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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

February 2009

From The Eponymous Pickle

A Smell Sensory Future

A Smell Sensory Future

Roger Dooley gives a good overview of the Whiff!: The Revolution of Scent Communications in the Information Age book by Russell Brumfield and James Goldney. I have mentioned this lively book on scent sensory topics here a number…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

What is a 'Better Internet'?

What is a 'Better Internet'?

Ellen Zegura is Professor and Chair of Computer Science at the Georgia Institute of Technology. She writes to us today in her role as chair of the NetSE Council. What is a “better Internet”? The current Internet has been a remarkable…

From Putting People First

Forthcoming Rosenfeld Media books

Forthcoming Rosenfeld Media books

Rosenfeld Media, which is run by Lou Rosenfeld, publishes short, practical, and useful books and webinars on user experience design. Here are their forthcoming titles: Design is the Problem: The Future of Design Must be Sustainable…

From CERIAS Blog

Do we need a new Internet?

Do we need a new Internet?

Short answer: " Almost certainly, no."  

Longer answer:

The blogosphere is abuzz with comments on John Markoff's Saturday NT Times piece, Do We Need a New Internet? John got some comments from me about the topic a few weeks back…

From CSDiary

Gallery of Greats

Gallery of Greats

This one is for our alumni and other friends who haven’t been on campus for a while. During one of the celebrations in honor of Ed Clarke’s winning of the ACM Turing Award, portraits of Ed and some of the previous CMU Turing …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Hackers Among the Amish

Hackers Among the Amish

Good Kelly post, have only experienced the Amish from a distance and from the highways seeing all those rare clotheslines in a modern age. Best point from the post: their default response to emergent tech is set to 'no'. It…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Extending the Brand

Extending the Brand

Jonathan Baskin looks at the extension of the Mr. Clean Brand. Why not? A very stong brand with a great image that has slipped over the years. If only we could have made him talk!If does not destroy the brand and adds to that…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Virtual Worlds for Business Book

Virtual Worlds for Business Book

This looks to be good: " ... Nick from Clever Zebra here. After some pushing from friends and colleagues, I'm pleased to tell you that the Virtual Worlds for Business eBook is going free, and open source today! We'll be announcing…

From Wild WebMink

OpenSolaris - Changing The World Another Way

OpenSolaris - Changing The World Another Way

A rather unusual project just started in the OpenSolaris community. It's the OpenSolaris Lending Project. Instead of directly working on the code for OpenSolaris, the new project provides a venue for OpenSolaris community members…

From The Eponymous Pickle

New Focus Group: The Game

New Focus Group: The Game

Great idea, but I continue to see few groups succeeding at it. A carefully tailored game can be expensive to produce:How World of Warcraft Promotes InnovationThis video game demonstrates in its structure and scoring some fundamental…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Agile Design Podcast

Agile Design Podcast

Podcast on optimizing agile design. By UXDesign, via IBM Design.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Automating Data Visualization

Automating Data Visualization

Nice little instructive, technical piece:Automating Data Visualization with Ruby and Graphviz I often have the need to visualize data from the enterprise resource planning system we use at work. For those not familiar, an ERP…

From Wild WebMink

Link roundup for the week ending February 14

Link roundup for the week ending February 14 Conference 2009 Registered OO.o members get to pick the location for the annual conference, and this year there are some absolutely fantastic choices. The Library of Alexandria? Iceland and its Gullfoss? Budapest…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Microsoft's Retail Stores

Microsoft's Retail Stores

Prof Peter S. Fader of Wharton looks at Microsoft's plans to set up some retail stores, and makes some suggestions." ... One of the biggest differences between the two tech giants is that Microsoft has no computers of its own…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Intel Investing in Social Networking

Intel Investing in Social Networking

They say why in this short article. Also I have heard 'Twitter' used several times in the non technical press in the past few days, don't recall hearing about it there before. My experiment continues, with ups and downs, my…

From Putting People First

Playful augmented objects

Playful augmented objects

Touch is a research project, led by Timo Arnall, that investigates Near Field Communication (NFC), a technology that enables connections between mobile phones and physical things. The project aims to develop applications and…


­Usable Privacy and Security

­Usable Privacy and Security

We are facing an increasing number of security failures, not because of problems with encryption algorithms, network protocols, or system implementations, but rather due to problems with the user interfaces of computer systems…

From The Eponymous Pickle

FTC Says Self-Regulate Behavioral Marketing

FTC Says Self-Regulate Behavioral Marketing

In Adage, see also the complete US Federal Trade Commission news release and report. " ... The Federal Trade Commission seemed to give a major victory to marketers today when it confirmed it will let them self-regulate behavioral…

From Putting People First

Kazys Varnelis

Kazys Varnelis

Kazys Varnelis [CV | blog], the author of Networked Publics and the Director of the Network Architecture Lab at the Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation, is writing a new book and posting…

From Putting People First

Dubberly Design articles

Dubberly Design articles

Hugh Dubberly is a forum editor at Interactions Magazine, which means that he writes, co-writes or edits articles for the magazine. The website of his company, Dubberly Design Office, contains all of these excellently written…

From Putting People First

Interview with Jeff Howard of Design for Service

Interview with Jeff Howard of Design for Service

Jeff Howard writes the blog Design for Service and is also the curator of the most comprehensive and well organised service design reference library on the internet. Over the past few days he has been discussing service designing…

From Wild WebMink

Old Code and Old Licenses

Old Code and Old Licenses

I was in Brussels at the weekend to attend FOSDEM, one of the handful of "real" Free software developer conferences I attend each year (another is LCA which I went to in Hobart two weeks ago). I was once again honoured to be …


Open Source in Latin America

Open Source in Latin America

An introduction to open source and its applications in south america.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Eye Tracking - Tie Tying

Eye Tracking - Tie Tying

Short piece on Google eye-tracking studies and universal search. Interesting to see how they approach it. I like the Tie tying example, it was one of the first 'aha' moments I had with remote teaching using the Web.

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

What I Have Learned About Life From War Games

What I Have Learned About Life From War Games

Like most dads who have professional careers, I have little time for games. Nevertheless, I spend some time playing war games. These games have taught me some basic principles.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Provisional Words

Provisional Words

Nick Carr posts about Automatically Updated Books. Where he points out that devices like the Kindle can provide updated text for for any work. Great for a book that needs up-to-date information. It is just updated in the background…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Locations too Honest

Locations too Honest

I see that GMail has added a new optional feature to its signatures. It will add a location designation that it derives from an IP address. In an article, Wired suggests that any such features should allow you to control the…

From insideHPC

ORNL & Morehouse to Offer Supercomputing

ORNL & Morehouse to Offer Supercomputing

Morehouse College computer science seniors now have their own supercomputing class in the catalogue.

From insideHPC

Intel to Invest $7 Billion in US

Intel to Invest $7 Billion in US

Intel CEO Paul Otellini announced yesterday that the company has planned to spend roughly $7 billion over the next two years to build advanced manufacturing facilities in the US.

From Wild WebMink

Link roundup after travelling too much

Link roundup after travelling too much