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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

February 2017

From The Eponymous Pickle

Pew Internet Research Looks at Algorithms

Pew Internet Research Looks at Algorithms

I like their broad definition of algorithms.  Sometimes the implication is falsely given that algorithms are some magical and very complex thing.    But they are simply the way that some processes can be driven by rules.  How…

From Apophenia

When Good Intentions Backfire

When Good Intentions Backfire

… And Why We Need a Hacker Mindset I am surrounded by people who are driven by good intentions. Educators who want to inform students, who passionately believe that people can be empowered through knowledge. Activists who have…

From insideHPC

Defining AI, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning

Defining AI, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning

"In this guide, we take a high-level view of AI and deep learning in terms of how it’s being used and what technological advances have made it possible. We also explain the difference between AI, machine learning and deep learning…

From insideHPC

Podcast: Democratizing Education for the Next Wave of AI

Podcast: Democratizing Education for the Next Wave of AI

"Coursera has named Intel as one of its first corporate content partners. Together, Coursera and Intel will develop and distribute courses to democratize access to artificial intelligence and machine learning. In this interview…

From ACM on Huffington Post

The Science of AI and the Art of Social Responsibility

The Science of AI and the Art of Social Responsibility

By Guru Banavar, IBM’s Chief Science Officer for Cognitive Computing I am a computer scientist and engineer, inspired by

From insideHPC

OpenFog Consortium Publishes Reference Architecture

OpenFog Consortium Publishes Reference Architecture

The OpenFog Consortium was founded over one year ago to accelerate adoption of fog computing through an open, interoperable architecture. The newly published OpenFog Reference Architecture is a high-level framework that will …

From insideHPC

Video: Computing of the Future

Video: Computing of the Future

Jeffrey Welser from IBM Research Almaden presented this talk at the Stanford HPC Conference. "Whether exploring new technical capabilities, collaborating on ethical practices or applying Watson technology to cancer research, …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Humans Trusting Algorithms

Humans Trusting Algorithms

Key thoughts, also gets back to the question of how we explain the use of algorithms.   Most methods today are more akin to magic.  I like that this is being positioned as an operational question first, as opposed to AI.  See…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Remarkable Delivery Robot

Remarkable Delivery Robot

Bio inspired robotics  ....     With claim to work in many environments.  In IEEE Spectrum:

Agility Robotics Introduces Cassie, a Dynamic and Talented Robot Delivery Ostrich

" ... Would you open the door for this thing?  (See video…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Facial Recognition for Market Research

Facial Recognition for Market Research

Not a new thing, has been worked for decades.  Talked to related work at MIT to leverage these ideas.  But we are getting much better at it now.   Much written about it here.   In ChainstoreAge: 

Is Facial Recognition in Retail…

From Schneier on Security

Research into the Root Causes of Terrorism

Research into the Root Causes of Terrorism

Interesting article in Science discussing field research on how people are radicalized to become terrorists. The potential for research that can overcome existing constraints can be seen in recent advances in understanding violent…

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Raymond Smullyan, 1919–2017

Serious work amid the puzzles and jokes. Amazon source When Raymond Smullyan was born, Emanuel Lasker was still the world chess champion. Indeed, of the 16 universally recognized champions, only the first, Wilhelm Steinitz, lived…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Big Data Results from Coke Freestyle

Big Data Results from Coke Freestyle

Now about eight years ago, we saw an early demonstration of Coke 'Free Style', a machine that would allow you to construct your own flavors.   Among millions of possibilities.  Late stage differentiation possibilities.  This


From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Computing Community Consortium at AAAS 2017

Computing Community Consortium at AAAS 2017

The Computing Community Consortium (CCC) is proud to be a part of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) 2017 Annual Meeting this weekend, February 16-20, 2017 in Boston, MA. CCC Chair Beth Mynatt, CCC…

From insideHPC

Job of the Week: Senior HPC Systems Administrator at Purdue

Job of the Week: Senior HPC Systems Administrator at Purdue

Purdue University is seeking a Senior HPC Systems Administrator in our Job of the Week. "In this role, you will assist world renowned researchers in advancing science. Additionally, as Senior HPC Systems Administrator, you will…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

How fast can you count lines?

How fast can you count lines?

