotic Cube

Balancing Robotic Cube

Uses in Space, Transportation? 

Amazing Robotic Sculpture Balances Itself on One Corner Is it a sculpture? Is it a robot? The Balancing Cube is both  By Erico Guizzo

Is it a sculpture? Is it a robot? The Balancing Cube is both.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Colgate Advertising as a Space Hygiene Company

Colgate Advertising as a Space Hygiene Company

Spent a considerable amount of time working at Procter & Gamble,  often a competitor to Colgate,  so its interesting to see this product connection with arch competitor Colgate.   How well will an increased link to NASA act to…

From Schneier on Security

Obligatory ChatGPT Post

Obligatory ChatGPT Post

Seems like absolutely everyone everywhere is playing with Chat GPT.

So I did, too….

Write an essay in the style of Bruce Schneier on how ChatGPT will affect cybersecurity.

As with any new technology, the development and deployment…

From ACM-W supporting, celebrating and advocating for Women in Computing

ACM-W Europe: 10 Years and Counting

ACM-W Europe: 10 Years and Counting

On December 10, 2022, ACM-W Europe held its 10th-anniversary celebration, “ACM-W Europe: 10 Years and Counting”. The virtual event, hosted by Araz Yusubov and Ada University, featured Ruth Lennon (ACM-W Chair), Rukiye Altin (ACM…

From CERIAS Blog

Spaf is interviewed about his new book

Spaf is interviewed about his new book

In the 100th episode of CISO Stories: Discussion with Gene Spafford on some of the common cybersecurity myths and how to better cope with the changing environment. Join here.

For those of you interested in more info on the book…

From ACM-W supporting, celebrating and advocating for Women in Computing

A Call to All ACM-W Chapters! Now is the Time to Find Your Buddy

A Call to All ACM-W Chapters! Now is the Time to Find Your Buddy

Are you an ACM-W Chapter in collaboration with another ACM/ACM-W/SIG chapter? We love to hear from you!  And if you don’t have a collaborator,  partner,  a buddy, it’s time to have one!  We are starting a new campaign and encouraging…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Earth's Poles Flipping?

Earth's Poles Flipping?

The linked article below claims that NASA has detected an increase in the wandering of the earth's magnetic poles.  Ultimately this can produce what is called a 'Laschamp Event' or flipping of the poles.  This actually happened…

From ACM-W supporting, celebrating and advocating for Women in Computing

Above and Beyond Scholarship – Julita Inca Chiroque

Above and Beyond Scholarship – Julita Inca Chiroque

Year of Scholarship and Conference Attendance: Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) 2012 Country of residence at the time of receiving the ACM-W Scholarship: Peru Julita Inca Chiroque is a High-Performance…


AI's Jurassic Park Moment

AI's Jurassic Park Moment

New systems like chatGPT are enormously entertaining, and even mind-boggling, but also unreliable, and potentially dangerous.

From insideHPC

Shakespeare Content Helps CATALOG Claim DNA-based Computing Milestone 

Shakespeare Content Helps CATALOG Claim DNA-based Computing Milestone 

DNA-based data storage and computation company Catalog Technologies reported today what it said is “a historic breakthrough in DNA computation by demonstrating the ability to search data stored in DNA in a massively parallel …

From Geeking with Greg

Focus on the Long-term

Focus on the Long-term

One of my favorite papers of all time is "Focus on the Long-Term: It's better for Users and Business" from Google Research. This paper found that Google makes more money in the long-term -- when carefully and properly measured…


Will Free Open Access Publication Become a Mass Phenomenon?

Will Free Open Access Publication Become a Mass Phenomenon?

In this blog post, I would like to go over the value of different publication platforms from the point of view of an ordinary scientific researcher.

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

What is the memory usage of a small array in C++?

What is the memory usage of a small array in C++?

In an earlier blog post, I reported that the memory usage of a small byte array in Java (e.g., an array containing 4 bytes) was about 24 bytes. In other words: allocating small blocks of memory has substantial overhead. WhatContinue…

From The Eponymous Pickle

New Fusion Energy Development from Lawrence Livermore

New Fusion Energy Development from Lawrence Livermore

Have been hearing much that these advances are still net energy deficient.  Seeking paper. 

Fusion energy breakthrough by US scientists boosts clean power hopes

Net energy gain indicates technology could provide an abundant zero…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Apple Will Use US Chips

Apple Will Use US Chips

 Arizona made chips to be used ... 

Tim Cook Confirms Apple Will Use US-Made Chips From New Arizona Fab

By Adrianna Nine on December 7, 2022    in ExtremeTech

As if TSMC’s massive new Arizona fab wasn’t (literally) groundbreaking…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Chip Makers, Once in High Demand, Confront Sudden Challenges

Chip Makers, Once in High Demand, Confront Sudden Challenges

 Supply Chains, Designs,Contexts

Chip Makers, Once in High Demand, Confront Sudden Challenges

By The New York Times, October 28, 2022

A few months ago, makers of computer chips seemed on top of the world.

Customers could not getU…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Virtualizing Nuclear War?

Virtualizing Nuclear War?

Happy thoughts here, not sure talking or virtualizing does much.  But consider all the war games that have been played,    Including civilians.   Serious stuff.

Nuclear War Simulator Creator Says Public Must Know Potential Destruction…

From The Eponymous Pickle

ESnet Launches Next-Generation Network to Enhance Collaborative Science

ESnet Launches Next-Generation Network to Enhance Collaborative Science

Better Networks Built for Research.


ESnet Launches Next-Generation Network to Enhance Collaborative Science

By Berkeley Lab News Center, October 18, 2022

“ESnet6 represents a transformational change in the way networks…

From The Eponymous Pickle

A Wearable Reasoner

A Wearable Reasoner

Reasonable thought, but how well does it work in varying  contexts.  Need to be wearable? Good demo included.

Wearable Reasoner: Towards Enhanced Human Rationality through a Wearable AI Assistant  in Media.MIT

We present "Wearable…

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