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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

February 2011

From Schneier on Security

How Feed-Over-Email Circumvents Chinese Censorship

How Feed-Over-Email Circumvents Chinese Censorship

Neat article, both the technology and the hacker who created it.

From Putting People First

Female interaction

Female interaction

Female Interaction is a 2.5 year, DKK 4.7 mio (630,000 euro / 850,000 usd) multidisciplinary research project focusing on female interaction design for advanced electronic products, in particular on how to make these products…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

A Workshop on Sustainability & IT

A Workshop on Sustainability & IT

About 60 leading researchers, program managers, and others gathered in Washington, DC, last Thursday and Friday to discuss new fundamental CSE research opportunities that will meet important enabling needs as the nation and world…

From The Eponymous Pickle

On Linkedin

On Linkedin

I have had a presence on Linkedin from the very beginning of that service.  I have just edited my profile there . Review that to find out more about me and the services I can provide.  I am open for consulting or collaboration…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Ad Impression Dead?

Ad Impression Dead?

In AdAge:The Lowly Ad 'Impression' Has Become Meaningless, So Lets Kill It ... Forcing the impression to be the catch-all metric to compare media ad performance has been a favorite crutch of the media industry, but it does more…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Behind the Scenes With Watson

Behind the Scenes With Watson

From CNN:  A largely non-technical view of IBM's natural language computer Watson, to be competing on the Jeopardy quiz program next week.

From The Eponymous Pickle

The Sharer: New Blog on Search and Knowledge

The Sharer: New Blog on Search and Knowledge

A new blog by colleague Sundar Kadayam of Zakta. that I am following: " ... I am a technology entrepreneur. I have more than 23 years of experience in the software industry. I have been fortunate to be involved with many successful…

From Computer Science Teachers Association

What Do You Want and How Can We Help?

What Do You Want and How Can We Help?

Recently, I was forwarded an email from one of our CSTA members asking for some help finding curriculum resources for teaching computer science in the classroom. It was refreshing and satisfying to be able to answer this teacher's…

From Wild WebMink

? Procurement And Copyright Article Available

? Procurement And Copyright Article Available

My article about how procurement policies need to address copyright ownership is now available from the Essays section.

From Putting People First

Experientia at Milan service design conference

Experientia at Milan service design conference

Experientia will present its expertise in service design next week, at a conference specially dedicated to raising the profile of service design as a discipline. In an example of the vital role that services play in our economies…

From Schneier on Security

Hacking Scratch Lottery Tickets

Hacking Scratch Lottery Tickets

Design failure means you can pick winning tickets before scratching the coatings off. Most interesting is that there's statistical evidence that this sort of attack has been occurring in the wild: not necessarily this particular…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

18 Monkeys in a Room

18 Monkeys in a Room

“18 monkeys in a room” is how a friend of mine described the typical high school programming competition. You take a much of kids, usually in groups of three to four, and lock them in a room for X hours and give them Y programming…

From Putting People First

Research on the importance of collaborative user innovation

Research on the importance of collaborative user innovation

New research suggests the traditional division of labor between innovators and customers is breaking down as more individual consumers invent and improve products on their own. Patricia Cohen reports in The New York Times: “Tinkering…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Computer Scientist Maja Mataric Receives Presidential Mentoring Award

Computer Scientist Maja Mataric Receives Presidential Mentoring Award

Professor Maja J. Matari?, a computer scientist at USC’s Viterbi School of Engineering, has been awarded the the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Mentoring (PAESMEM). Professor Mataric…

From The Eponymous Pickle

New Neuroscience Blog

New Neuroscience Blog

A new Law and Biosciences blog that often covers legal neuroscience topics. " ... The Law and Biosciences Daily Digest provides relevant summaries of legal opinions (civil and criminal) in which cognitive neuroscience or behavioral…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Forcing Internet Access

Forcing Internet Access

Relating to recent events. It was evident early on that internet access points, like any wireless connectivity, can be remotely provided to a population.  Examples like airborn access points and self organizing dropped satellite…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Marketing Value Customer Experience

Marketing Value Customer Experience

From Forrester, interesting analysis about experience in particular (excerpt of full document) :

The marketing value of customer experience
Customer experience is marketing. That is, in a world drenched in social…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Business Intelligence Tools for the IPad

Business Intelligence Tools for the IPad

A quick survey in ReadWriteWeb.  I have now seen several examples of going mobile with BI  in the enterprise, and it is impressive what some standardization,  interactivity and data availability can do.  Adding some sensor based…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Introducing the Data Engine

Introducing the Data Engine

Building Interfaces for Data Engines by Matthew HurstThere is a new category of online experience - the data engine. These sites (which include timetric, Data Market, Infochimps, The Guardian's Data Store, Nation Master and my…

From Schneier on Security

Bomb-Sniffing Mice

Bomb-Sniffing Mice

I was interviewed for this story on a mouse-powered explosives detector. Animal senses are better than any detection machine current technology can build, which makes it a good idea. But the challenges of using animals in this…

From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

The Beauty of Content and Structure

The Beauty of Content and Structure

I recently created a website for our lab at school: Graphics, Imaging, and Games Lab (GIGL).  I found it strangely satisfying, even though I didn't write a single line of code or create a single graphic.  Instead, I usedDrupal…

From Computational Complexity

STOC 2011 accepte papers posted.You heard it here...12th!

For those who did not read yesterdays comments or Lance's Tweet (the empty set?) the list of accepted STOC papers is here.

84 papers accepted. I personally think that there is enough high quality work that they should have…

From Wild WebMink

? Is Open Source Good For Security?

? Is Open Source Good For Security?

I’ve two stories about the discovery and resolution of bugs in important software packages – Solaris and Java – that suggest a properly-functioning open source community gets security problems fixed faster than a closed process…

From Wild WebMink

links for 2011-02-09

links for 2011-02-09

White House will propose new digital copyright laws The Obama administration wants Big Media to have even more repressive control on America's citizens. Looks like Obama doesn't need the people that got him elected any more.…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Are Programming Languages Really Languages

Are Programming Languages Really Languages

Every so often someone suggests, sometimes in jest and some times in all seriousness, that programming languages “count” as a language for meeting graduation or degree requirements. According to Ian Bogost, who is not happy about…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Design, Functionality and Diffusion of Innovations

Design, Functionality and Diffusion of Innovations

In the CACM: " ... What's the relationship between functionality and design? What kinds of factors influence whether people do or don't adopt a technology? ... ".  Important questions.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Loyalty Hinges on Delight

Loyalty Hinges on Delight

In Mediapost: " ...  This year's Brand Keys Customer Loyalty Engagement Index shows " 'delight' is now the critical brand differentiator and most important driver of engagement and loyalty," said Robert Passikoff, founder and…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Wired Billboards

Wired Billboards

Something we studied in the innovation centers.  In the WSJ.  Signs, billboards and displays that can interact with the observer and shopper.   The shopper is now armed with powerful smartphone sensors that will increasingly…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Predictive Analytics in the Supply Chain

Predictive Analytics in the Supply Chain

A podcast from Accenture. " ... In this podcast, Frode Gjendem, senior director for supply chain analytics at Accenture, discusses the role of predictive analytics in helping organizations succeed in today

From The Eponymous Pickle

Super Ads as a Distraction.

Super Ads as a Distraction.

Jonathan Salem Baskin does a good job raking the creative competition called the Superbowl Ads. " ... Brands don't need creative ideas; brands need business propositions that are better, smarter, more useful, relevant and ultimately…