Inspired by earlier work by Llogiq, I decided to look at how fast I could count the number of lines in a string. By assuming that the string relies on ASCII, UTF-8 or other ASCII superset character encoding, the bulk of the work…

From insideHPC

Supercomputing the Hyperloop on Azure

Supercomputing the Hyperloop on Azure

Today Cycle Computing announced that the HyperXite team is using CycleCloud software to manage Hyperloop simulations using ANSYS Fluent on the Azure Cloud. "Our mission is optimize and economize the transportation of the future…

From insideHPC

Huawei: A Fresh Look at High Performance Computing

Huawei: A Fresh Look at High Performance Computing

Francis Lam from Huawei presented this talk at the Stanford HPC Conference. "High performance computing is rapidly finding new uses in many applications and businesses, enabling the creation of disruptive products and services…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Hayo: Augmented Reality in Smart Homes

Hayo: Augmented Reality in Smart Homes

Intriguing.  " ... Hayo transforms the objects and spaces around you into a set of magical remote controls. ... ".   They claim there is no shouting involved.  Gestural in your augmented space.

Site here, still in preorder stage…

From insideHPC

Supercomputing Transportation System Data using TACC’s Rustler

Supercomputing Transportation System Data using TACC’s Rustler

Over at TACC, Faith Singer-Villalobos writes that researchers are using the Rustler supercomputer to tackle Big Data from self-driving connected vehicles (CVs). "The volume and complexity of CV data are tremendous and present…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Teaching Cognitive Computing with Watson at Universities

Teaching Cognitive Computing with Watson at Universities

" ...  our Cognitive Systems Institute Speaker Series on Thursday, February 16, 2016 at 10:30 am ET US (7:30 am PT).  Our speaker is Charles Palmer, IBM Distinguished Research Staff Member, who will be presenting "Teaching Cognitive…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Providing Music Efficiently

Providing Music Efficiently

Quite a good piece in the Verge that interviews speaker manufacturer Sonos'  Patrick Spense.   About the efficient music delivery aspects of Google Home and Alexa.  Where Sonos has taken a considerable hit in the last year.  …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Oracle and Real Time Anaytics in the Cloud

Oracle and Real Time Anaytics in the Cloud

Cloud solutions continue to roll. I see less about the specifics of solutions here, except a bare listing.  You do need a cloud to provide solutions, but also workable solutions.  Like the mention of more real-time capabilities…

From insideHPC

Overcoming the Learning Curve of New Processor Architectures

Overcoming the Learning Curve of New Processor Architectures

High-performance computing (HPC) tools are helping financial firms survive and thrive in this highly demanding and data-intensive industry. As financial models grow in complexity and greater amounts of data must be processed …

From Schneier on Security

Survey Data on Americans and Cybersecurity

Survey Data on Americans and Cybersecurity

Pew Research just published their latest research data on Americans and their views on cybersecurity: This survey finds that a majority of Americans have directly experienced some form of data theft or fraud, that a sizeable…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Partnering with Chinese Retailers

Partnering with Chinese Retailers

In McKinsey: 

Partnering with China’s retailers: A guide for consumer-goods companies: 

Companies must tailor their key-account-management model and capabilities to the Chinese context.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Baidu and China Machine Learning

Baidu and China Machine Learning

How Chinese Internet Giant Baidu Uses AI And Machine Learning - Forbes.  By Bernard Marr.

"  .... Chinese firms such as Baudu and Alibaba, on the other hand – as well as a monopoly on gathering personal data in their home market…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Retail and AI

Retail and AI

How artificial intelligence is powering retail customer experience
By Cliff Saran in Computerweekly:

Retailers are beginning to explore how cognitive computing and AI could make e-commerce smarter and more personalised ... 


From The Eponymous Pickle

Ford Invests in AI Startup

Ford Invests in AI Startup

Have always been impressed by Ford's analytical work.  In ComputerWeekly:

Motorcar maker Ford’s software development team will work alongside Argo AI on robotic vehicle technology

Ford has invested $1bn with Argo AI, a robotics…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Social Media Sites and Shopper Digital

Social Media Sites and Shopper Digital

Study: Grocery shoppers not all that connected with social media  By Deena M. Amato-McCoy

In ChainstoreAge:

 While supermarket shoppers engage with their primary grocer on one or more digital platforms, social media sites are not…

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