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Blogs Archive


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February 2011

From The Eponymous Pickle

No Successor Signaled at P&G

No Successor Signaled at P&G

In Adage: Procter & Gamble's Reorganization Signals No CEO Successor Yet Decision Not to Replace Vice Chairman Steele Speaks Volumes Procter & Gamble Co.'s re-organization in the wake of the impending departure of Vice Chairman…

From The Noisy Channel

Google vs. Bing: A Tweetle Beetle Battle Muddle

Google vs. Bing: A Tweetle Beetle Battle Muddle

Unless you’ve been living in a cone of silence, you’ve probably heard about the epic war of words between Google and Bing. But just in case, here’s a quick summary: Amit Singhal, Google Fellow: “Microsoft

From The Eponymous Pickle

Searching With Privacy

Searching With Privacy

Need to protect what you are searching about?   Startingpage claims to keep your searches and IP address private.  To try it, click here.  Though most people don't seem to care much about the privacy of what they search about…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Whorf on Language

Whorf on Language

The Whorfian hypothesis (Also called linguistic relativity) came up a number of times as we started to think of product descriptions in many languages.  Are translations equivalent?  How much so?   I recall reading many veryHere…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Treadmill with a Browser

Treadmill with a Browser

Nice idea.   I have been doing more internet browsing on the equipment of late. Perhaps the speed of the interaction should be proportional to the speed of the mill?

From Wild WebMink

links for 2011-02-05

links for 2011-02-05

Affirmative action in procurement for open standards and FLOSS This paper asserts what I have heard from many directions – that government procurement remains closed to open source, regardless of the official political policy…

From Putting People First

How video calls are changing our daily life

How video calls are changing our daily life

From deaf people who previously had little use for mobile phones to grandparents wanting to connect with their grandchildren, video calls are changing our lives. Skype is at the forefront of the revolution, but companies including…

From Putting People First

Core77 book review: Living with Complexity, by Donald Norman

Core77 book review: Living with Complexity, by Donald Norman

The same Robert Blinn who reviewed Jon Kolko’s new book (see previous post), also wrote a review on Core77 on the latest book by Donald Norman: Living with Complexity (also reviewed on Putting People First in December 2010).…

From Putting People First

Core77 book review: Exposing the Magic of Design, by Jon Kolko

Core77 book review: Exposing the Magic of Design, by Jon Kolko

Robert Blinn reviewed Jon Kolko’s new book Exposing the Magic of Design (amazon) for Core77: “Kolko’s book is subtitled “A Practitioner’s Guide to the Methods and Theory of Synthesis,” and this reviewer joked that it sounded…

From Putting People First

How do you create hybrid interfaces you touch, talk to and poke?

How do you create hybrid interfaces you touch, talk to and poke?

With so many ways to control our interfaces, from touch to voice, what’s the key to designing for them all? Rob Tannen gives his take on things: “Providing a choice in how to interact with product is not entirely new — for years…

From Putting People First

Rentalship is the new ownership in the networked age

Rentalship is the new ownership in the networked age

Wired UK has published an article by David Rowan, that was published last month in his tech column in the UK’s Cond

From The Eponymous Pickle

Simulating Worst-Case Scenarios

Simulating Worst-Case Scenarios

From the work of Joshua M Epstein at Johns Hopkins.  We had connected with him on the topic of 'Generative Social Science', based on his  book of the same name.  Some very interesting work on modelng systems of people. In particular a…

From Wild WebMink

? Getting Online Abroad

? Getting Online Abroad

One of the best travel purchases I have made is an unlocked high-speed USB 3G modem. It allows me to get broadband-speed internet access for the duration of each trip abroad for a per-trip price comparable to one night of internet…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Reducing Squid Odor

Friday Squid Blogging: Reducing Squid Odor

Research from Japan: "Improvement of 'kurozukuri ika-shiokara' (fermented squid meat with ink) odor with Staphylococcus nepalensis isolated from the fish sauce mush of frigate mackerel Auxis rochei."

From Schneier on Security

UK Immigration Officer Puts Wife on the No-Fly List

UK Immigration Officer Puts Wife on the No-Fly List

A UK immigration officer decided to get rid of his wife by putting her on the no-fly list, ensuring that she could not return to the UK from abroad. This worked for three years, until he put in for a promotion and -- during …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Kraft Social Media

Kraft Social Media

Kraft ramps up social media in preparation for the Super Bowl.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Innovation in the West

Innovation in the West

Colleague Sammy Haroon reports on innovation and entrepreneurism in the West.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Linkedin Skills

Linkedin Skills

I have recently been helping a few people use Linkedin for the first time and have found it complicated to set up the right kind of adaptable presence I think they need.  Newly released Linkedin Skills looks like it might help…

From Wild WebMink

links for 2011-02-04

links for 2011-02-04

What to Do When You Receive a BSA Audit Letter The very best thing to do is write back and say "you are mistaken, we only use open source software and there is no need for any audit". But if you can't honestly say that, this…

From Schneier on Security

Terrorist Targets of Choice

Terrorist Targets of Choice

This makes sense.

Generally, militants prefer to attack soft targets where there are large groups of people, that are symbolic and recognizable around the world and that will generate maximum media attention when attacked. Some…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Kindergarten Computer Science

Kindergarten Computer Science

Well actually Karen North, an energetic elementary school computer science teacher and a friend of mine, has twice testified before the Texas State Board of Education about the need for more real computer science in grades K-5…

From The Noisy Channel

Got Skills?

Got Skills?

Last October, a certain blogger said: LinkedIn needs to implement

From The Eponymous Pickle

Winning in Two Worlds: Supply Chain Adaptability

Winning in Two Worlds: Supply Chain Adaptability

Very good piece in Wharton about supply chain adaptability:" ... Companies must create adaptable supply chains in a two-speed world that work for both slow- and fast-growing markets -- without sacrificing sales volumes or margins…

From The Eponymous Pickle

US and World Surnames

US and World Surnames

In the National Geographic, an interactive map of the relative uses of surnames in the US.  This is a fun style infographic, but difficult to get specifics from.  Related, you can also search for the relative occurrence of surnames…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Thingmagic and 100 Uses of RFID

Thingmagic and 100 Uses of RFID

I talked to Thingmagic about ten years ago, shortly after their creation from work started at MIT, when the enterprise took a close look at the uses of the 'internet of things'  in retail.   I don't follow this space as closely…

From Wild WebMink

? Rating OpenJDK Governance

? Rating OpenJDK Governance

I used to be a member of the Interim Governance Board for the OpenJDK project I helped Sun start to host an open source implementation of the Java platform under the GPL. For various reasons, the governance was never fully defined…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Augmented Reality at the Big Game

Augmented Reality at the Big Game

Junaio and USA Today will be including an example of augmented reality at the Superbowl football game this weekend.  This should expose this idea to many people, at least in the US, and could get many more consumers interested…

From Computer Science Teachers Association

A New Direction for CS

A New Direction for CS

This past Tuesday I had the privilege of attending a presentation titled Developing a New National Course in Computer Science presented by Dr. Owen Astrachan of Duke University. The presentation was sponsored by the RISE Network…

From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Introduction to Educational Games

Introduction to Educational Games

Last week I did a quick introduction to educational games for our game development club.  There is a client who is hoping to give students an opportunity to create some games relating to Canadian history for use on their website…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Procter & Gamble Innovation in Asia

Procter & Gamble Innovation in Asia

A very good HBR article on the topic.  Bruce Brown, P&G's CTO, talks about the challenges of the future for a global company.  A number of interesting specifics are addressed.