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Blogs Archive


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February 2016


Review a Draft of the K-12 CS Framework

Review a Draft of the K-12 CS Framework

ACM, CSTA, and are working jointly with more than 100 advisors within the computing community to steer a process to build a framework for K-12 CS Education. The first review period for the K-12 CS framework kicks off…

From insideHPC

insideHPC Manufacturing Webinar

insideHPC Manufacturing Webinar

Manufacturing is enjoying an economic and technological resurgence with the help of high performance computing. In this insideHPC webinar, you’ll learn how the power of CAE and simulation is transforming the industry with faster…

From Schneier on Security

More Details on the NSA Switching to Quantum-Resistant Cryptography

More Details on the NSA Switching to Quantum-Resistant Cryptography

The NSA is publicly moving away from cryptographic algorithms vulnerable to cryptanalysis using a quantum computer. It just published a FAQ about the process: Q: Is there a quantum resistant public-key algorithm that commercial…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

A Framework for K-12 Computer Science Education

A Framework for K-12 Computer Science Education

Last week about 25 or so computer science educators met in Austin TX for two days to work on A Framework for K-12 Computer Science Education. This was not the first meeting of course. Meetings have been taking place online and…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Search Engines for Your Memories

Search Engines for Your Memories

In the Atlantic.   The kind of augmented reality we all need.A Search Engine for Your MemoriesAn inventor at IBM has patented technology for a cognitive assistant that could learn all about you, then remind you of a name youSee…

From Computational Complexity

Math questions that come out of the Iowa Caucus Jim Gilmore, republican, has 0% of the vote. Does that mean that literally NOBODY voted for him? Hillary beat Bernie , but BOTH get 21 delegates. Isuspended…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Corning Makes Bets

Corning Makes Bets

Great piece on the long bet, we need to make more of them.  Who or what keeps us doing that?
Corning’s CEO reminds us that big corporate achievements rarely come overnight.
Creating value from long-term bets  by Wendell P. Weeks…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Default random-number generators are slow

Default random-number generators are slow

Most languages like Java and Go, come with standard pseudo-random-number generators. Java uses a simple linear congruential generator. Starting with a seed value, it generates a new value with the reccurence formula: seed = (seed…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Bots that Write

Bots that Write

Another example of cognitive interaction:Bots that write  via Cognitive Systems Linkedin Group."These automated text generators combined with the ideas you generate from [IoT and other sensors], might help you paint a futureARRIA…

From Schneier on Security

NSA and GCHQ Hacked Israeli Drone Feeds

NSA and GCHQ Hacked Israeli Drone Feeds

The NSA and GCHQ have successfully hacked Israel's drones, according to the Snowden documents. The story is being reported by the Intercept and Der Spiegel. The Times of Israel has more....

From insideHPC

Simulating the World’s Smallest Integrated Switch

Simulating the World’s Smallest Integrated Switch

This visualization from CSCS in Switzerland shows the world’s smallest integrated switch. "Researchers working under Juerg Leuthold, Professor of Photonics and Communications at ETH Zurich, have created the world’s smallest integrated…

From insideHPC

NCSA to Examine Effective Practices in Industrial HPC

NCSA to Examine Effective Practices in Industrial HPC

The NSF has awarded $300K to NCSA to examine effective practices in industrial HPC. Led by Principal Investigator Merle Giles, the project will identify, document, and analyze effective practices in establishing public-private…

From insideHPC

Video: Satoshi Matsuoka on the ISC 2016 Conference Program

Video: Satoshi Matsuoka on the ISC 2016 Conference Program

In this video, Prof. Dr. Satoshi Matsuoka from the Tokyo Institute of Technology describes his role as Program Chair of ISC High Performance 2016. He talks about the transformation of the conference in recent years and admits…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Urban Future Simulation

Urban Future Simulation

Will SimCity type simulations help us build the cities of the future?  Inspired by SimCity?   See my previous writings about doing this in the enterprise.  In Nextweb:"... A whole new (simulated) world ... Cities are complexComplex…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Microsoft CityNext

Microsoft CityNext

Brought to my attention, the smart city as built by partnerships.Microsoft CityNext Microsoft CityNext is a partner-led initiative that empowers cities to be more sustainable, prosperous, and economically competitive—with a simplified…

From insideHPC

PASC16 Announces Keynote Speakers

PASC16 Announces Keynote Speakers

Today PASC16 announced a lineup of world-class keynote speakers for its third annual conference. The event will feature keynotes from academic and industry leaders with a special emphasis on high-performance computing, and simulation…

From insideHPC

European ExaNeSt Project to Pave the Way to Exascale

European ExaNeSt Project to Pave the Way to Exascale

Today the European Consortium announced a step towards Exascale computing with the ExaNeSt project. Funded by the Horizon 2020 initiative, ExaNeSt plans to build its first straw man prototype in 2016. The Consortium consists …

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

President Obama Announces a Historic Computer Science For All Initiative!

President Obama Announces a Historic Computer Science For All Initiative!

This weekend the president unveiled a historic plan which will revolutionize the way students are taught in schools, by giving them a chance to learn computer science (CS). With the shifting economy, policy makers, business leaders…

From Schneier on Security

NSA's TAO Head on Internet Offense and Defense

NSA's TAO Head on Internet Offense and Defense

Rob Joyce, the head of the NSA's Tailored Access Operations (TAO) group -- basically the country's chief hacker -- spoke in public earlier this week. He talked both about how the NSA hacks into networks, and what network defenders…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 1 February 2016

Interesting Links 1 February 2016

Initially the big deal for me last week was working on the CS K-12 Framework (an effort by, CSTA and ACM) and then the President’s weekly Saturday address was all about an inititive Giving Every Student an Opportunity…

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