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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

February 2010

From The Eponymous Pickle

Google CEO Pushes Mobile

Google CEO Pushes Mobile

In ComputerWorld, from a recent talk, Google CEO Eric Schmidt says that mobile devices are replacing all other tyes of personal computing. Among the evidence ' ... He argued that mobile Web adoption is growing eight times faster…

From Computer Science Teachers Association

Build a Playground!

Build a Playground!

A playground is generally described as an area designed for children to play freely. Oftentimes playgrounds include jungle gyms, see-saws, overhead ladders, sandboxes and various other recreational equipment that can help children…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

New Members of the National Academy of Engineering

New Members of the National Academy of Engineering

The National Academy of Engineering has announced the Members of the Class of 2010.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Campbell Soup Labels and Neuromarketing

Campbell Soup Labels and Neuromarketing

Good case study on the use of non-conscious biometric measurements to determine consumers reaction to packaging. Note this was a two year study, indicating considerable investment in time.' ... For two years, Campbell researchers…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Mobile Intelligence

Mobile Intelligence

In the January/February issue of IEEE Intelligent Systems, a number of papers devoted to mobile information retrieval and contextual knowledge systems. Including location based systems. Their site, though not all articles are…

From Wild WebMink

links for 2010-02-17

links for 2010-02-17

yet another illustration why the proposed three-strikes laws are unbalanced and unjust. The onus continues to be on the accused to prove innocence, usually at…

From Schneier on Security

Botnets Attacking Each Other

Botnets Attacking Each Other

A new Trojan Horse named Spy Eye has code that kills Zeus, a rival botnet.


From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Where is the Computer Science at Education Technology Conferences?

Where is the Computer Science at Education Technology Conferences?


From The Eponymous Pickle

Creative Destruction and Gillette

Creative Destruction and Gillette

Walter Riker sends this interesting quote and link along. Profound thoughts. Read it all.Gillette, Razor Blades, and Creative Destructionby Jeff StibelGillette is perhaps one of the most innovative companies in the world, constantly…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Online Communities Building Loyalty

Online Communities Building Loyalty

A general article on the topic, but concentrates too much on the current rather than the future possibilities, which are building rapidly. Worth a look.

From Computational Complexity

e to the pi vs pi to the e

(ANSWER to Trivia Questions from Last Post: The last president who became president NOT by being VP and having the prez die, but then did not run again, was Rutherford B. Hayes. Hayes and Obama are the only presidents who have…

From Schneier on Security

Detecting Cheating by Analyzing Erased Answers

Detecting Cheating by Analyzing Erased Answers

I had no idea this was being done, but erased answers are now analyzed on standardized tests. Schools with a high number of wrong-to-right changes across multiple tests are presumed to have cheated: teachers changing the answers…

From Wild WebMink

links for 2010-02-16

links for 2010-02-16

Read this important discussion from the "IP" list, which explores the reasons why the insecure world Microsoft has built for us makes enforcement…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Make Haste Slowly

Make Haste Slowly

On Monday I posted a link to An idiots guide to really bad programming. It is an interesting list but as I read though it I realized that most of what is lists are ways people take shortcuts. They are trying to do things quickly…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Agent-Based Consumer Market Modeling

Agent-Based Consumer Market Modeling

A number of my former colleagues at Procter & Gamble have co-authored a paper with some great people I met at Argonne National Labs. Abstract below. Fascinating application of agents to markets. With very interesting details.…

From My Biased Coin

FOCS/STOC : What's the Big Deal?

FOCS/STOC : What's the Big Deal?

As mentioned recently, the FOCS submission site is now up, and STOC acceptances have come out. Related blog posts have arrived, including an amusing one by Dick Lipton on if you could create a site that would automatically estimate…

From The Noisy Channel

Guest Demo: Eric Iverson

Guest Demo: Eric Iverson

I’m back from vacation, and still digging my way out of everything that’s piled up while I’ve been offline. While I catch up, I thought I’d share with you a demo that

From The Eponymous Pickle

Layar Takes a Big Step Forward

Layar Takes a Big Step Forward

The Layar augmented reality application (AR) has taken a big step forward. It is in talks with some top handset manufacturers, which has led to the speculation that it will come pre-installed on some phones. If so a major win…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Multiple Mobile IPhone Gmail Accounts

Multiple Mobile IPhone Gmail Accounts

For those of you like me that have multiple Gmail accounts, mine based on multiple clients, there is a new IPhone App that lets you handle these from one place. Very useful. More on the Mailroom App.

From Computational Complexity

Prediction on Presidents Day

Its PRESIDENT"S DAY so I have two predictions: One about the election of 2012 and one about P vs NP.

ON P VS NP: I have one prediction about P vs NP. It is not about when it will be solved (though I think this will be a long…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Gillette Acquisition Being Realized

Gillette Acquisition Being Realized

An adage article on the acquisition of Gillette, five years later. I saw some of the exchange and I agree there was much hidden value there, and carefully curated can be of considerable value.

From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Learning Biology and Habitats with Augmented Reality

Learning Biology and Habitats with Augmented Reality

This is the second in a three-part series of design proposals for augmented reality learning applications. These are from a paper I wrote in my computers and cognition class. I'll be reworking the main ideas in the paper forJust…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 15 February 2010

Interesting Links 15 February 2010


From Schneier on Security

James Fallows on the Chinese Cyber Threat

James Fallows on the Chinese Cyber Threat


I wrote this about Chinese cyberattacks in 2008.

From Wild WebMink

links for 2010-02-15

links for 2010-02-15

The problem here is that using law against individuals with rules - and penalties - that are designed to address behaviours of…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Tableau Socialcasting Data Visualization

Tableau Socialcasting Data Visualization

Have now used Tableau software for developing a number of dashboard-style interactive data visualizations. An excellent package. They are now taking some of these ideas social by sharing visualizations free. Its not a completely…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Twitter's Rapid Growth

Twitter's Rapid Growth

Hard Knox Life on Twitter's rapid growth.-

From Schneier on Security

TSA Logo Contest Finalists

TSA Logo Contest Finalists

Last month I announced a contest to redesign the TSA logo. Here are the finalists. Clicking on them will bring up a larger, and easier to read, version.

Travis McHale
Will Imholte
Rhys Gibson

From Putting People First

Conversations in a weekend village

Conversations in a weekend village

Written by Experientia partner Jan-Christoph Zoels. Interaction10 is over. Four days of presentations, workshops, games, installations stimulated vivid exchanges of ideas and reflections on the changing landscape of interaction…

From Putting People First

Scenarios for branchless banking in 2020

Scenarios for branchless banking in 2020

The growing use of branchless banking channels over the coming years is inevitable in most countries. But it

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