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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

February 2011

From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Changes Search

Google Changes Search

Google announced changes in it's search algorithms yesterday.  Initially only implemented for US searchers.  Which they say will improve the quality of results by rating sites in new, more equitable ways,  less likely to be gamed…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Interactive China Province Map

Interactive China Province Map

Mark Perry points to an excellent Economist interactive map of the Chinese provinces, their population, GDP, exports, etc.  Useful data for modeling.  Could have used this a few years ago as we built retail models of the provinces…

From Wild WebMink

links for 2011-02-25

links for 2011-02-25

UK Government defines open standards as royalty free Excellent move here, although of course the devil is in the details. The big problem with getting open source into government procurement anywhere in the world is that the…

From Schneier on Security

HBGary and the Future of the IT Security Industry

HBGary and the Future of the IT Security Industry

This is a really good piece by Paul Roberts on Anonymous vs. HBGary: not the tactics or the politics, but what HBGary demonstrates about the IT security industry.

But I think the real lesson of the hack - and of the revelations…

From Wild WebMink

? The Open Source Procurement Challenge

? The Open Source Procurement Challenge

I am speaking at the ODF Plugfest here in the UK this morning, on the subject of the challenges facing the procurement of open source software by traditional enterprises (including the public sector). Based on a selection of…

From Putting People First

On the UX revolution coming up

On the UX revolution coming up

Two articles in UX Magazine describe upcoming UX revolutions: data and the user interface. The UX of data By Scott Jenson / February 17th 2011 Data storage in the cloud enables user experiences that would be impossible with only…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Governing Predictive Analytics

Governing Predictive Analytics

In Information Management, a short article, mostly common sense, but a good reminder of how to address an analytical problem. " .... Six Steps to Governing Analytics ... This approach deals directly with behavioral change and…

From The Eponymous Pickle

RFID News Update

RFID News Update

The RFID Journal is always a good place to go for the latest news on tagging things.   Check out their useful and detailed news update.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Dole Tests QR Codes

Dole Tests QR Codes

Good detailed example of the use of QR codes.  Have mentioned them many times here.  We tested their use in the aisle for locational 'check in': " ... It was a match made, if not in heaven, than in the produce section. When Price…

From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

USACM Comments on Federal Trade Commission Online Privacy Report

USACM Comments on Federal Trade Commission Online Privacy Report

On February 18th, USACM submitted comments in response to the Federal Trade Commission's (FTC) preliminary staff report concerning online privacy. Titled ?Protecting Consumer Privacy in an Era of Rapid Change,? the report outlines…

From Wild WebMink

? OBR Progress Report

? OBR Progress Report

The Open-By-Rule Benchmark I talked about recently has now had several workouts, and there are a number more under review ready for future posting. So far, it seems to be working out well, with projects receiving scores that…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Towards Collaborative Business Intelligence

Towards Collaborative Business Intelligence

A general overview of architecture for BI: " ... In today

From The Eponymous Pickle

Email Overload is Intractable

Email Overload is Intractable

In the HBR Blog.  I agree.  Even with filtering and careful examination, too much of it can slip through or simply gum up the works.  So what can be done?

From Computational Complexity

What I Tweeted

Various thoughts not restricted to 140 characters. Congrats to Mihalis Yannakakis for his election into the National Academy of Engineering as well as new Sloan Fellows Julia Chuzhoy, Rafael Pass, Chris Peikert, Mark Braverman…

From Putting People First

Experientia at Ecobuild 2011 in London

Experientia at Ecobuild 2011 in London

Experientia will be taking part at Ecobuild 2011, March 1-3, in London, UK. Ecobuild is the world

From The Eponymous Pickle

Letting Your People Speak and Celebrate

Letting Your People Speak and Celebrate

Paul Gillin has an excellent piece in his blog where he uses the Watson-Jeopardy example at IBM to show how a company can celebrate an accomplishement publicly.  Lots of interesting links there to examine.  We needed to do more…

From Schneier on Security

Good Article About the Terrorist Non-Threat

Good Article About the Terrorist Non-Threat

From Reason:

Know thy enemy is an ancient principle of warfare. And if America had heeded it, it might have refrained from a full-scale "war" on terrorism whose price tag is touching $2 TRILLION. That's because the Islamist…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson



Projects or exercises that lend themselves to many different “correct” solutions are just about the best sorts of learning experiences I can imagine. They really open the possibilities for discussion and from discussion – questions…


At the NSF CE21 Meeting: We Have Such a Long Way to Go

At the NSF CE21 Meeting: We Have Such a Long Way to Go

The NSF CE21 Community Meeting highlighted the opportunity that computing has to catch up with the rest of STEM on education issues.


Let's Teach Malware When It's Ready: The Purpose of ­Undergrad CS

Let's Teach Malware When It's Ready: The Purpose of ­Undergrad CS

Ledin's call for teaching malware to all undergraduate students conflicts with my understanding of the purpose of an undergraduate CS degree. 

From The Eponymous Pickle

Using Plug-and-Play Macroscopes

Using Plug-and-Play Macroscopes

From the ACM:  Looking at complex data with visualization tools: " ... Decision making in science, industry, and politics, as well as in daily life, requires that we make sense of data sets representing the structure and dynamics…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Open Education

Open Education

Readwriteweb looks at the future of Open Education, and the tenth anniversary of the concept at MIT. " ... Over the past decade, MIT has shared its course materials with over100 million individuals, and MIT OCW is laying out…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Numbers Rule Your World

Numbers Rule Your World

Numbers Rule Your World: The Hidden Influence of Probabilities and Statistics on Everything You Do by Kaiser Fung In the midst of reading this book which I have had on the stack for some time.   A largely non-technical work that…

From Computer Science Teachers Association

Bad Decisions About CS Education in Ohio

Bad Decisions About CS Education in Ohio

About a week ago the University of Cincinnati in Ohio announced it was no longer going to offer Computer Science as a Major. Dean Carlo Montemagno said it was a money decision. He also said "I can no longer do more with less…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Social Media is subversive, but maybe not how you think

Social Media is subversive, but maybe not how you think

Back in 2005, Shirky argued that the Social Web offered an alternative to organizations. Working collaboratively has never been easier. And the innovation is ongoing: collaborative real-time editors (e.g., piratepad) are amazing…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Does Your Company Know What it Knows?

Does Your Company Know What it Knows?

Short outline piece in the HBR on this perennially important issue.  We worked on it since at least the 70s.  Surprise it is still important, and largely unaddressed.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Making Decisions Work

Making Decisions Work

A good results brief from Bain & Company on making decisions work.   Even if you have the right decision in hand, it also has to be operationally well implemented to make a difference.

From Wild WebMink

The Problem With Bilateral Agreements

The Problem With Bilateral Agreements

From Wild WebMink

? ForgeRock News

? ForgeRock News

ForgeRock announces Australian partner I’m very pleased to say that ForgeRock has a new, full-service partner in Australia. A big welcome to FPG to the family. OpenDJ – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ForgeRock woke up this…

From Schneier on Security

Susan Landau on Government Surveillance of the Internet

Susan Landau on Government Surveillance of the Internet

Excellent House testimony.